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Everything posted by Raposa

  1. Lovely story, Sarah!! I'm eager to see pictures and hear how Gilbert is doing
  2. Hi Clive and Enoush! Glad you are here
  3. I am so sad about your loss, or rather lossES. How tragic! But now you have Ganesha, and I wish you a long and happy life together
  4. Hehehe Well your bird certainly has opinions, that is for sure! Welcome!
  5. Wow, John, sounds like you are already doing a great job with your Sunshine! Welcome back!
  6. Hi Jay, you will find LOTS of good ideas and good people (and, of course, greys) here!
  7. Heck, maybe she can GIVE some ballet lessons! Hehehe
  8. You made the right choice in following your gut about the breeder. I know others have given you recommendations, but I have one for you as well. wendy's parrots (she has a website but I don't remember what it is) in Texas is fabulous. Wendy is amazing with her baby birds, and I happen to know she has some babies right now and more eggs in the nest, so she will probably have more as the spring progresses. Her phone number is 817 594 7322. She is the breeder I got my baby from, and I would go back to her any time!
  9. Here are a couple of links - enjoy! http://www.windycityparrot.com http://www.cheepparrottoysntips.com http://www.birdscomfort.com http://www.birdsafestore.com http://www.royalparrot.com/index.html
  10. I will be interested to hear people's comments as well. I am planning to use my tax refund money for an adventure pack for Jenna. I like the idea of being able to carry it on my back or front (I'd prefer the front, actually, so I can see her)
  11. Oh, what an adorable baby!!! Congratulations!!!
  12. Mary, I am worried about that for my own bird, and I won't run the self clean cycle unless I have the bird out of the house and the house open to air out. It just is not worth the risk to me. Hope that is helpful!
  13. The only time I took Jenna into a grocery store (Central Market) they told me she was not allowed in there. I gave them the choice of having me walk away from a full basket or finishing my shopping and leaving, and they let us stay Hehehe Anyway, I can't get Jenna harness trained (at least not so far) so we can't go as many places as I would like. But she has an acrylic travel carrier that she likes to be in for car rides, and I have a freestanding perch that I have used a couple of places for her. I had her in the office yesterday because we had a vet visit scheduled, and to my astonishment she chattered away all afternoon in my office!
  14. Sweet little Emma sounds like she was less upset than YOU were ~smiles~ And oh, can I relate to that!!! I'm glad she is ok.
  15. You've gotten lots of good advice from people who know a lot more than me, so I won't try to add anything to that :-) Just a side note, my vet said that once a bird stops damaging their feathers it can take as much as a year or more for them to grow new feathers in, so this could take quite a while. I'm glad that baby bird has YOU!
  16. She is so lovely, thanks for sharing her photo!
  17. Tyco has come such a long way!!! How delightful for both of you
  18. Oh, and I love her name! Going to get her a motorcycle of her very own?
  19. Oh, how exciting!!! You have a VERY sweet baby. Isn't it fabulous when THEY choose YOU? that is what happened with my Jenna ~beams~ And she is still choosing me, which melts my heart on a daily basis. I can't wait to hear stories about your baby getting settled in at home
  20. Great picture! Silly grey, do NOT eat the perch you are standing on! hehehehehe
  21. I agree with Dave, you definitely need a bigger cage, the biggest one you can afford is the best one! :-) Ozzy is obviously a well loved bird
  22. I don't know how many of you may have read a story in the papers several months ago about a blue and gold macaw named Max who was stolen from a small pet store in Duncanville, Texas. Max is 28 years old. He was gone for 4 months, and miraculously, was recovered (long story). Anyway, Max is my buddy, and I stop by to see him regularly. I bring him pieces of Jenna's birdie bread or some jalapenos or some such. The first time I visited Max after he was returned to his owners, he got mad when I had to leave, and yelled out the F word QUITE clearly. I nearly fell over laughing! The owners said,"Yeah, he has learned a few not so nice words in his 28 years living in a pet store!" ~chuckle~
  23. Jenna is a quiet bird; she never screams and is not particularly loud, although she is certainly a little chatter box. I had an eclectus in the past, and HE could scream!!! One of the things that appealed to me about greys is that they are generally NOT screamers :-)
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