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Everything posted by kittykittykitty

  1. I know it takes a lot of time and patience, gentleness, slow moving, quiet talking. But even my four yr old gt,grand-daughter has gained the trust of Precious by doing this. I believe you can succeed with your new friend. I think a bird desirves to be able to see out the window.
  2. I thought sexual maturity came a little later. Maybe others know for sure.
  3. Love to you, TaMarah. Hold our love close when things seem their darkest.
  4. Better to remove the toy than take a chance. I think you did the right thing.
  5. I'm glad you took your bird to the vet. It is very stressful when our babies are not doing very well. Hope everything improves quickly.
  6. BGB seems to be adapting very well, very quickly. I think he is the most fortunate of parrots to have you as his person.
  7. UPDATE!!! It looks as if the graft is a 100% take!!!:woohoo:
  8. I am pleased to see this story is back! Love it.
  9. Dave is the expert with these things. But I would observe carefully and if there is any sign of infection call and get to the vet ASAP.
  10. I, too, know about the love. There is a look in Precious' eyes and we swear she is smiling. Cuddle time is undescrible for both of us. She slides down her stand and just can't wait when I pick up the towel to put on my lap. She's there in an instant and makes her loving sounds with half closed eyes.
  11. Greyt pics. Welcome home BGB, welcome home!
  12. Of course our fids want attention and they know EXACTLY how to get it!!!:ohmy: :laugh:
  13. I love this GBG!!!:silly: :kiss: He's one lucky guy!!!
  14. I think 18 inches before stretching would be long enough.
  15. No canned, no boxed. Don't have to be a southern cook to know that, but maybe it helps! (Must confess; had a southern grandmother, never used a recipe. My California g-mother was a mighty good cook also.) I've used cheddar, romano, mozzarella, gouda, feta (all sheep or goat) at the same time. It's best when baked, all golden brown and crispy on the edges. Mmmmmmm
  16. Music almost 24/7 but it's the other end of the spectrum: the classic three B's and some standards. Anyone else love opera?
  17. Deb, I must be an old fool because I just can't stop crying! The pain of losing our beloved companions no matteer what species just keeps coming to me. You are all my family and I feel it all. Yes, I've had to make the same decision. Hugs and love.
  18. I've seen it ocasionally in the market, but not often. Yes, he definately had tooooo much!!!:woohoo: I'm wondering if my dad's family brought some from LA when returning from a visit. I know it was really good!
  19. Emma IS very special, very intelligent. Please keep it up.
  20. I think Dayo made the extra point!!! He is my favorite quarterback-punter! Oh, this is the best!!!{Feel-good-0002006E}
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