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Everything posted by Raposa

  1. Falconeer, is your baby ok???
  2. Imme, I think it depends on the individual baby. 15 weeks does not sound like too soon to me. Your baby may want the reassurance of warm, soft foods before bed but that is easy enough. Jenna will be a bit older when I take her home, but that is partly my own fault. I have to be out of town for a few days the week before I bring her home; I was not about to bring her home and then leave for a few days. It will be hard enough to leave her to go to WORK every day! Hehehe Hmmm, think the hospital will let me have a perch for her in my office? Might not be considered "sanitary" and health officials might grumble . . . ~giggles~
  3. Thanks ~smiles~ The breeder sent it to me!
  4. OH Hehehe I did not realize Imme thought JENNA was chewing off her fingers and toes! Hehehehehe No, it's me, I am climbing the walls waiting for her!
  5. ~grins~ Thanks, Imme! I am SO eager for her to come home!
  6. Oh, he is such a beautiful baby!!! Jenna will be 18 weeks old when I (finally) bring her home. I went to visit her this weekend, too ~beams~ She was a bit shy of me at first but she warmed up after I'd been there for a little while, and we had some lovely cuddle time before I had to leave
  7. She's not coming home until mid April . . . ~chews off all her fingernails and starts on the toes~ I am trying to visit her once a week so she is at least familiar with me, but it is a long drive . . . Meanwhile I am haunting the forums and the internet and overloading on books about parrots and buying her toys and such ~laughs~ I'll even be rearranging my living room to give her a better location for her cage
  8. Oh heck, how much trouble could just ONE more baby bird be? ~falls over laughing, thinking of when her eclectus was a baby and all the trouble he was good at getting into~
  9. Videos, how cool is that??? Wendy sends me at least one photo a week, but that's about it. Here's this week's photo; Jenna is the baby in the back. The little boy in the front is Maverick, a VERY sweet, friendly, BIG baby bird with a huge appetite Hehehe His owner got the same picture!
  10. I'm jealous, I want to go get mine TODAY! lol But I'll go visit her on Saturday and get a "fix." It is a 2 hour drive to visit her so I can't get there all that often
  11. Raposa


    How funny! When my (recently passed on) eclectus learned to talk, he would mix up some of his favorite phrases. He would say "I am a GOOD BOY!" and he would say "I need a cuddle." And sometimes he'd mix them together and say "I need a GOOD BOY!" It always made me fall over laughing, and I told him good boys could be hard to come by, but I'd try to find him one!
  12. My baby girls's name is Jenna. When I went to the breeder I had about 5 names picked out, all female because she only had girl baby birds. Jenna was not my top choice in my list of names, but it is the name that baby seemed to respond to, so it is her name! When I told a friend what I had called her, she said, "Well, at least you did not name her little bird." I nearly fell over, because guess what? Jenna means . . . LITTLE BIRD!
  13. What a beautiful baby bird!!! Thanks for posting pictures
  14. Imme, I am right there with you! My new baby CAG comes home around April 18th or so. I can hardly wait!!! Congrats, I know how excited you are!
  15. Edward sounds like quite a character!!!
  16. Yvette, the breeder I am getting my baby grey from has another baby with a missing toe. Her toe apparently got tangled up in some nesting material, and was so swollen and ungainly the poor baby was having trouble moving around. Once they had the toe removed, she perked right up and is now hopping up and down onto her perch, playing, and being a happy baby. It is sad when something like that has to happen, but it is going to be ok, Bentley will be fine and probably will never miss that toe at all!
  17. Sounds like you are doing GREAT with Sweetheart, Ronda!
  18. ~grins~ I will do that! I'm sure i am driving poor Wendy crazy . . .
  19. Do you work at home? I wish I did, so I could share my whole day with my bird!!! Sounds like your sweetie is coming along ~smiles~
  20. I am getting my baby from Wendy Criag as well (at Wendy's Parrots, she has a website. I am very impressed with Wendy and with her aviary. I've been spending a fair amount of time just hanging around there ~grins~ so I can be around my little one. Wendy's baby birds are all healthy, happy, and quite well socialized - but this is not her busiest time of year, so I can see that when she DOES have a house full of babies the little ones would each get less attention. Anyway, I think she is terrific and am very happy with my decision to go with her.
  21. I am looking for ideas for a play area, preferably relatively easy to make, using tree branches or natural woods as much as possible. Has anybody made one? Would you mind posting pictures and ideas? I have almost NINE WEEKS to wait for my baby to be ready to come home and am busily finding ideas for making her life more fun when she gets here! Thanks so much
  22. Wow, your new buddy is responding REALLY well! ~beams~ Birds know when they are loved and wanted, don't they?
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