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Everything posted by carolz7

  1. carolz7

    Link for Tv

    Just pm message me and i can guide you when you are ready.
  2. carolz7

    Link for Tv

    Just click on the link any time it should be up there it was medical monday thanks you all.
  3. carolz7

    Link for Tv

    Hi ya'all the show was great i had so much fun please be sure to watch it. I am including the link make sure to watch all the segments. http://www.khou.com/greatday/medical/?nvid=393944&shu=1
  4. I am beyond excitement to announce that i will be on TV this Monday August 31st at 9am. KHOU channel 11, Great day Houston with host Debra Duncan. If you can please try and watch. If you know anyone whom has been struggling with weight loss or who just needs and wants to loose weight you must see this show. It will be featured with Dr. Powell and Dr. Anoop from Amaya CLinic. I cannot say enough about this Clinic. I was on the verge of just giving up and if it was not for them i probably would not be here today. They helped me when no other medical doctor would. For those not in Houston or Texas you should be able to watch the show on your computer. My goal from now until i leave this planet is to help each and every person loose weight. If you don't already know we are causing so much destruction to our bodies by being over weight. I feel fantastic i have energy that never ends and i have been taken off all meds that i have been on for 20 years. The first time in my life i now have low blood pressure it is just too funny to hear a doctor say that.
  5. This one i cheated a little i love that diy ladder and thought how could i use something like that. I did not want a ladder so i changed it up a bit and made a bridge above my bird cages and hanged some toys on it. Instead of wrapping my pvc with rope i did it with vet wrap unfortunately i had mostly white so it is not as colorful as i would have liked it to be.
  6. Partner316 wrote: I hate to burst your bubble on the ebay thing but i make a lot of toys and each and every time i listed on ebay it did not sell. I have been thinking the same way you are since i have a son going to college and really could use some extra income but ebay just does not work anymore i have tried 3 different times each time with great new toy ideas and have yet to sell one item. So you are out on the items and the listing fees. Please do not base your final disc ion on what i say i just thought i would let you know how it went for me. Good luck let us know which way you go and i will do the same.
  7. That is so cool you did an awesome job and i love that you include the step by step instructions. I never know if i should or not. I am making this and i am doing it as a bridge since i have 6 birds and want them all to enjoy it. Thank you so much for such a wonderful idea.
  8. Thanks you all as always i am really not that great.
  9. My son worked briefly at a auto store and they did the window tinting and these rolls are from the window tint you could use paper cylinders. Would have been much easier so i had to VET WRAP them to make them colorful. I am the queen of VET WRAP:woohoo:
  10. Running out of ideas as to what to call these toys but anyway cylinder toys sounds good. <br><br>Post edited by: carolz7, at: 2009/08/08 03:52
  11. I have been busy again look at this how cute.
  12. Okay let me set up some extra cages quickly.:laugh:
  13. The top portion is closet rod drilled holes for the rope to come thru
  14. Thanks you all, you are all so kind. Maybe i should start my own business here soon? Sure i would be willing to make you one. The rope i bought at the craft store and balls are from old and destroyed toys but i know you can buy them on the internet. I would not make it for someone after my birds used them. Just pm me and we can talk.
  15. Made this toy with a very good friend of mine. We got together with all our goodies and decided to make something together. This is mine she needs to post hers soon. It was a perfect hit my umbrella could not wait to get to it. Then the grey and then the amazon finally got a chance. Still in one piece luckily.
  16. Ahh Sweetie you can make this also not biggie just cut some rope and tie knots. So far no takers unfortunately. I made another toy and that has been a big hit but the net is big so i am waiting patiently. These birds just dont know how good they have it. New toy and no one even dares to go near it.:angry:
  17. Okay i took a break from the vet wrap(i guess love that stuff) and made a climbing net. It was so easy and only took about an hour.Enjoy <br><br>Post edited by: carolz7, at: 2009/08/02 23:15
  18. Wonderful that means i do not have to wait on it. Thank you i was thinking about this in the back of my head.It makes sense.
  19. Thank you so much i will take a look at it.
  20. Not sure where to post this i was looking at it but could not figure it out so i hope i can get some response over here. Does anyone know where one can purchase vet wrap instead of ebay. I do not have time to wait for the shipping. Does any local store sell it please.
  21. Yes i had to wrap it the birds would not go on it, was to slippery. I tried wrapping it with some old skate board paper but it was not sticking good. The vet wrap always is a winner with my lot. Maybe change the color and see if you don't have better luck/
  22. Thank you so much you are so kind. I bought the tire toy a while ago at a bird show. My macaw use to love it and then got tired of it and now he likes it again and so does the amazon he loves to hide in it.
  23. Oh i am sorry i have not done this photobucket thing in a while it is not my favorite way of adding pictures. Hopefully this is better if not i can do it again.:laugh:
  24. Well hello everyone i know i have been a stranger just so very busy. Anyway after 3 attempts i am finally done and satisfied with my new play stand. So far it has been thoroughly enjoyed by all my birds. <br><br>Post edited by: carolz7, at: 2009/07/31 04:32
  25. Can you tell me where you got the chain from. I just love this idea and am going to copy it for my Macaw. He would just love this much to chew. Very nice idea.B)
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