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Everything posted by kittykittykitty

  1. Super special pics of a moon for Judy! It was pretty specticular here too, a half a world away!:ohmy:
  2. Books!!! What a wonderful gift! And chosen just for you! How special!!!:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
  3. So sorry Sheila, but very glad you weren't in your mini.
  4. I'm so proud of ALL of you!!!:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
  5. {Holidays-000200A5}Keep stirring the brew!
  6. The poem is lovely. It is so true that this moment is the only one we have.
  7. Not spoiled, just loved!{Feel-good-0002006E}
  8. The beak can split during the trimming if ir is not done properly. Precious' first vet said it would be necessary to anesthetize her to trim her beak. He didn't recommend it. I would let your bird do it on her own.
  9. Tamarah, it hasn't been very long and each person grieves at his own pace. Others don't know what it is for you. You will know when it is time for you to have another bird. Bless you for rescuing so many animals. And peace to you. Howardine
  10. I suggest seperating them asap.
  11. Parrots are parrote and the dropped food is part of a parrot. I think we all experience it.:whistle:
  12. How DID I miss this one???:ohmy: :woohoo: :lol: :laugh:
  13. Dan is so right. We never leave Precious and Tiernin (my four year old gt gr daughter) alone together, but Precious will step up on command onto a perch for Tiernin. She talks to Precious. They will look at each other and interact that way. I have more trouble with adults who want to pet. I warn each time "She can bite and does." Usually that is enough. I really don't want people touching Precious beacuse I don't know when they washed their hands last. If it's family or friends I ask that they wash their hands first.
  14. Every bird is an individual, just as children are. My Precious started early, about 4-6 months. A frind's statrted after a year. BUT I talked, sang and whistled songs continuousely, just as I did with my two daughters and I never talked baby talk. So Precious learned what she heard just as the girls did.
  15. Great pic, lucky birds!!!<br><br>Post edited by: kittykittykitty, at: 2009/10/10 23:26
  16. I'm guessing the clipping was decided for you, but you can let it become flighted later. Congratulations on your new fid.
  17. Three cheers for Dave!!! Hip,hip,hurrayayayay!!! :cheer:
  18. Judy, Thank you!!! Hearts and flowers to you! Love, Howardine
  19. Wish I had had this info years ago, but it still helps. I still have much to learn.:ohmy:
  20. Nina, congratulations on the good news about your health! Muru is a very special bird. Thank you for the pictures. I use a perch for Precious to step up because I have fragile older skin, but then she will move to an arm or wherever from the perch. Maybe you can try the same thing.
  21. Sheila, Thank you! Have a good one! :kiss: xoxox Howardine
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