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Everything posted by daveyj

  1. if you havent got a perch really low put one in Alfie used to sleep at the cage floor untill i put a perch as low as possible now he sleeps fine on it
  2. Hiya Mr Lourdes welcom to the house of Grey knowlage
  3. I put Alfie in the big bath he hated it at first but hes ok with it now after a couple of noisy baths i put about 4 inches of luke warm water in and just put my hand in as tho i was bathing to keep him calm and have a little fun to
  4. Things are all new to Oz you have only been together 3 months so i think hes doing great even tho hes only talking to the wife just be patient and im sure he will be talking to you before long
  5. Sorry but ive had a real chuckle reading all this long bit short bit triangle square your all STARS {Feel-good-0002006E}{Feel-good-000200BB}
  6. They just love wood you should see my doors lol Erm tough one i would try a stuffed toy of some sort what Boo hasnt seen before and put it on the floor where he goes to chew it may make him wearey as he aint seen it before so it could keep him away for a while
  7. Hello and welcome to the biggest family in the world {Feel-good-000200A2}
  8. Dont go mad on expensive toys i found kids toys cheaper & as much fun for Alfie as long as i thought they were safe for him plastic golf balls are great (the ones with holes in ) Alfie kicks and throws them all over but BEWARE introduce your toys carefully have them in eyesight for a day or so then put them where your Grey can get to them to explore what they are till they get used to them as they are very warey to new things that they havent seen before
  9. Hi Heather welcom to this wonderful family
  10. I dont think Mr Womach is the answer to your problem and i dont want to tell you why, end of that. Well i think its go back to day one when you got your grey and start again building the trust and being patient the shock and pain of the feathers have knocked your grey back and he needs time sitting and talking with him will build the trust back up without handling him he will come to you when hes ready so hang on in there i know its hard but time will tell:)
  11. Welcome tone gud on ya for taking him back i hate it when birds are let go before they are at least 12 weeks old Grrrrrrrrr:evil:
  12. well cflanny you read what my problem with Alfie was and what happend next Anyway if hes in a full molt i would clip him to calm him down and he will need your help more than before to get around plus if hes in a full molt he will be flighted well before Alfie and maybe he will have learnd to respect you more by then:)
  13. thanks everyone for your wonderful support it was a very hard decision but alls well now so me n Alfies back in LOVE and happy again
  14. Well i said i would never do it but it was clip Alfie or keep getting Earache from my partner. Hes gone really quiet the last few days as he had the run of the house going anywhere he wanted. But chewing the sofa, doortops,wallpaper, curtains etc finally sent her over the top so he was clipped. Alfie is coming round to the fact he isnt fully flighted but he was on a real downer for a few days e.g no whistles / off his food / no cuddles / no playtime . I got really down to thinking what have i done to my baby. Anyway hes back on form and things are normal. I thought i would post my experience so if anyone has the same symptoms after clipping that things return to normal after a few days sulking :cheer:
  15. Go on the web type in uk african grey breeders then click on UK BREEDERS Register THIS WILL let you know where they are;)<br><br>Post edited by: daveyj, at: 2009/02/24 14:36
  16. my advice would be to let your grey settle down in the cage as this will help it to take in the new suroundings and of course get used to the family just do the normal day to day things and of course interact with your new arrival and dont expect to much to soon take things slowly for a few days and thing should be fine good luck and enjoy the wonderful world of a grey
  17. welcome to the site Fisher all i can say is you got 4 / 7 days to read posts on the forum to give you some idea of how it works and of course an insight of what is required to keep your grey healthy and happy
  18. when can i move in thats a fantastic setup
  19. Good luck Caitb hope everything goes well allthough im not a lover of breeders that let birds go before they are at least 12 weeks of age but hey thats only my opinion so all the very best
  20. Bella,s a shweeeeteee:)
  21. Maviarab where in the uk are you ?
  22. Sounds like you got Parrotitiss Alfred Hitchcock springs to mind{Feel-good-0002006E}
  23. sounds like Sidneys a top man congrats
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