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Everything posted by Raposa

  1. Just hope she is not as much of an outlaw
  2. I agree with Judy, definitely get together with her with your bird before you go . . . and before you make a final decision as to whether or not you want to leave your bird with her! Between my bird and my disabled mom I rarely go anywhere; when I do, I have a friend (who likes Jenna a lot) who stays at the house to keep them company and make sure they are ok. I'm going away for a long weekend over Memorial Day and I'm a bit worried - Jenna is just getting her feathers back after barbering them and I'm afraid she'll over-preen again while I'm gone. I'll make up a LOT of foraging toys for my friend to put in her cage, give him CDs etc to play for her, and I know he'll spend a lot of time with her . . . so my fingers are crossed that it works out ok ~fret~
  3. Ranaz I just LOVE that picture!!!
  4. Karma to you for a wonderful update! Sounds like you and Sam are really enjoying yourselves together, that is so good to hear. I know what you mean about the little excited growl, Jenna does that in the mornings and when I first get home from work May you and Sam have many years of closeness and fun together
  5. If you would consider an out of state breeder, I highly recommend Wendy Craig. She does a fabulous job with her babies, and she does ship birds. Her website is www.wendysparrots.com
  6. Ernie is going to keep you jumping from now on, I bet! What fun, that this baby started talking, Jason ~grins~
  7. Sam, please tell us what your new vet has to say, this is very worrisome! ~frets~
  8. Hehehe Ziva is bossy, isn't she? I love these posts, more please!!!!!
  9. Good thread! During the week, Jenna sometimes has out of cage time in the mornings and sometimes not. I spend about an hour with her, though, between cleaning her cage, preparing food, creating foraging opportunities to keep her busy during the day, etc. In the evenings she is out from when I get home until her bed time (around 9:30) so that is usually 3-4 hours. It can be less if I have to work late. Weekends she is generally out of her cage and with me most of the day, probably at least 6-8 hours and sometimes a lot more. I am also one of those who sometimes refuses invites to do things because of my bird, but I think I have to watch that, it leads to an unbalanced life for me. I will be going away for a long weekend for Memorial Day and I am worried about how Jenna will handle it, even though my mom will be home and give her lots of attention, and a friend who is good with her is staying in the house to keep an eye on my mom (who is wheelchair bound) and the animals. But I do need the break and have the opportunity, so I am going to go . . .
  10. Yes, the other day when I went out with Jenna in her adventure pack and my mom in her electric wheelchair, we did not run into a single other person walking their bird! How strange is THAT?
  11. Oh, what a sweet baby! And what a BIG sweet baby!!! Can't say I blame you for the grey fever, it is hard to avoid isn't it?
  12. Judy, I think it is more a factor of repetition for Jenna. I love you is the thing she hears the most, so she is predisposed to repeat it! ~grin~
  13. Oh, I can't WAIT to see the pictures!!! Congrats, Melissa!
  14. Jenna says it about fourteen thousand times a day But then, I say it to her just about as often! Hehehehe
  15. What an adorable soggy bird! ~grin~
  16. This morning's discussion: Jenna: Where's my Susan? Me: I'm right here baby. Jenna: You're so good girl Me: Thank you! Jenna: What are you doing? Me: Reading a book Jenna: Beautiful Me: I'm glad you approve Jenna: I love you sweetheart Me: I love you too, Jenna
  17. Wow, a 12 year old, that is terrific! Why did the previous owner let him go? did you know him before you took him home? He sounds like a delightful fellow
  18. Isn't it fun, Pat? Jenna has been out in hers a few times, actually in fairly large public events, and has done beautifully. Can't wait to see photos of you and Tyco and Adaya
  19. Isn't that the BEST feeling??
  20. Aww, Sydney is scared, huh? It will make a huge difference that you are staying with him. You certainly did the right thing by getting himo ut of the room the carpet cleaner guy is in!
  21. Have you bought him his own clean tennis shoes to destroy? :laugh:
  22. It sounds like your grey already likes you :-) Flying to you and putting his head down to be scratched, excellent signs! Welcome to the forum
  23. Raposa


    I change Jenna's toys out every couple of weeks as well, but in between I add lots of foraging toys and opportunities as well to give her soemthing new to focus on
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