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Everything posted by daveyj

  1. Hello Socs welcome to the madhouse lol
  2. When i got Alfie at 14 weeks old i used to think the same so i would pick him up and dip his beak in his drinking bowl everyday for a week on a morning then i had his water and food bowls in the room so i could see him eat & drink & sure enough there he was eating & drinking
  3. Welcome Debbie at least you can nip next door if you need Help lol
  4. Hi jason i use that and put 25% juice 75% water in a spray bottle hope this helps;)
  5. daveyj


    Hi Nekky im sure Cleo will accept that changes have been made and of course with love & attention she will accept the changes and most of all have a continuous happy life with you both so dont worry just let things happen as normal it will be fine:)
  6. My alfie is a tramp he hates water its a battle of can i stand the noise when using the spray bottle or the PAIN of his bites when i dip him in the sink lol :evil:
  7. A great post Deanna i buy childrens toy rings & things for my grey to play with Hmmm got me thinking ?
  8. Happy hatchy Keeks a fine lookin fellow:)
  9. IM sure ive seen it in Petworld in the parrot section
  10. Aww poor Casper here ya go xx oopps duno wer the roses went ??????<br><br>Post edited by: daveyj, at: 2009/02/13 20:18
  11. Hi Rissa im sure you will learn what you need from the wonderful people on this site Welcome to the world of Greys:)
  12. Brilliant Dan & Dayo i played it to Alfie & he wont stop singing i think he needs a mate lol glad things are just about back to normal:)
  13. in my opinion no bird should be released to anyone until its at least 12 weeks old let the breeders keep the birds afterall they are responcible for bringing it into this world and it should have the best start in life i.e. it must be fully weaned its a big risk because if you get it wrong im sure the breeder will say you took it your responcability then 1 A new life could be cut short god forbid and 2 you have wasted you cash
  14. well rierie if you do manage to get a nail bleed get some soap what you wash with and rub some on the end of the bleed and this will stop it the soap has to be slightly soft
  15. Looks like they have been bathing in Tomato sauce :ohmy:
  16. Hi Pami,Steve & Lola welcome to this wonderful & friendly site
  17. Sounds like Coopers getting his feet under the table what a lovley bird and top marks for the rescue MrsBaxtersMom your a Diamond :kiss:
  18. Shame on you Caroline for not watching Corrie lol Does kevin webster still go to Roys for pie n chips ????????:laugh:
  19. My heart was racing reading your Post Dan best wishes to yourself Kim & most of all Dayo
  20. Well all bird lovers a question on Harrison Pellets are they putting some secret ingredient in there product that other retailers dont know about or is it that other retailers carnt afford to put whatever it is that makes the Pellets so expensive, OK i know that you get what you pay for but looking at the price of Harrisons there must be something special they do hense they are around 4 times the price more than other products,My point being if the price suggests this is the best thing for our feathered friends why is it so Expensive to buy. Having had Racing Pigeons before owning a grey they were fed the best corn which for a 25kg bag was around £3 or 5.5 usd dearer than the regular mix. So i just thought someone would tell me why Harrisons is so Special
  21. AWw dear im sure some kind soul will keep ya warm lol x IM sat in me ovacoat gettin warm round a candle lol Hope ya get it fixed sooooooon pet
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