~waves hello~
And I'm not biased, really, she just IS the most beautiful, sweetest, smartest little bird in the world. Honest, she IS!
Jenna came home Saturday morning, and she has been amazing. For a little girl who is in a completely strange environment, she is doing GREAT. She gets startled at sounds or movements she is not used to, of course, but she's been out playing, flying to me, allowing other family members to hold her, trying new foods, dealing with having dogs and cats in the house (at a distance, and not alone in the room with her, of course) . . . the breeder did a FABULOUS job of socializing this baby. I would not be so adaptable! And it seems that I did the right thing by visiting her regularly; she knows me and is bonding to me already, and I am THRILLED. Tonight I spoon fed her some warm oatmeal at bed time, and it made her so happy I think it will be a nightly routine ~grins~ I can't resist doing something that simple that makes her happy.
I'm glad this new forum started up, and the timing could not be better!
Hi to other folks who ALSO have the most beautiful, smartest, sweetest, cutest baby bird in the world!