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Everything posted by she

  1. I love the photos of Beau Julie, he looks really well.
  2. she


    I do not have my grey clipped or my tiel. I did have the tiel clipped last year as he insisted on going over to the grey and would have ended up Charlies lunch.The clip on the tiel was almost useless he is such a light bodied bird and could still fly very well .Both are fully flighted now and I hope to keep it that way. I will say though that clipping is your own decision but please make an informed decision based on the welfare of your grey.
  3. My two both say hello when I come home and bye bye when I go out.They also say it to visitors,Cracker more so than Charlie where visitors are concerned. Cracker also hates the post man and goes balistic,screeching when he comes up the path.
  4. Best wishes and thoughts heading to your family.
  5. Jasper is a boy.My money is on Charlie being a girl.
  6. great pictures of Harvey.
  7. she

    I own the tv

    Oh he always has it on.Its a whole tv channel dedicated to animals.I just wish I could get him on video saying it,it would be great to send into the tv station.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/08/24 08:26
  8. I agree that the cage is the place to put ZZero when he is throwing a tantrum.Charlie is very strong willed when it comes to what he wants to do ,I just have to be even more determined .He has given me some strong nips,not broken my skin when I have tried to remove him from an area I dont wish him to be.I then place him in his cage till the situation has passed.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/08/29 07:27
  9. He looks like a Darius Pat, good choice.
  10. Well its just on 7am hear and im sitting having a cup of coffee watching the news on tv. Charlie is on his stand and saying "you watch Animal Planet".is that a hint to turn the tv over or what.
  11. So funny.Its a hard life being a grey.
  12. Music always has a very good affect on people.
  13. Lee thats fantastic.The feeling when a grey shows he trusts and loves you cant be matched.
  14. Caroline just say that you know nothing about the zip,DAVE MUST HAVE DONE IT HIM SELF LAST TIME HE HAD THE COAT ON.
  15. With exotic direct I pay £11 for charlie and £4 for Cracker per month. I have used them for six years now.I think thats not bad as I have had almost £1000 from them in vet bill claims. I do know golden valley are a good company aswell but im not sure of the premiums or what they cover.
  16. I have my birds insured with exotics direct and have found them really caring and helpful .With a couple of hugh vet bills they have been worth every penny of the policy cost.
  17. Hi and welcome to you and your flock.
  18. Hi and welcome.I am sure you will enjoy it hear and with your experiance will be a great member.
  19. Yoshi sounds like a great baby.It is so good to socialise greys at an early age keep on with that.If she is still having trouble climbing put a blanket under the papers at the base of her cage so if she falls its a softer landing.Also lowering the perches may help. They can be raised again once she becomes more agile.
  20. A vet check is a must.My grey had a similar injury and after a set of xrays it was decided soft tissue and bruising was the problem,not a break as was first thought.He was given metacam and started to fly after about a month.A vet must diagnose.
  21. Harley looks better and better each time I see him,he has fallen on his feet alright.No wonder he loves you so much.
  22. Jen I get palm nuts from 24parrot.com. I am not sure if they ship,I think it would cost a fortune if they did.
  23. That is so sad.I would be reporting it to authorities.
  24. Robin I am not sure birds are allowed,I thought we were hear because our birds have driven us hear. Ill bring a bottle though.Vodka or wine?
  25. He is still very young and baby greys need stability and reasurance. He is most likely upset at the changes when you go away.He sounds very needy going from your description of him wanting to be held all the time. Try and encourage him to be more independent.Teach him to play on his own with toys and introduce some forageing toys to keep him stimulated.If he has not been seen at the vets have him checked out as some illness can be a cause of plucking.
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