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Everything posted by daveyj

  1. Thanks i do weigh him weekly just to keep a check on him maybe coz hes out 8 hours a day hes keeping himself in trim lol x
  2. daveyj

    Avian Game

    i call it swear words when it nips lol Is it the Bill ??? How many flight feathers on the wing ??
  3. Thanks Judy its just ive seen 2 greys that are a month younger than Alfie & they look a lot bigger than him its just a question to put my mind at rest like i said he eats well & looks well to x
  4. Just a quick post to find out how much Alfie should weigh at 7months he eats well and looks healthy but the last 2months he aint put weight on he now weighs 440grams should he be more than that ????? many thanks DaveyJ
  5. daveyj


    Send me ya hard ernt cash mate in return i will send you 4 i repeat 4 crap CDs and a Crap book to and bombard you with no good Emails to get more cash FREE of charge w----rs that tell you Anything ?????? The People here will help with anything you wish to know
  7. Hi Maria yeah i got that to and thought it was very amateurist it didnt learn me anything that i didnt know allready plus i get bombarded with Emails wanting me to purchase other things they have this is my opinion it may work for other people but out of ten its a 2 from me:(
  8. Hiya Hayley i think ive seen em at Northern Parrots websites i got the plastic stand with 5 wooden perches but Alfie dont use it kind of a waste of £80 mind you he aint clipped so he goes where he likes;) P.S the java stands are really Expensive so be prepared for a shock :woohoo:<br><br>Post edited by: daveyj, at: 2008/12/15 14:28
  9. Alfie has put a hole in the 2 seater leather setee not satisfied with that he did the same on the 3 seater aswell his mum aint happy i just said hes only a baby she wants him 4 Christmas instead of turkey ha ha no Chance she will have 2 go First me n Alfie Rule our house xxxx
  10. carnt get on for washing ironing hoovering cleaning to have a look{Feel-bad-00020063}
  11. Wow very nice photo welcome to home of Greys
  12. Hmm busy morning for Davey scrubbed Alfies cage out & fitted a carpet in small bedroom to stop the nagging
  13. thanks for that caroline as a previous Racing Pigeon owner i never gave my birds anything only the obvious mineral blocks & grit i just have it in my head from when i used to race them they did well without the so called stuff they put on the shelfs
  14. Are the so called supplements we add to our food / water a must for our feathered friends after all in the wild they dont fly to the petshop and purchase these things i dont know if i can name them so i wont but would be interested to know if anyone is just a plain giver of the basic food & water without adding these supplements ????????
  15. just to add if you get a Beak that bleeds and wont stop dip it in some flour
  16. hello Renee and welcome to the biggest & best family in the world
  17. Hmm it seams as if something is really bothering your grey the screaming is a sign that he,s upset has anything changed in his cage e.g. new toys been introduced or is there something in the room that has been altered or brought in that he doesnt like i think this is definatly a fear thing ?
  18. daveyj

    Baby Talk!

    Alfie in the perfect pose couldnt resist posting this
  19. Welcome SPNT i think any questions you have will be answered by the wonderful people here my advice to start you off with is Handreared Greys would get you off to a great start with your bonding as they are used to being handled
  20. all the very best lets hope it wont be long till Gregory Pecks
  21. hi im Daveyj just a quick message to the people that visit this site, (i was one) Right i just want to say to you dont be affraid to join theese wonderful people after all it is free and having only been here a week myself i have been welcomed as if i was part of each and everyones family but most of all there knowlage is second to none so you dont need the books that you see in your shops 99% of the answers are on here THANKS EVERYONE LOVE Daveyj & Alfie
  22. daveyj

    Baby Talk!

    this is Alfie now 27th November 08 just over 5months old
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