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Everything posted by Suzzique

  1. They can also yawn to clear out a feather in thier ear. Nothing to worry about.
  2. It's not just Elmo that does that! That is what Alex does too! ALWAYS the face first then the rest! I get my ducks at party city. I've been meaning to order a bunch from orientail traiding company cheeper that way. I don't drill a hole because it is really a stretchy rubber. I just use my xacto knife and make a small x in the back and bottom. I make most of my toys. I enjoy it and Alex loves to "help". :laugh: Best diy toy site! http://www.cheepparrottoysntips.com/
  3. That is great to hear!B)
  4. Welcome to the forums! As has been said time is what is best for your new grey. Just take everything slow don't push anything to fast and let him set the pace. Oh and no question is to silly!
  5. LOL sounds like lots of fun!:woohoo:
  6. Glad to hear that Alfie is doing better!
  7. Me too I would love for Alex to talk!
  8. Just like anything some in moderation is fine. We let Alex have his fill. But it's not like we have ice cream all the time.
  9. Broomer I don't think that your tv will bother Loki. If he is now with 150 other birds the tv will seem quit in comparision. Alex and Martini live in the living room as well. They go to bed and get covered at 9pm every night. Durning the week the kids don't go to bed until 10pm. Weekends my son has been known to stay up until 2am. It doesn't bother them in the least. Really unless your bird is getting up on the wrong side of the perch I don't think some noise is really bothering them.
  10. Alex loves the rubber ducks! They last maybe 20 minutes if I'm lucky! He also really likes the texture stars that you can get as toy parts. But straws have to be up at the top of the list.
  11. I pretty much quit buying the expencive toys and make my own. Alex ignores the fancy store bought stuff. He loves straws, small wood beads, baskets. I love the dollar store!
  12. Oh poor Bandit! I agree you have already done as much as is possible to make him comfortable. Maggie the tiel we had for 7 years broke her wing when she was about 5. We think something scared her in the middle of the night and as she was flapping her wing got cought in the bars of her cage. I moved everything down to the bottom of her cage and put a towle in the bottom for her as well. We didn't take her to the vet because we didn't even think that she would live. She proved us wrong. Not only did she live but her wing healed enough that she even flew again! We lost her a few years later to a very tragic accedent.
  13. Alex shares the house with Martini, 3 cats, a dog, a snake, an aquitc turtle, myself, hubby and our 2 youngest kids. Then sometimes our oldest and her partner and thier green cheek conure Meeko come over for the day. LOL I keept wanting to call Martini Meeko when we first got him! I'm better about it now! {Feel-good-0002006E}
  14. Alex does a very good microwave! And he has picked up all of Martini's chirps so now no one can tell who is chirping. The turkey!
  15. Oh it is there all the time so that he always has something to eat. It is something that he does all on his own.
  16. Look at all the cool new toys! Alex wouldn't know what to chew up first! Oh and the peanut toy he was totally scared of when it was full of peanuts. :blink: I put tisue paper in it now for him to chew up. That he loves! B)
  17. I just turned 40 at the end of July.
  18. Alex uses his seed mix as a bed time snack. He really doesn't eat much of it. He has fresh stuff all day long and would rather eat that. But enjoys the crunch of the seeds at bed time.
  19. Suzzique

    baby food

    Any of the fruit flavors. Though he isn't big on bananna. He also loves the sweet potatos and squash.
  20. Yeah that's what I thought. Oh and I thought female as well!
  21. Oh I am very awear that Alex my never talk. Alex has a mind of his own and does what he wants. He is very smart and will work very hard to get what he wants. I love him no matter what. He can be such a goof ball. I will have to get the hubby to talk to him more. Most of Alex's sounds he has picked up from my hubby.
  22. Ok so in the last few days when Alex is singing he says hello as part of his song. It's just part of what he is singing along with all the other sounds he does. We always respond back to him with a hello. He will use all his other sounds when he is just doing a few chirps but wont say hello unless it is part of his song. Will he start saying hello on it's own with time?
  23. Marcia! I just found this site not long ago! Everyone is so nice! I hope everything is still getting better for you!:cheer:
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