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Everything posted by kittykittykitty

  1. Thank you for the information. I'm one of those who goes on line to find what I can, also. Taking care of special needs fids is a real challenge. My love to all of you .
  2. Glad you have a plan! And very thankful you AND the fids are on the mend. (My thanks to the above posters didn't register.)
  3. You are a real optimist. I am very thankful things are looking up.
  4. And my grand kids think I'm nuts because I allowed a young super thin kitty to stay with her five babies! You all have me beat.
  5. I, too, am very thankful for a good ending.
  6. I am very thankful for the improvement, praying for it to continue.
  7. Oh, Dee! I am so very sorry!!! Please get well soon. You and David have gone through so much. And that darling little Miss Gilbert. This must have scared her terribly as well. Love and best wishes, Howardine
  8. Please give us an update---PLEASE?
  9. Prayers and blessings continue.
  10. I will eat watermelon and my kitties will be inside. Love to all, Howardine
  11. It's our day to celebrate. As we do let us remember what our freedom has cost. Think of the work still to be done. Also please remember our furry friends and fids. All the noise and commotion can be very traumatic for them. As for the Homo species let's make it a safe and sane day. Howardine
  12. They really do outsmart us! How wonderful Gracie Lou is talking! Here's hoping your plumbing problems are behind you. I know about A/Cs not working though. Mine stopped working last Wednesday but is repaired now.
  13. Definitely see or at least call a vet. Hopefully you have an avian vet.
  14. Poor baby and poor you! No, you are not poor!!! You are rich with love and you baby is rich with love and care. Prayers continue.
  15. Too bad you have an inconsiderate neighbor. Really glad you all are all right. It is difficult when electricity is out.
  16. Oh, yes! Prayers and love. Please keep us posted.
  17. Really scary! I'd have my feathers off, also!!! I hope you and she are all right. Glad you're home.
  18. Yes, I did remember, both the 29th and the 30th. So many dogs and birds and horses AND men! And I wonder---.
  19. It is so good to hear of the progress in spite of the owl collection peril. Maybe the owls and chickens can go behind closed glass doors (until Gracie figures out how to open them.) And the antique. Precious did a number on my dresser, also.
  20. I hope you find a simple to use and comfortable solution for Olive!
  21. This is late but no less sincere in hoping it was your best. With love and best wishes, Howardine
  22. I am thrilled for both Miss G. and you!!!
  23. Yes, we do worry when something happens and we blame ourselves whether they be our fids or kids. Glad everything is all right now.
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