My Ana Grey and I have a morning ritual. I feed her breakfast in her cage and then when I am ready, I open the door. She immediately, seldom fails, comes out and sits on the open door. I say, "good morning Booba give me a kiss" and she complies with a beak on the cheek. I say "step up" and up she steps or I say "come here" and she comes to me. After that she normal just follows me around by flying. If I am sitting on my lounge chair in the living room and I want her I call, "come here" and she comes usually. If she doesn't then I better go see what mischief she could be in. Is this type of thing what you are looking for??? I just treat her like she is a 3-4 year old child because she seems to understand me but if I don't watch, like any child, she will find things to do that I might not like. Ana Grey is my friend and I try to respect her. At night around 7 pm my ekkie always goes to bed and expects to have the lights out, but that's another story, so I replenish water and food. Ana Grey seems to just go to her cage then for the goodies and I close her cage door. If I say "nite, nite" she will immediately go to her sleeping perch and I turn off the lights and the birdroom door is closed. If Ana Grey for some reason does not go to her cage, I just say nite nite and turn off the lights leaving the bedroom door open. Ana Grey gets the message and goes to her cage and night perch and I go back in and close her cage door and close the bedroom door. During the day if I have to leave the house or feel Ana Grey should be in her cage, I just ask her to step up and place my other hand over her head and walk her back to her cage, telling her that I have to leave or whatever and I'll be back. As for toweling, she is not afraid of a towel, I sometimes cover her over with one and we play around with a towel just so she is use to one being over her, and this is just in case of an emergency. This works for my grey and me. I think when you get your grey, you will see the difference in her and other species. Greys understand. Ana Grey sometimes cocks her head and listens to me intensely and I know she understands, or at least in trying to understand what I am saying.