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Everything posted by Raposa

  1. Aww, another gorgeous grey girl! That is terrific. It is fun to find out, isn't it?
  2. Oh, that is so sweet! Maxi was worried about his pal!!
  3. Thanks, Judy ~grins~ Jenna is a little smartie pants, and I gather Josey is too
  4. Thanks for being interested! :-)
  5. Oh, that is delightful, good for Dorian!!! Yay little flying bird!
  6. Shannon, congrats on your new family member! I'm looking forward to hearing how the relationships in your family develop with this bird. My Jenna is a baby, and I have not spent a lot of time around grown up greys :-)
  7. Wow, Charlie really is a sweetie!
  8. Oh, how delightful! Ziva is such a character, isn't she? I'm glad she enjoyed her bath!
  9. Jenna has invented a new word. First a little background. Often, when someone walks into the room, Jenna looks at them and announces with great sincerity "You are SO beautiful!" Of course, we all appreciate that. Sometimes she says firmly "You are a girl." That is ok, except for my husband who does not particularly think he IS a girl. But last night, Jenna made up a combination word. She remarked loudly, several times, "You are so BeautiGirl!" So who else has a bird who invents words? Tell us!!!
  10. Whew, I am glad Mali is ok!
  11. My heart aches for this poor, cruelly abused parrot. I can see why he had to write to tell us all about his dreadful life. WHAT a terrible, mean Dad poor Pepper has! Won't let him eat Dad's whole dinner? Won't feed him peanuts and french fries? Won't let him eat the laptop? How DREADFUL!!!
  12. Wow, you and Zahzu have had a hard time of it lately!!! I hope everything is ok
  13. Yay dad for going to check on Pepper!!! Glad she is doing ok
  14. Maybe Chimay was sort of half dozing and something in a dream startled him?
  15. Wow, it sounds like you have a complicated situation there! Maybe if you start with smaller toys, just have them out and around and see if you can get Ziva to beak them at all? Have you tried treat/toy combinations to see if she will respond to them? Maybe you could pick a particular toy and spend a few minutes playing with it in front of her several times a day without trying to get her to play with it. Just let her watch, and act like it is YOUR toy. What is Ziva's diet? Does she eat at the same time as you? Does she show interest in your food? And how old is Ziva? Sounds like I gave you more questions than answers, sorry about that!
  16. Hi Sarah You've gotten lots of good advice and info here, and I think Jack is a lucky guy! You are obviously working hard to find out the best way to care for your new buddy, and it sounds like he already likes you. I'm looking forward to hearing more about you and Jack in the future!
  17. My vet says it is a good idea to occasionally spoon feed or syringe feed your bird even when they are full grown, because it makes it easier if you ever have to medicate them. Besides, Gil is YOUR baby, no matter how old he is!
  18. I am so envious that your bird will let you get a harness on! I've tried a couple of times to work towards getting the aviator on her (I mean a couple of different PERIODS of time, not just tried to stick it on her!) but she is just not willing. So we will manage with our adventure pack for outings. I do miss having a bird who can be out and about with me without a carrier, though. My last bird was harness trained and loved being out in public ~smiles nostalgically~ I'm just happy I can take Jenna out now, even if it IS in a little cage! I'm with you all on the safety/security stuff. I've thought about building an outdoor aviary for Jenna, but since I could never feel safe having her out there unless I could see her, I'm not sure she'd get a lot of use out of it.
  19. Jenna doesn't get hyper at night but as soon as I turn off the lights in her room and she thinks I am leaving (I usually sit with her in the dark and talk quietly to her for a few minutes before I go) she will start chattering up a blue streak! Reminds me of little children who don't want to go to bed
  20. Raposa


    He certainly IS gorgeous!!!
  21. Jenna gets a shower every day, either with me or in the sink, by recommendation of the vet since we're trying to get all her chopped off feathers to grow back in without further molestation from Jenna ~grins~ and she DEMANDS her shower. She starts asking for it as soon as I am stumbling around making coffee in the morning. "Want a SHOWER! Want a shower???" Funny girl
  22. Whisper sounds like so much fun, Char!!! Now she needs to learn to meow!
  23. I promised her a walk with me and the dog tonight, I'll let you know how it goes!
  24. Jenna has one corner cement perch inside the cage and another cement perch with varying thicknesses on it outside the cage. She also has wooden branch perches and rope perches. I think a variety is probably best. A cement perch on a movable stand is no problem at all, and as others have said, the cement tends to "file" the claws down so they are not so sharp
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