David, as you say this is a topic that has come up many times. At the end of the day it is a decision you must make on your own personal situation and beliefs.I believe it is without doubt best to leave a bird flighted,but I had to have my tiel clipped because not being the sharpest knife in the block he insisted on flying over to my grey,a disaster sure to happen.My grey is not clipped and yes it is hard work and at times frustrating having to retrieve him from places he is not allowed.I have taught him some flight comands,on the cage,come,off there, he is pretty good at them but only when he wants to.I have an outside aviery where the birds can spend time in the nice weather,one day the grey the next the tiel.So summer time is not a problem for me.By the time the nice weather is hear Cracker the tiel will be fully flighted,infact he can fly everywhere now and I am trying to decide to have him clipped again.The thing I will say is that if you do clip make sure an avian vet does it as I have heared some horror stories relating to bad clips. Good luck making your decision Sheila<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/01/19 12:13