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Everything posted by nims

  1. Welcome to the forum. Im glad your doing your research before purchasing a grey. Hope you enjoy reading the threads and if in doubt ask questions as there is always someone here to help! Nims and Indy:)
  2. nims

    Indy talks!

    Hi, Being a proud mum I thought Indy deserved a post! She said her first word which was "hello" and he first phrase..........."not the mama!". The phrase is a running joke with me and my friends (its from the old TV programme the dinosaurs......if anyone remembers its what the little baby used to say!!) Whoo hoo! Nims
  3. Hi, Congrats on Sharkie! OK the collisions are normal as they are new to their wings and dont have much control. They learn really fast. Indy had some collisions when we first got her but now she is absolutely fine. Your baby is in a new environment and it will take a little while before he is used to it and settled in his new home. The best thing you can do is let him settle down and explore his new home. Just take things slow with him and maybe read to him to him. Please remember all greys are different and some just settle in fineand others may take a little longer. Good Luck Nims
  4. Thats exactly the kind of thing that I want to do. I love Indy (my CAG) but I want to be able to to give another bird a loving home with me and my husband. I want to give a bird a second chance in life because they deserve it as much as we do!
  5. nims

    Gaining Weight

    I went to the vet today and he said that she has put on 12grams. Yay! I have added some organic baby food to her diet recently which she really enjoys! Thanks for your input! Nims
  6. Indy is fully flighted and like I said before when I spoke to the breeder about wing clipping he was totally against it. That being said it is a personal choice but when Indy came home to us I was afraid she would hut herself by flying into things. But you wouldnt believe how quickly they learn from their mistakes! Yes they will fly into things but they will learn from it and thats how they become experienced fliers. Good luck in what ever you decide. Nims
  7. Judy is right there is no such thing as a silly question here! I suggest you try both raw and cooked and see what your grey prefers. Just dont over cook your veg as it will lose with vitamins and minerals. Good Luck Nims
  8. I am sorry to hear about cesar. I cannot imagine my life without my little Indy. Its funny how these little creatures can be in our lives for even for a short amount of time and always manage to capture our hearts. Nims<br><br>Post edited by: nims, at: 2008/09/12 21:25
  9. Hi, I am considering rescuing a bird and I want to do plenty of research before I do. I know that it takes a lot of patience but I want to do all the homework before jumping into it. I am thinking about adoption within a year or two. Indy will also have grown up a bit too. I am in the UK does anyone know where I should start and who I should talk to? Thanks Nims
  10. Perfectly normal and nothing to worry about.
  11. I agree Jane I have never heard that either. I was thinking of getting Indy clipped but then decided against it when talking to my breeder. She loves to fly around the house and be able to fly where she wants from her stand to me or to her cage. It means she has the freedom of choice. Nims
  12. Yes the pretty bird AG specific does have a smell to them. I bought a small pack of harrisons high potency coarse and Indy seems to like them so I may swap!
  13. If he's one then he could actually be molting.......keep doing what you're doing. Introduce new fruit and veg even if he doesnt eat it. You can buy aloe vera juice 100% from the supermarket. Mist it over him after his shower it will keep his feathers soft and shiny!
  14. darn couldnt get my pic on http://s405.photobucket.com/albums/pp135/nims1984/?action=view&current=red.jpg Hope this works......its a pic of indy's belly.<br><br>Post edited by: nims, at: 2008/09/11 23:45
  15. Hi and Welcome to the forum! As Goose is only 3 months he will not molt so I suspect that he is plucking. Dont worry they will grow back! However I think you should try encouraging Goose to eat more fruit and veg (they really need the vitamins and minerals)this will help. Also try aloe vera after bathing this will help keep his skin from being too irrated and dry. Makes sure his cage has a variety of toys (foraging, preening and chew toys). I would suggest you take goose an avian vet to a check up in any case for a wellness check and it will keep you mind at ease too. I took indy to the vet as soon as I got her. Your not a bad mommy your just learning! Good Luck! Nims
  16. Hmmmmmmmmmm I have never heard of ony one wing being clipped. A Dan said if their wings arent clipped equally it can be more harmful. If their wings are clipped equally they will be able to fly a little and have somewhat of a more controllable landing. Im glad Gizmo is well.
  17. Congrats on your new arrival! I wish you all the best with Taco. Nims
  18. I'd say female she (i think) looks exactly like my little girl. Nims
  19. I have been reading the posts and Talon I agree with what you said. With IM and the internet it's difficult to sense the tone in a conversation. That said Ryann I commend you for making the apology but I think Bmustee only was only trying to help and make you realise the dangers abour raising little baby greys. Dont give up on this forum as it has a wealth of information on it and there is always someone to help you should you need.
  20. Hi, Pins can be painful for them I would also suggest bathing frequently and aloe vera to help ease the itching. Nims
  21. Food colouring is fine, most toys are coloured with food dye (I know cos I wash mine and it runs! :blink: )
  22. soooooooooooooooo cute!!
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