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Everything posted by lovethatgrey

  1. All of these feathered babies look wonderful!{Love-0002011D}
  2. I have decided that there will be no harness for Emma, instead we will explore the outdoors together using her adventure Pack.
  3. Well this one seems legitimate. Unfortunately the parrot owner shared Bud's link...had no other choice but to bring her pionus parrot there for adoption. Apparently... she investigated and it seemed ok. Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/04/08 00:47<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/04/08 00:58
  4. I came across this information... thanks to another parrot owner. This sanctuary is located in Wisconsin if anyone is interested. Bud's information is on this link. It would be great if he could find a forever home. http://www.feathered-friends.com/Adoption/budtimneh.html
  5. This is a very informative article. Helps to remind us all that molting takes alot of energy out of our parrots and to be extra sympathetic during these times.. http://www.tailfeathersnetwork.com/birdinformation/molting.php
  6. Our thoughts are with the both of you.
  7. Congrats on Murphy. He looks adorable. I bet you're really excited.
  8. That's wonderful news. Looking forward to hearing more!
  9. Very interesting observations and comparisons. Thanks for sharing DavidH. Not sure if I "always" knew this about birds.. but NOW I do!
  10. Very interesting feedback. Thanks guys!
  11. No, no, no, no! I have my hands full with my feathered gurlies. No more parrots for me. I got to know Calypso when I used to visit Emma every day when she was a baby. Imagine.. I met her when she was 11 weeks old and she only weaned at 23 weeks old. I was so so glad when she was finally fed up with formula.
  12. Today I had a chance to see the aviator harness in person. I'm still not sure of how comfortable I am with using any type of harness with my parrots yet. I'm wondering if any of you use this harness and how do you like it or don't like it.
  13. I would wet a wash cloth in warm water and wipe him off that way. I wouldn't use any type of wetnap.
  14. This week I went to purchase perches for the gurlies, while I was there I spent some time with Calypso the green winged Macaw. Emma and him get along very well with each other too. He is 2 and a half years old very friendly and very well socialized. A real ham for the camera too .Here is one of the videos that I took of him. It really brightens up my day when I see him. {Love-0002011D} http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5senVYDcgFE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvH7UPF8Hq0
  15. At that age... they sleep ALOT. They eat, play and investigate a bit and SLEEP. Being a cute young baby is actually quite exhausting. As they get older, they become more alert, active and more curious about their surroundings. Clean and fresh water must ALWAYS be provided. How "smallish is your cage?". Could you provide a picture? Each baby parrot is it's own individual when it comes to eating. Are you very experienced at handfeeding? Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/04/04 17:58<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/04/04 18:00
  16. oppie wrote: Thanks.. the King's cage seem alot more durable and long lasting. I still have to figure out the measurements.
  17. I think you should scan or fax her all copies of what the vet gave you, then sit back and see what she does with it. In terms of the feedings... it is usually the baby who decides on the feedings. If you wish to wean him on 2 feedings I would purchase an avian scale to monitor his weight. You must weigh him DAILY to make sure he is eating properly on his own. Always have his pellets, seeds, nuts and fresh foods available in his cage for him to sample too. Be prepared that there may be a slight drop in weight for the first 2 days (that is normal) but if he is eating properly on his own it should start to stabilize. Be very careful to not let his weight drop more than 10% if so .. then go back to the 3 feedings. He is not emotionally, psychologically and physically ready for two feedings only. I'm sure others with more experience will chime in to give you more advice.<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/04/04 15:39
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