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Everything posted by Janfromboone

  1. The first thing Tobie did was make sounds like the wolf whistle and flying saucer and telephone. Just keep telling ashe good bird (or whatever expression you use) with alot of enthusiasm. I always tried to name the sound. Tobie would wolf whistle and I'd say "good boy - pretty bird". I hoped to say pretty bird and tobie would wolf whistle. Or hoped to say "Telephone" and Tobie would ring and then I would say "hello". Now he does that (when he's in the mood), or sometimes he gives the sound and then he names it. Talk to him alot. Once they start it's like a small leak turning into a flood and you wonder where they heard some of the stuff they say. Anyway, thats how I did with Tobie and it seems to have worked. I used to worry that he would never talk.<br><br>Post edited by: Janfromboone, at: 2009/04/22 16:56
  2. Funny so many like pine nuts and I haven't been able to get Tobie to try those. He is a meat eater even though I have to limit it. Fish, hamburger, rib eye steak, eggs are a big favorite. On the more healthy side, grapes apples and very occasionally cheeze. I read on the forum that someones bird ate palm oil right off the side of his bowl. I tried that and Tobie loves his plane old palm oil off the side of his bowl.
  3. I'm enjoying following Adaya's progress. Love the pink tummy.
  4. Love the "Where's mine" from Dan and "OK see you later" from Sue. They both seem to know what they are saying.
  5. Wow! If you can't train them at that age -- you can't train them. (I guess she is quite young if she has a full crop)
  6. Thank's for sharing that Dan. Wish I lived closer and could see it for myself.
  7. Wow!! I love your playstand. Great pictures
  8. Wow!! I love your playstand. Great pictures
  9. Wow!! I love your playstand. Great pictures
  10. I love watching the african grey videos on you tube. I have my favorite birds and I'm always finding new ones. I thought it would be fun to see what videos everyone else enjoys. Here is my all time favorite bird on you tube -- With the exception of Tobie of course.
  11. I love all of the stories. Tobie likes to play with his words. His first words were "what's up". Lately he has developed a variation of these words. Now it's "What's AAAAAAUGHP" The up sounds almost like a growl with a "p" at the end. When I laugh at him doing this he sais it again only the "AAAAAAIGHP" is twice as long.
  12. Tobie is generally quiet when strangers are in the house too. I made the same comment to a friend about you tube videos. It is the only way that anyone but my husband and myself will ever see what a cutie Tobie is. I guess that's why he has so many videos. It's a shame they won't show off around strangers. Are your videos under Lovethatgrey on you tube?<br><br>Post edited by: Janfromboone, at: 2009/04/20 04:41
  13. Funny! Did you see the article on african grey behavior in that recent bird talk?
  14. I think it's great that he lets you pet his head. Tobie is definitely my bird, but he lets Frank pick him up or even get him off the playstand or cage top, but doesn't let him pet him. He will let anyone get him off the floor, but not off the playstand or cage. Odd how they choose what they will allow.
  15. Thanks for all your input. I will politely throw the stuff away. Frank loves Tobie too and I'm sure he'll understand.
  16. Thank's Judy. I hate to hurt Frank's feelings, but I'll see what others think and for now I'll remove it.
  17. I came home the other day and my husband had put potpouri out in a container. The house smelled nice, but I had concerns about Tobie. I searched the forum and found a few comments, but nothing concrete about potpouri. I read that it's bad for them to chew it, but ok as a deodorant. What do you think?:unsure: I don't think it's all natural ingredients. The odor is too strong.<br><br>Post edited by: Janfromboone, at: 2009/04/14 02:15
  18. sounds like Merlin's life is looking up.
  19. My heart really goes out to you and Sherlock. Keep us posted.
  20. This can't possibly pass. There would be an uprising. Also, at this time restricting an industry ( the pet industry ) means job loss and loss of income for some. It would not be a smart political move in that way either.<br><br>Post edited by: Janfromboone, at: 2009/04/06 23:00
  21. I like Tyco's mom's idea. The poor woman who had to give up the bird might have had the bird longer than the original owner. She should be compensated some way and get a bird of her own if her heart's not too broken. I think the bird would probebly naturally fly to the most recent owner.
  22. Tobie was 1.5yrs old when Oliver died and we got a new 5 mo. old boxer mix, Brandy. Tobie treated it like just another dog and we went throught the "bird training" (teaching the dog not to bother the bird). We have two other dogs though. It was all no big deal to the bird. The dog learned quickly to ignore the bird.
  23. 14 CAG 4TAGs : Tobie is a CAG. Tobie doesn't like strangers approaching now as much as he used to. I used to encourage others to hold him, but I'm about to give up on that. I wonder if Tags are really more sociable with strangers.
  24. Where is that person that was on the forum with a 35yo grey a few days ago. Tobie will be two in June and I want to know too.
  25. Cute story. I'd probebly buy the shoes just because the bird told me to. I do everything Tobie tells me to do.
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