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Everything posted by nims

  1. Hi, How much sleep is buddy getting the moment? On average greys need 10-12hours sleep(though this doesnt have to be all in one go.) So my greys go to bed at 10pm and wake up at 7am. They also nap during the day if the want to. Hope this helps!
  2. Hi All, I have a questions to all the owners who have extra large african greys. My Ice weighs in 555grams so he is a big boy. My concern is that he doesnt fly very well at all. Now I am aware that this could be the fact that he was clipped when he was younger and possibly wasnt able to fledge. He does fly but he seems to struggle a lot. As I dont know his history and we are his 3rd owners I want to know what I can do to help the fella out. All advice welcome!
  3. Hi All, We are waiting for the Vet to come back to us on her results (fingers crossed). She is in good spirits, plays well and eats well. So we will see what the vet says. She is antibiotics at the moment too. Thanks for your support!:unsure:
  4. Hi All, We have noticed indy's urine has a green tinge and taken her to the vet today She has had some blood work done again and will get the results tomorrow. She has put on weight and her calcium levels are normal. Will keep you posted. N
  5. I would agree with Judy. Call the vet and describe the symptons and the vet may then ask you to come in for some test Good Luck
  6. Hi Annmarie, You seem to be dodging the questions that members have put you? What are you looking for? Carolyn you have made some interesting observations and I have your previous posts annmarie. Be careful where you take this thread as Talon suggested.
  7. Looking at your previous posts I know you have had a bit of a tough time with your grey and I know that he/she is only a baby. I have Indy since she was baby and Ice came to us at 4years. And both of them are quiet and I know you have tried a lot of things to help your grey and as Pat said we could tell how frustrated you are by your post. I dont know what advice to give you im afraid, may be its just a phase as Pat suggested. Maybe the other members will be able to give you some more advice I wish you all the best<br><br>Post edited by: nims, at: 2008/11/30 19:53
  8. Hi, This is a tough one! You have even tried clipping her wings. Have you provided her with an area in her cage where she may feel more comfortable and not seek other areas for nesting purposes? If there are areas I dont want my birds to fly to I put things there they dont like or are afraid of. I have these wicker balls made from woven willow branches my two hate them and will not go anywhere near them. Sorry I cant be of more help.Good Luck!
  9. nims


    Judy has given you good advice. Keep an eye on her, its a good sign that she acting normal. Try giving soft food like oatmeal and see if she OK with that.Hope it works out
  10. Hi, I have never heard of a grey do this but some of the other more experienced grey owners may have more answers. My only solution is that you dont let zeus get access to the poop. This means cleaning up after him whereever possible I know this cant always be possible but birds are quite messy I am constantly cleaning after my two. Other suggestions would be to up his perch somewhere where the poop can be cleaned up easier (not on the couch) Or get a table top stand or play stand.I have two for my greys and I line mine with newspaper and replace as soon as they get soiled. I hope this helps!
  11. Hi, Does he do this alot? Or has he only done it the once? How old zeus? Most importanty does he have access to poop (you said you missed some but does her have a grillat the bottom of his cage to stop him getting to his poop? Sorry for all the questions but they may help to shed some light as to why he is doing this.<br><br>Post edited by: nims, at: 2008/11/30 10:37
  12. Indy didnt start with a word she went straight on to a phrase and she said "not da mama" at 6 months old and she says hello. Ice is 4 years old and talked the very first day we got him home and he hasnt shut up yet. He has a large vocab but likes to make up tunes as he whistles.
  13. Interesting question but the others have given you the right answers. There is no guarantee who they chose.Indy my baby grey comes to me and my husband (but prefers him) and indy is female.Ice is a male and is bonded to me. This was just by chance and there is no guarantee who your bird will chose.
  14. Our CAG does that to. He too is new to us but is 4 years old. She likes to lower himself and slowly flaps his wing............looking as if he about to take off.
  15. Thanks guys! Feeling a little better about Ice!
  16. Congrats Dan! You always give great advice!
  17. Nice post! I wasnt a lurker but would like guest visitors to feel that they too can join in if they wish if the want. Dont be afraid to ask questions no matter how strange or obcsure as I am sure someone here will be able to help!B)
  18. Can anyone help??:unsure:
  19. nims

    Big nostrils!

    Ice's nostrils are big to probably similar to Tuki..........all the better to smell you with!!!! :laugh:
  20. Hi, So I have had Ice for nearly a month now and I have noticed thay his feathers come away easily when I am giving him a head scratch and have notices feathers at the bottom of the cage when cleaning. I have not observed any plucking, he talks, whistles, has birdy company (Indy) and spend mininum of 4 hours outside his cage with us. Is he molting? I am only asking this as I have never had a bird go through a molt and am not sure what the tell tell signs are. Thanks Nims
  21. nims

    Baby Talk!

    Hi, I have one baby. She was born 28th Feb 2008. She is fantastic to have around. She is starting to be vocal and is mumbling a little. She is closely bonded to my hubby. My other baby is Ice and he is our rehome/rescue CAG he is very vocal. Says all sorts and absolutely adores me. He has come a long way since we have had him and is making progress everyday. I am trying to post pics but they are too large :(
  22. cute cute cute!!!{Feel-good-00020114}
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