I am beyond excitement to announce that i will be on TV this Monday August 31st at 9am. KHOU channel 11, Great day Houston with host Debra Duncan. If you can please try and watch. If you know anyone whom has been struggling with weight loss or who just needs and wants to loose weight you must see this show. It will be featured with Dr. Powell and Dr. Anoop from Amaya CLinic. I cannot say enough about this Clinic. I was on the verge of just giving up and if it was not for them i probably would not be here today. They helped me when no other medical doctor would. For those not in Houston or Texas you should be able to watch the show on your computer.
My goal from now until i leave this planet is to help each and every person loose weight. If you don't already know we are causing so much destruction to our bodies by being over weight. I feel fantastic i have energy that never ends and i have been taken off all meds that i have been on for 20 years. The first time in my life i now have low blood pressure it is just too funny to hear a doctor say that.