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Everything posted by Luvparrots

  1. Egypt Would you pose nude if the pictures would be featured in Vogue magazine.
  2. I mix my own seed mix that my grey and ekkie seem to like real well. I just order on line some hulled safflower seed, cracked corn, white/red millet, and hulled oats and combine them all. I do the same with dried fruits. This way I can choose the ones that my birds like and will eat and not have to pay for all the "filler or garbage stuff".
  3. Lyn your flowers are lovely. My favorite the last one. The pale yellow with raindrops!!!! Priceless!!!!
  4. What a sweet game you and Tobie play Jan. Ana Grey and I play whistling games, she whistles I whistle with one or the other changing up for a different whistle. Now my ekkie, Sully and I play sound games, he doesn't talk but likes sounds so he makes his laser sound and I try to copy it (I'm not very good) and he repeats it so I can "learn".
  5. Lyn I have a line that works well, "It is my belief that pictures can capture your spirit so I prefer to limit my picture being taken." By the way you have a lovely hand!
  6. Bernie you just wiggle your way back in there. It's your scope and you have an entourage here just waiting to see some great Bernie Astro pics!!!!!
  7. Jill you need a tripod to set your camera on!!!!!! I would love to see a video of sweet Harvey!!!!
  8. What I do with Ana Grey is if she does something I don't like, I try to distract her with something else. If she makes a noise I don't like, I sing to her (believe me my singing stops her dead) a song I would like her to learn... You are my Sunshine. You could try a sound you would like to hear. Greys love to whistle so if she makes a sound you dislike whistle something you like at her. Perhaps she will try it.
  9. Love it Ryan!!!! Paco will be keeping you in line for sure!!!! Perhaps the police will make Paco an honorary patrol officer just to keep you on track!!! Well at least the bad word tendency!!!!!
  10. Happy Hatchday Josey!!!! You're a lucky little lady and i know your Mommy will spoil you rotten so enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!!!!!!
  11. Sounds like a great breakfast for a growing boy!!!!!
  12. What a great overnight adventure Lyn!!!! Some gorgeous pictures as well. Your pics are always so beautiful. So what did your neighbors think when they saw you camping on the back 40???? lol
  13. Ana Grey does whistling and talking. As I said they mimic what they like. Ana Grey makes sounds also. She loves to go Woo Woo because I do it with her. If Murphy is mumbling then he is practicing. So relax and let your grey get on with the learning.
  14. Five: one male, Chinese Pug (9 years old) , one male eclectus ( age unknown) two goldfish and one Timneh African Grey (almost 2 years old). Have you ever ridden on a camel.
  15. i always take notice when you are online Howardine so you take care yourself and know that you are in our thoughts.
  16. Hey devans, glad you decided to join us! There is no schedule to get your grey to talk. They start talking when they want. My grey starting talking at around 10 months. Some members on here have birds that talked sooner, some later and some never at all. I just talked to Ana Grey like I would a child. When I come into the bird room I say good morning and when I give them water I say something with water in the phrase. By the way, my grey won't say water or good morning! But she says, want some apple,I'll be good, come here and other phrases. I guess what I mean to say is that they pick up what they like to hear and what sounds/noises get them what they want. What things they do or say that get a reaction from you, good or bad. So just talk to your grey, they understand so much more than people think because they are always watching us. Every move we make. If you have any pictures of Bioko we would love to see them. Welcome to the Grey family!
  17. Sounds like you had a really lovely walk with Yoshi. I wish you had remembered your camera but like you said there will be a next time and I'll be in line to see some pictures. Thanks for sharing this great outing with us Jess!
  18. All of our greys have their most precious moments, their most conniving moments and their down right mean and evil moments. So I thought it would be interesting to hear about the Good, the Bad and the Ugly of each of our greys. Ana Grey: The Good: Ana Grey can be the sweetest most loving little grey anyone can every ask for. She wings in for a landing and immediately waddles up to my cheek for a gentle touch followed by the kissing sound. Makes my heart warm immediately. The Bad: Everytime Ana Grey sees me pick up Sully (male eclectus) to return him to his cage she dive bombs him with her claws in the most mean and vicious way that the first time I saw it, I thought she was possessed. She is very jealous of any show of affection/attention he gets. The Ugly: I usually open the blinds in the bird room first thing in the morning so the sun can come in for my fids. Well I forgot, and Ana Grey proceeded to ventilate the blinds right in the middle so she can see out. There is now a three-missing-blind opening in the bird room blinds so that the bird room will never be deprived of sunshine again!!!! Or course, Sully thanks Ana Grey as it is his cage that sits under the blinds and he so loves the sun. Perhaps she doesn't hate him after all!!!! So tell us about your grey, the good, the bad and the ugly!
  19. Ahhh Bernie I love it, don't need no Sunday morning cartoons to keep me smiley I have my own Keystone Cop!!!!! So sorry, trying hard not to snicker but doggone it, you make it so easy. Seriously I'm happy, happy, happy you got your problems sorted outas things went on and I look forward to a successful next weekend perhaps????? Always one of your Babes, Janet
  20. Well welcome elchucko! So tell us more about yourself and your grey. How old is your grey and how long have you been together. Details please!!! And glad you decided to join the Grey family!!!!
  21. I had fresh shrimp and broccoli for dinner last night and had to tussle Ana Grey for a whole shrimp!!!!! The little stinker is always stealing my dinner. I guess her half yours, half mine meant the shrimp was hers and the broccoli was mine!!!!!!!!
  22. I totally love the Peek-a-Boo! I can't wait to hear more.
  23. I know about the chips, my Ana Grey LOVES chips just like me so I have to watch that she isn't biting holes in the bags all the time. The little stinker. You and Meggie have the start of a great relationship going and I look forward to hearing more about her.
  24. Hey Jon welcome to you and Meggie. I am delighted that you have decided to join the Grey family! I look forward to hearing more about how yours and Meggie.'s relationship continues to grow. Janet

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