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Everything posted by daveyj

  1. Shower Time<br><br>Post edited by: daveyj, at: 2009/06/22 13:39
  2. A big thank you for Alfies Birthday wishes lots of love to you all Alfie & Dad :kiss:
  3. Wow Abula your asking a lot off questions all at once did you do any research before you got your grey ? they are messy birds but you got to live with that it looks as if its trying to bond with your father i think you need to spend time talking to abula to try and get him to bond with you sit by his cage and speak gently to him it will take time for him to get used to you as for the rest of your questions take one step at a time
  4. Hiya Deebondlvn welcome to the forum Sunny looks a sweetie hope you enjoy and join in the forum
  5. well that would be a demanding job but i take me hat off 2 ya for thinking of people who are in need of a carer maybe you should think about it for a while as you can get attatched to the people you look after so you have to be strong in heart & mind but at the end of the day its down to you if you think you can handle it and enjoy it then go for it
  6. Ive gone from a Guru to a tail feather but its ok i will grow out of it :cheer:
  7. Happy 1st Birthday Alfie lots of love Dad X<br><br>Post edited by: daveyj, at: 2009/06/19 15:21
  8. When Posting Problems with your feathered friend it maybe helpfull for people to answer them if you state the AGE of your bird ?
  9. Try the local Radio Station Diane im sure they would put a call out for you GOOD LUCK
  10. Just a quick post to all of you owners that carnt wait for your birds to talk Be Patient, My Alfie has been saying Hello & Good Boy for a while now but only when he wanted But now its as if someone has turned his voice box on & for the last 4 days hes been non stop chattering away as if his life depended on it he will be 1 year old in 10 days time so all you out there that think there Grey will never talk Be Patient it will happen and hey they never shut up :laugh:
  11. i talk to Alfie as though hes my son Well he is isnt he ? {Feel-good-0002006B}
  12. I used to bath Alfie in the sink but he didnt like it & used to bite me then i tried him in the big bath with around 4 inches of luke warm water in he protested but after a while he would tollerate his baths which are every 3 days now he has taken to the shower & loves this as for bathing yes they do need it it helps with dry skin & with feathers i.e. during the molt as for airfreshners & plug ins i wouldnt use them as you dont know what chemicals are in them as for the smelly bird 3 to 4 baths a week will do if not a fine mist spray try it when hes in the cage spay above him so the misty water falls down on your bird hope this helps
  13. Im on Facebook which i use more than myspace as facebook seems a doddle as im a bit thick lol
  14. Well my Alfie will only eat a seed & dried fruit diet with fresh fruit every now & then & he looks great and very healthy on this to me its like humans some eat everything put in front of them others are very chosey but Parrots in the wild dont fly to the pet shop to purchase Harrisons or other types of pellets do they as far as i can see wild birds eat seed & fruit so why change nature just because we keep birds at home if you dont like Pizza you dont eat it if they made it look like a cream bun you still wouldnt eat it nature is nature so why change ?????
  15. Great that you are all RE~UNITED Dan and hey Brick up the Patio DoooooooooooR
  16. Welcom Mary hope you learn all you need to know here & oy Nickle leave them feathers Alone <br><br>Post edited by: daveyj, at: 2009/06/01 22:17
  17. have a T Shirt made with MY BIRDS AN AFRICAN GREY printed on it lol
  18. it maybe a good thing that you purchase another cage for harvey as he will get used to the sights & sounds of outdoor life & maybe he will take to the harness after a few times getting used to the outside world Good Luck Jilly
  19. when i had Racing Pigeons the sign of down feathers was a good thing it meant they were fit & healthy i supose its the same for all birds ???????
  20. Alfie weighs in at 435gms hes nine and half months old
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