My, lots of comments but not one from someone who has tried this gizmo. I believe that I have a relationship strong enough with my Ana Grey to try this device to see if it is feasible to use on my beloved grey. As for tethering our greys. Don't we do that anyway; anytime we keep them from flying away by clipping, aviator harnessing, etc. The point is, is that they don't fly away. The springy part, I believe, is more or less a cushion. Could I try this on my ZON, Louie? No, he does not trust me enough. My CAG Sterling is a fraidy cat. My TAG, Ana Grey is my bud. I have to personally see this contraption and see if it is something safe to try to use on my friend. I'm excited! Ana Grey and I will try this together and see if we can both live with it.... or not.