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Everything posted by Raposa

  1. I used to take my eclectus practically everywhere with me, and I expect I'll do the same with my new baby when she comes home ~smiles~ I used an acrylic carrier with a perch that you could seatbelt in to the car, and a feather tether (useful but not easy to get on!) and I had a travel cage for him. He had a play perch in my office (when I had a job where I could take him along a few days a week). He LOVED the car, would chirp and sing and dance the entire time. He loved being out among people, was always on his best behavior. But, as I always said about him, wouldn't YOU be on your best behavior if everybody who saw you stopped to tell you how gorgeous you are? I know I would! Hehehehe Obviously my new baby will have a different personality and different needs than my boy did, but I really felt like taking him out and about was good for him, and I plan to do it with Jenna as well, slowly, and paying attention to her responses and needs to make sure she feels safe.
  2. I am going to visit her today, I can't wait to see her ~beams~
  3. Thanks, Judy! (Oops, this one is posted as a reply to the wrong person! hehe)<br><br>Post edited by: Raposa, at: 2008/02/21 15:18
  4. Raposa

    TAG or CAG

    The breeder my Jenna (a CAG) is coming from breeds both Congos and Timneh's, and she says that in her experience there are distinct differences between the two. She says not everyone would agree, it is only her own opinion, but she says the Timnehs are more active birds, busy, playful, "in your face" birds, and are also more distractible. She says the Congos are more laid back birds with calmer temperaments. Interesting, since that seems to fly in the face of popular opinion! Anyway, I ended up being chosen by Jenna, so I will have a Congo on April 19th ~beams happily~
  5. Wow, Romo must LOVE that wonderful play stand!!
  6. Hehehehe Aww, how sweet! When my eclectus (who died a few days after Christmas) was learning to talk, his "hello" sounded more like "perot" and we were watching election returns at the time . . . I told him I did not agree with his choice but I supported his right to his own opinion! When I tried to teach him to say "I love you" (which he eventually said, of course) he would announce loudly "I LOVE!" I figured that was good enough ~grins~ Elmo sounds like a joy
  7. ~grins~ Well since you asked . . . . (I hope this works!) Here is my beautiful little Jenna! Thanks for the warm welcome, and for the sympathy at the loss of my sweet boy :-(
  8. What a beautiful baby!!! I am in EXACTLY the same boat! I have a baby CAG coming to live with me in mid-April, and I'm not sure how I will stand the wait! It is a girl, and her name is Jenna, and she is gorgeous, too! Isn't this fun???
  9. She is so beautiful, and you are obviously a good photographer! How on earth do you get such wonderful pictures, AND get them to show up correctly on the forum?
  10. Hi my new friends, I look forward to sharing and learning on these forums! On or about April 19th, my new baby CAG Jenna will be coming home. I can hardly wait! I am not a new bird person. I have an adorable lutino lovebird named Honey who has shared my life for about 14 years. Her singing and her affectionate nature brighten my world every day. And sadly, a few days after Christmas, I lost my beloved eclectus Tala, whom I lived with for over 15 years. Tala was my pal, he often went places with me, he would willingly go to just about anybody, he was smart, and he talked up a storm. His death was a shock, and has not really been explained or understood, but my home is SO empty without him! SO . . . not wanting another bird who looks too much like Tala and re-triggering my grief all the time, and having had a long fascination with African Greys, I went to visit a local breeder, and (surprise, surprise) was chosen by a gorgeous little girl who was hatched on November 28th. She is being abundance weaned, is used to being around other critters (the breeder has 4 dogs and quite a few other birds); she is played with and handled every day. She does not yet fly but she's getting close ~grins~ Anyway, as you all understand only too well, I am so excited about her I can hardly stand it! I also have other companions in my home; 2 dogs, 5 cats (who are so accustomed to birds they even ignore the little lovebird); and 2 other humans (plus caregivers who are in and out caring for my disabled Mom). So there will be company in the house for her all day (human company, I mean) and LOTS of love waiting for her when she is able to come home! Anyway, I'll stop rattling on. I'm glad to have found you all!
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