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Everything posted by kittykittykitty

  1. Guys and Gals, Sure wish I could join you in a glass or two!
  2. Thoughts and prayers to all of you. The years are long and many but how I remember as a teen when my uncle joined the Marines during WW II- the pride and the concern! Yes, he came home safely.
  3. Congratulations!!! You've done well.
  4. Apollo is beautiful and I love your westie- cute!
  5. Thanks for the pics! Glad you had such a good time!
  6. Bullhead sounds as hot as Calexico!!(Used to live there.) Lived in Belem and Manaus, Brazil also, but no a/c there. Hot, hotter, hottest.
  7. I would like all the nay sayers to read these posts. I'm another person who can't stand stupidity!!!:evil:
  8. They look like a cross breed to me.:ohmy:
  9. I'm very sorry. May you find comfort in remembering the good times, knowing she is at peace.
  10. I recycle, am careful with water use, replace lights with CFLs (should use LEDs even if it stretches the budget:ohmy:),plan erands around appointments to reduce auto use, reduce A/C use, and buy organic whenever possible. It's for the Mother as well as for me. I'd like to have cleaner air to breathe and cleaner water to drink as well as a little more change in my pocket. But it isn't something new. As a child in the Depression I learned to use, reuse and make do.
  11. Mild for here in the Inland empire, almost like fall. A/c on for only a few hours a day!
  12. So glad the surgery went well.:cheer:
  13. My uncle was a Marine in WWII. Many of my classmates were drafted. Two of my current physicians served. My cousin was sent to Japan after graduating from medicine. My across the walk neighbot is a Nam veteran. The father of two of my grand-daughters was a Marine scheduledd for Nam. The father of my other three grand children was a Green Beret in Nam. It's time they all come home. Oh God! Hasn't there been enough???
  14. It was about five degrees cooler today; still hot.
  15. It was one super special day. History in the making! {Feel-good-000200BB}Walter Cronkite was known for being the most truthful reporter.
  16. It's 108! in the Inland Empire. Rain would be welcome for cooling and washing away the smog. Don't need lightning to start fires however.<br><br>Post edited by: kittykittykitty, at: 2009/07/19 23:46
  17. Some people still say the world is flat!:whistle: I too like your emoticons{Feel-good-0002006E}
  18. It was 103 earlier today in the Inland Empire of California. I think it was even hotter in Bakersfield, Fresno and Visalia. It was really cooking in Calexico and Palm Springs. I heard 113.{Feel-bad-00020063}
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