Hi JacksMum congratulations on your new little boy! I always enjoying reading the excitement that others show when they talk about bringing their babies home. I can't wait to hear more about your Captain Jack. As for perches, I have four kinds of perches in my grey's cage. A cement night perch, a very curvy "wacky wood" perch, the uneven perch that came with my EzCare cage and the smooth round perch on a standard cage swing that I purchased for Ana Grey's cage. As for food, I started off with the same types of foods that my grey's breeder was feeding to Ana Grey when she was weaned. There are oodles of informative threads here at the forum to answer a lot of your questions, so read, read, read. If you have additional questions just ask in the appropriate forum room and someone will come along and help you out. Welcome to the Grey family!!