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Everything posted by nims

  1. One oberservation I would make is that when they are wet most of the feathers are clumped together. So you can't be sure unless you check the same areas when they are dry and have more coverage. Also have you noticed any feathers in his cage at the bottom or when cleaning near his cage?
  2. Yes I agree with Dave on this.................sorry have to put in 2cents worth! Ice came to us as a rescue/rehome situation. The lady who we got him from was unable to keep him as her circumstances changed and she had to move in with her mum. Why couldnt she take Ice with her I hear you say.............it turns out that her mother was allergice to Ice and therefore was unable to keep him. I was also told that she chose us from a number of people she met because she knew we would care for him. There were others that were interested but they wanted to sell him on for a profit{Emotions-000200BA}
  3. This is an easy one. Indy would be the smallest CAG there as she is pretty small. She is red factor grey and has two tail feathers missing. With Ice I would be looking for one of the larger CAGs. He has a pure white face. He would be saying "shut up,go away"
  4. Hi Raiderbabe, The same thing happened to indy. She has lost two of her tail feathers basically cos she is a klutz! Their feathers can bend when when they are in the cage or generally getting about. Indy broke it off and thatwas the end of it. This was 2months ago so there is no sign of molting
  5. nims

    Ice Update

    Hi Sandra902, Yes he has made great progress with. He still doesnt like my husband though Me and Ice have really bonded and I can now touch him everywhere (with his permission mind you!). He tried to fly to me today for the first time i was upstairs overlooking the lounge but he couldnt get enough height. After all its the thought that counts!! He also likes to come over to the couch and sit with me. I think he is starting to molt:( i have noticed a few feathers at the bottom of the cage and some fall away when he is getting head scratches.
  6. Ice is on a seed based diet and I am trying to convert him! So I mix the pellets in. He doesnt like oatmeal and baby food or anything offa spoon/syringe. So he is really difficult to medicate. I also feed him fresh fruit and veg in the evening. They Ice and Mindy both love apples to they have those. They have scrambles egg once a week!
  7. Hi, Welcome to the forum! I feed my grey oats (organic of course!. I make mine with water as they are lactose intolerant so milk is a no no! You can mix in fresh fruit, honey, crushed pellets........whatever you want! I am not sure about what kind of cereal you are referring to but whatever you decide to feed your grey make sure it has low salt and sugar content. So plain kellogs cornflakes, rice cripies etc is fine. Try baby cereal too! Why dont you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us a little more about yourself and you grey!
  8. Hi Pam 311, I recently rehomed a grey, his name is Ice and he is 4years old. He prefers women to men (so I in luck!) he doesnt like my hubby very much and he cant touch him at all. If he wants to come out of the cage he has to wrap his hand in a towel before he steps up, where I dont have to do that. Having said that i have only had him for a few weeks so I cant really comment on whether he will warm to my hubby eventually as it is early days. I think Dave007 has given you some good advice. I hope this helps!
  9. I watched it and I thought the lady was doing a wonderful job with her greys. What was really sad the cockatoo plucking out his feather because he needs a mate and was lonely. The owner was encouraging the sexual behaviour and it got to a point where he would just scream. I think the owner was trying to find him a mate and build and aviary.
  10. Mine also likes warm water. But I think that your grey may have thought it was warm food!!I only give them a little warm water in the morning but thats it. They are not big drinkers. Their body will get rid of any excess water their body doesnt need hence the watery poop.
  11. Hi, They are just stretchinh when they are on one foot and stretch the oppositewing. Both og my CAGs do this when they both wake up or after a nap!:laugh: Birds have off days too you know so I wouldnnt worry about this behaviour unless of course it carries on. Sometime they too need some "me time". Mine wont step up or shuffle to the back of their cage when they want to be left alone. Its just about reading about their body language. As for the screaming I think that was cry for attention. Ice does something else he would throw all his food on floor when he wants my attention :blink: Hope this helps!
  12. nims


    Hi Mike, I too have a recent addition to my family in the form of CAG named Ice and he is 4 years. We are his 3rd and final owners Ice would give quite nasty bites so quite the opposite of Budy. But by just giving him his space and with time he is now madly in love with me! When he wants to come out of his cage he will put his leg out (wanting to step up) and then I would put him on his playstand so he can chill. If he wants to be with me he flies over to the sofa for some head scratches. Just give him the space to do what he wants and he will start to form a bond to you in time. You need to remember that he has just gone through a major change in his life and he will need to adjust (I feel this is more difficult with older birds). All you need to do his respect and love him and im sure you will become fast friends Keep us updated on his progress!<br><br>Post edited by: nims, at: 2008/11/20 14:37
  13. I had the same with indy. She has chewed off two of her tail feathers. Nothing to worry about.
  14. soooooooo cute! I want one!! Oh wait I have two!:laugh: Loving the pics!
  15. I have two greys and I dont hear anything once I have put them to bed. However we dont completely cover their cages and the room they are in gets lots of light! We start to hear them then in the morning. Having said that I think that if you put them in an area which is completly dark at night and up until you uncover your grey then you should be fine.
  16. Oh no! How terrible. How is now? When did you get george? I am sure some of the more experienced members will be able to help. I hope everything works out well for george.
  17. Hi Kimberly, Welcome to the forum! Im glad you have decided to adopt a grey I can tell you that its very rewarding. I have two greys Indy is 9 months old and Ice is 4yrs old. Ice is our adopted bird and we have had indy since she was 12 weeks old. Both have really greyt personalities and are different in their own ways. I had no large bird/parrot experience when I got Indy but you will learn fast. There is tonnes of advice here on the forum and people will be more than happy to help you! All the best!<br><br>Post edited by: nims, at: 2008/11/17 13:51
  18. Hi Alex, Welcome to the forum. I have two greys now called Ice and Indy. Indy is a baby at 9months and Ice is our rescue at 4years. Both of them are great in there own ways. You are doing the right thing but researching and Im sure you will find most if not all the advice/answers you need here! Welcome
  19. Had the weigh in yesterday Indy is 410gram (on a full stomach mind you!) so I would say 390g. I have big boy too called Ice and he weighs a massive 555grams!!<br><br>Post edited by: nims, at: 2008/11/17 20:10
  20. Hi, Me and my husband both work. I work 9-5 and my husband works shifts. My CAGs have lots of toys and have the radio on too. They are usually happy to adapt to your lifestyle as long as you can provide them with the love and attention they need.
  21. loving this thread! Karma to you for sharing this!
  22. nims

    Ice Regurgitates

    Yes definatley on cloud nine! Thanks for your advice and comments!
  23. Hi, Yes 9-10 weeks is a bit early to be weaned. Most wean at 12 weeks as casper suggested. You might want to note that some may to wean longer than others to wean so that might be 12weeks +. Thanks
  24. So most of you will know about the new addition to my flock. He is Ice and is a 4 year old male. Today he regurgitated on my hand for me but he did a funny tail shake too...........! I cant believe he has already regurgitated for me but wanted to know if the tail thing was normal and he was kinda squatting and bobbing his head with his wings hanging low. I just want to know if this is normal for Ice to do? Thanks Nims<br><br>Post edited by: nims, at: 2008/11/14 22:15
  25. nims

    Ice Update

    yes im absolutley thrilled with his progress so far. He has started to swear an Im not sure if it was a film that we were watching :blink: Other thank that he is an absolute joy to have around. Im in love:kiss: Thanks Nims
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