Hey devans, glad you decided to join us! There is no schedule to get your grey to talk. They start talking when they want. My grey starting talking at around 10 months. Some members on here have birds that talked sooner, some later and some never at all. I just talked to Ana Grey like I would a child. When I come into the bird room I say good morning and when I give them water I say something with water in the phrase. By the way, my grey won't say water or good morning! But she says, want some apple,I'll be good, come here and other phrases. I guess what I mean to say is that they pick up what they like to hear and what sounds/noises get them what they want. What things they do or say that get a reaction from you, good or bad. So just talk to your grey, they understand so much more than people think because they are always watching us. Every move we make.
If you have any pictures of Bioko we would love to see them. Welcome to the Grey family!