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Everything posted by Raposa

  1. The breeder Jenna came from breeds both CAG's and TAG's. She has definite opinions about the differences, and her opinions don't necessarily match what I've read elsewhere. These are her own observations, but I thought you might find them interesting http://wendysparrots.com/html/timnehs.html
  2. Give him time, Yoshi is still just a baby. It can take a while before they start chattering ~grins~
  3. This past weekend my husband went out of town for a 3 day weekend at a music festival. I did not go for a number of reasons (Jenna being one, naturally), and evidently Jenna thought I needed reassurance. She has taken to saying my husband's name, she must like the way it sounds. Anyway, almost as soon as he left, Jenna cocked her head at me and said "You want Paul Porter? He'll be right back!" Hehehehe
  4. So how does Artie respond? My dog Rio totally ignores Jenna whens he tries to boss him around Hehehe
  5. Jenna meows, too, isn't it funny?
  6. Jen, you need to discuss the rules with Lyric. His friends have to clean up after their parties, no loud music that bothers the neighbors, they have to eat REAL food and not just treats all day . . . ~grin~ Enjoy your time and don't worry about your sweetie
  7. I wish Jenna would run the vacuum cleaner! Dayo is TOO funny ~grins~
  8. OK, Dan . . . Jenna is a CAG, 20 months old. She started talking at about 10 months. Sometimes she talks in context and sometimes she chatters because she is happy or because it is fun, or for whatever other birdie reason she may have ~grins~ Her morning talk is more consistently in context. I am sure I've forgotten some of her words and phrases, but she says: Good morning! Want some breakfast? Want fresh water! Want a shower (sometimes a statement, sometimes a question) What are you doing? What do you do? You're a BIRD You're a good girl (or good bird) You're the best girl in the WHOLE world (my personal favorite hehehehe) She'll abbreviate that sometimes, and say You are the best girl, or occasionally, You are the best girl in the Whole! You are so beautiful (She invented you are so Beautigirl but that only lasted a day or two to my disappointment) You're so pretty My precious girl Hi Jenna Hi baby bird Hi sweetheart Hello You're so good Where's my Susan? I love you (I love you Jenna, I love you Susan, I love you little bird, I love you good girl, I love you sweetheart - lots of variations on this one) You funny bird Give me a kiss (followed by a kissing noise) Rio Morgan (the dogs' names) You funny bird Stop No She also, like other greys here, does the microwave, coffee maker, squeaking front door, my husband's beeper, and a wide variety of other beeps and whistles, and of course just some happy African Grey songs and noises as well. Wow, now that I am writing it all down, she says more than I realized! ~grins~ I can't wait to find out what will be next
  9. ~gulps with laughter~ That is too fun!!! For sure, you made that young man's day, though ~grins~ Think of it as a kindness, a service provided by you and Harvey
  10. I love your conversation with Emma!!! She is a funny girl
  11. That is AMAZING!!! I am so thrilled and relieved to hear that you have your Rita, and that you have such a great community
  12. Jenna is a CAG, 20 months old, flighted. She has always had red palm oil in her diet (although not necessarily every day) and had regular bathing (again, not necessarily every day). Last November we went through a scarey time, with my mom (who lives in our home) in the hospital for over 3 weeks. I was rarely home, and when I was, I did not have a lot of time for my baby. A week or so after Mom came home from the hospital, I went on a week long vacation, leaving Jenna (with LOTS of care and attention) for the first time. She started barbering her feathers, and it went on for several months. Jenna and I went to the vet, asked for advice here on this forum, and did everything we could come up with to help. Now Jenna looks gorgeous again, feathers almost completely grown out, and she does not barber any more. I think it was a stress reaction, and my vet agrees. As a post script, I went on a long weekend trip last June. I was worried sick that Jenna would start barbering her feathers again, but she did just fine! So do I count Jenna as a bird with feather problems or not? She certainly does not have them now!
  13. Harley PLEASE behave yourself! Jenna reads these posts and I don't want her getting any more clever ideas than she comes up with her own self!!!!
  14. I leave either a TV or radio on all day for Jenna, try to keep her cage filled with fun toys and foraging stuff, and make sure she is the first to be greeted when I get home. I have an advantage; my disabled Mom lives with me and she and a caregiver are in the house during the day, so Jenna does get occasional company. But I am her preferred person, and she does fine until I get home. She can make me feel REALLY guilty when I leave for work, though, she makes the most plaintive calling noises when I say goodbye to her . . .
  15. www.wendysparrots.com This is Wendy Craig's website. She's an awesome breeder in Texas who does an amazing job with her baby birds. I spent a lot of time at her home while I was waiting for Jenna to be weaned and ready to come home with me, and I recomment Wendy whole-heartedly. She will ship birds
  16. It is COOKING here in the Lone Star State! Hot as heck!
  17. Jenna's most repeated phrase right now is "You want fresh water? Want fresh WATER!!!" But my favorite phrase of hers right now is "You're the best girl in the WHOLE world!" ~grin~
  18. I am so sorry about Coco. Clearly you loved her dearly, and you must be devastated.
  19. Eclectus are gorgeous and outgoing, but not always the easiest of birds, and they sure can SCREAM when they want to! And they love the drama it creates when they do it. I hope that Verde learns to be more like Mesa rather than vice versa.
  20. I have ordered from them a number of times and they've always been great to work with. Glad you got your order sorted out with them!
  21. Good point, She, the birds probably DO know where the remote is! Hehehe
  22. You've already had lots of good advice here, but I want to join in encouraging you to get Mika to a vet. If you have a problem with her smell, and if she has suddenly started biting, something is wrong. She needs to be medically checked out first, and then you can start dealing with behavior . . .
  23. Wow, how scary! I wonder what happened and how she got so scared. I don't have any answers, but I did want to sympathize, you must have been totally freaked out to find Adaya like that!
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