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Everything posted by kittykittykitty

  1. Hello, Sunshine. Karma for taking an older bird. It sounds as if Harley is weell adjusted, and just may be enjoying being the quiet one, letting his new friends be the chatterers.
  2. Charlie, this hasn't been much fun, but I'm really glad you're doing better.
  3. Spock, my hear soared when I read your were gaining and now this morning I am holding you in the "LIGHT." Can you feel the healing energy? Stay strong, sweet bird. And you too, Jay and Maggie.{Love-000200BF}
  4. Robin, the recovery is absolutely wonderful! I am thrilled for you and Beau. Your hard work, love and devotion are an absolute inspiration.:cheer:
  5. Who can resist these babies!:ohmy:
  6. Such a beautiful bird! Maybe they could be saved if something were done for them the way it was for the California condor.<br><br>Post edited by: kittykittykitty, at: 2010/02/14 10:14
  7. You are so fortunate to be able to enjoy such a wonderful bird as Blue. And I'm glad Charlie's wing is doing well.
  8. How thrilling!!!:ohmy: I'm very excited for you1:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
  9. How exciting to know he identified the fruit and let you KNOW that was what he wanted. Alex did the same thing when he said, "N-U-T." He'll learn which is what. Precious did. They are so smart!
  10. This IS a hot topic. I've expressed my experience and opinion before, but I say, Let Him be Flighted.
  11. I don't know about your particular air purifier but I used an ionizer for a long time. If it is a HEPA model I would think it would be safe.
  12. Reclaim your heritage! There will always be an England!<br><br>Post edited by: kittykittykitty, at: 2010/02/06 21:27
  13. We had bull dogs when we parrot sat Sammy. As I remember we did not allow Sammy out of the cage if the bull dogs were in the house. Sammy teased them unmercifully when they were on the other side of the screen door though :woohoo:. I went into total panic when I found Kitty in the house two different times when Precious was out. One time I pulled my tee shirt off and tossed it over Precious so I could return her to the safety of her cage. I wouldn't chance predator and prey together, but I know others have done so successfully.
  14. I think the difference is more in the individual bird than in it being male or female. We took for granted Sammy was male but really didn't know. We know Precious is female. I see them as different individuals as are my other friends.
  15. Oh, Mr. Spock! It's not fun to have all those needles! :ohmy: I know. I had them too and then all the tests! So glad you are singing. Now we can sing a duet!:lol: Precious
  16. Healing light to you along with prayers, you wonderful Spock :kiss: and to Jay and Maggie, too.
  17. Prayers and positive energy to Rishi, Ram, Sabi. And to Spock. :kiss:
  18. I eat the whole apple, seeds included, but I wouldn't think of giving them to my fid. After all, think of the difference in our sizes! :lol: I do not feed avocado or chocolate either. :ohmy: She has had lentils and other legumes that were cooked with garlic, but it hasn't been frequently.
  19. We ARE blessed to have parrots. Yes, I know; everyone doesn't agree but I think they just don't know! How sad someone would shoot a beautiful macaw. (More than sad!!! :angry: )<br><br>Post edited by: kittykittykitty, at: 2010/02/03 18:45
  20. Belated Happy Birthday to You, Bernie! Thank you to everyone who liked the moon at the N Pole and many thanks to Judy for posting it. I really enjoy this thread!
  21. Well, if our birds who like Harrison's are in the minoity it just shows they have superior taste! :lol: All joking aside I tried everything that looked safe before I found Harrison's and Precious would have none of it. She threw it all out!
  22. Hopefully you have chosen a "non-toxic" paint as well.
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