Oh the all important question. Yes you can give your gret a bath. Some like it some hate it. Mine used to scream blue murder!! I tried everything from misting to a shallow dish.
Bathing is natural for them in the wild (rain) and it helps them keep their feathers nice and clean and stops their skin from being too dry. Their feather are also water proof so they do need to be completely soaked. Do not bath your grey in the evening as it can get to cold. I usually bathe mine in the morning in our tub. Other members take them into their showers!
You really have to see what works for your grey. Just make sure the water is tepid some owners give their greys a cold bath, its totally up to you.
You may want to mist them with aloe juice after their shower keeps their feathers in good condition and stops their skin from drying out ot being irratable
I think thats all from me!
Nims<br><br>Post edited by: nims, at: 2008/09/14 23:46