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Everything posted by birdhouse

  1. Some day, you'll be sitting in your magnificent aviary, kicked back w/the new neighbor, having some beverages & telling them the funny stories about when you built it.
  2. Just...take...it...easy. We all know that point where you finally feel better & think you're ready to conquer the world. But...
  3. Welcome to the greyt adventure & congratulations. Hope we hear a lot more from you.
  4. I have a rescue who was addicted to sunflower seed & peanuts. He acted like anything else was poisonous & would fling it as far away as possible. That included other types of seed btw. He was also so sick I almost lost him multiple times the first couple of years. So it was crucial that he got onto a good diet ASAP. Unfortunately the stress of switching over was dangerous, too. The average grey is notoriously difficult to convert. But since Phenix is wild-caught, he learned to forage in the jungle & was much much worse than average. Thankfully even while he still hated us & every good thing edible, we found out that he loved to drink out of a cup. Enough even to let us hold it while he drank. Huge. It let us bond, got him on real food & it also taught him to play initially. Cups & whatever we put in them are nothing short of magic. Use well & wisely!! :cool: If Charlie already knows he likes some juices, he'll keep going back to try every mix conceivable. We're big on pink grapefruit &/or cranberry around here. Of course, the absolute fav is Simply Limeade - because it's not good for them. lol Way too much sugar. But they're perfectly happy when I squeeze limes for them, instead. They're just like us about loving the bad stuff best. Like they all go for the coffee. But caffeine is bad for them because their hearts apparently over react. This is a good/bad list of foods among other things that might help while you explore Charlie's new palate. Food is wa-a-ay down. lol http://www.parrot-and-conure-world.com/non-toxic-for-birds.html After you've found Charlie's favorites, you can get him onto a greyt diet by mixing a bit of veggies & his fruit juice in the blender. Before you know it, you can have him graduated to smoothies, then chunky smoothies, then mash. It's not only painless, but actually fun. Phenix became a totally new type of eater w/in a couple of months of discovering smoothies. But 25 yrs later, he still loves to drink from a cup ...see avatar ") Suggest you also check out Elvenking's vid's of Issac w/playing w/his cup!
  5. For once it's not even a "grey thing". That just bothers some fids. So do things like hats & changing hair styles. One forum member got braces & it tipped her rescue right over.
  6. "Phenix here. You just need to learn to train your servants and it will all be fine. They are very slow. But they can be taught. You have to bite them very hard, very many times. Then one day they will finally learn that you mean it when you say "Stoppit!!". After that everything will be much better. Remember, a well trained human is a happy servant & even kinda fun to be around ...sometimes."
  7. I'm sorry. I just laughed when I read that your flock "needs" another bird. But I will look forward to meeting Snowbird & very probably whoever else comes along. lol I think it sounds like you're very lucky compared to so many on the reports. At least you & yours are apparently safe & sound. Hoping it stays that way.
  8. Hi Q9550. Welcome to GF. I think it's really wonderful that you've taken this much interest in Nonsense. It may take a little (Grey) time, but I'm pretty sure you'll be surprised by how she'll reward you. They are truly amazing creatures to live with! Re wing clipping, I'm a No vote, too ...99% of the time. Safety first. If you don't feel like it's a good idea at the moment & especially since there's some new & "startling" changes that might spook Nonsense, that seems to me like a very legitimate call. But it may also be a contributing factor toward why a bird is generally fearful & aggressive. Remember that flying is what makes a bird a bird. And it's just such a gift to be denied them. So maybe it's something to think about working towards long term? The thing I'd really like to suggest is a change in Nonsense' living space. If you look thru the "Show us your Cage" sticky http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?143481-Show-Us-Your-Cage! you'll see (like everything else) a difference of opinion about what is a healthy sized cage for a Grey long term. Most agree it really should be at least 23" deep by 32" wide to make room for 3 or more perches & multiple toys. 24" x 36" even better. I've gotten many awesome used cages for cheap. So this doesn't have to be an expensive proposition. But it is a worthwhile investment. When the cage is too small, they pretty much sit in one spot & do nothing all day long. Since they're too intelligent & emotional to live that way, it usually changes their disposition a lot. It will cause health problems long term. It can lead to plucking & in extreme cases self-mutilation. Store bought parrot toys can also be pretty expensive. Especially since the best toys are almost always the ones that get destroyed fastest. But, here's a couple of books that you can down load. They'll give you some idea's on how to use every day things that won't cost anything much & give Nonsense something to get her active again. https://featheredangels.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/theparrotenrichmentactivitybookversion1-0.pdf https://featheredangels.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/theparrotenrichmentactivitybookversion2-0.pdf A word of caution, though. Nonsense might actually be afraid of any of these things at first. Many Greys think everything new is scary. So if you make up toys in front of her, start small & leave them where she can see them for a while, it might help. When you introduce them to her cage, hang them on the outside, down the bottom & see if she freaks or just acts unhappy. If she freaks remove it immediately & put it away from the cage but still in sight for a week. Then try again. The same if she looks just unhappy or nervous & it lasts more than an hour. Don't be discouraged if the process takes months. My Grey was a mess when I first got him. There were things that it has taken him as long as a year to interact with. Then suddenly, they are his new favorite toy. After 25 yrs, I give up trying to figure it out. It's a grey thing.
  9. That's going to be amazing ...if it doesn't wash away. I saw the vids of the greater Houston area. Are you guys out of harms way? How about the rest of the Texas posse? Hope everyone's safe if not dry!
  10. Wouldn't it be wonderful if this new enclosure gives them the whatever to finally figure it out? Getting one bird to fly again is precious. Giving it to so many in your flock - priceless! And letting the ones who legitimately can't fly sit "up in the trees" seems like a pretty sweet thing, too.
  11. I'm so sorry the weather is being so rotten to you. But at the rate things have been going, as long as it's not extreme weather, I guess that's something at least. I keep some types of invasive plants in my gardens (see my albums http://www.greyforums.net/forums/album.php?albumid=689). The ones that invade by runner roots, are planted in the ground in pots that bind & retard the roots. It limits where they can spread & what resources they have once they're pot bound. They're so tough & hardy that they survive quite well anyway. Another trick is to keep those specimens in their own planters. I like self watering planters like this. You can also custom make something for yourself pretty easily. http://www.homedepot.com/p/CITY-PICKERS-24-5-in-x-20-5-in-Patio-Raised-Garden-Bed-Kit-with-Watering-System-and-Casters-in-Terra-Cotta-2340D/202563845 If you want a grape arbor, you can make a planter. You could start one in two pots w/a climbing net between. Or a bench w/an overhead trellis. Or one pot w/a trellis. A friend of mine had one in a big long planter pot for years. Again, it depends on the species. Did you want the grapes or just the vine? The non-fruit bearing might be easier to keep this way & you'd have edible grape leaves for cooking. If you do a little research you'll find some bamboo that is not invasive. I have some but it was a gift & I don't know the name. I've hardly found where it replanted itself in over 15 yrs. It apparently spread by seed in very extreme winter storm conditions. Anything you hang or plant is apt to get shredded. So, if you want ferns, how about growing pots of carrots? If you want ground plants, how about germinating seed mix & propagating the "prettiest". Starting w/sun flowers of every size & color & there are a ton of varieties now. Maybe a few corn stalks? You really burst my bubble about the fountain. lol I do not understand why our domesticated birds are so water phobic when the wild birds bath in muddle puddles w/such joy. But so, okay then, what about a small in-ground water feature, fish(less) pond? It could take care of itself. If the fids won't enjoy it, at least you guys could sit by it w/a beverage & enjoy the fruits of your labors.
  12. .... still waiting....!!!!
  13. Phenix' area looks like a mini massacre right now. At least according to his internal clock it is the right time for a molt. Do you feel quills when she lets you pet her? And I say this w/ great trepidation... Do you know you can help slough the sheath w/gentle rubbing? It is however, the most perfect ever time to get completely & totally nailed, though. Everyone else blisses out when I do this. 110% euphoric body language until they snap out of it & shake me off. Phenix will get all the way to that point then, w/blinding speed turn right around & rip me open. So, it's been years since I've even thought about preening Phenix. And I know he's feeling left out when he sees me w/the other guys. But he's like the parable of the scorpion & the frog, so... But anyway, I thought I'd mention it in the interest of all this new found wonderful w/Miss G. I've had mostly good luck using it to further that bond when it reaches a certain point. I really hope for everyone's sake that she finally gets it & is finally coming around for keeps. Even if she does always have little mini-melts & mood swings. She is, after all, a Grey. ") Just to share about cage switching, I 'm in the process of looking for another cage for Phenix. I think the experiment was a huge success. He uses his cage space so-o-o much better than when he was in the 30" x 40"... So much better that I just have to go mess w/him now! lol No, actually, I just "feel" it's time to step back up to a bigger cage & one that's better to lay out. I think it's time to see if he'll carry that same level of comfort over to a slightly larger cage. Just to see where his head is at. But also, he's finally slowing down some. Isn't as hell bent on roaming around, making trouble any more. He's more of a stay-at-home kinda guy now. I feel like I still need to do everything I can to keep his level of activity up & that means a bigger cage. Wish us luck! Let you know how it goes so you can factor it into yours & Miss G's 3 yr plan. ")
  14. Well good ...I hope. That was a long way & a quick turn around so I hope this ends well ...for everybody's sake. lol I've wanted an aviary forEVER. But I can't really have one w/the hawks & the trees & the mosquitoes "( West Nile Virus - the down side of living on a pond). It's gotten so now, every time you all start planning, I get to daydreaming. After all this time I have some pre-tty grandiose ideas. Let me tell you the rest of the "vision" your pics gave me. I did edit my original post to say one or two sections because I assume there's always random love/hate issues as well as day to day mini dramas. But the bones of what I dreamed up was actually wheeled panels, potted plants & great big suspended branches. Everything inside the outer walls was basically movable. Oh... & there may also have been a couple of bird baths. At least one w/a fountain. But maybe I should save that part til later. ")
  15. :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused: Oh my goodness what was that!?! Have to say I have no-o-ooo idea & the next time anyone says anything about how big a disconnect can happen when people are trying to communicate in writing, I am absolutely going to link this post!! ...You said something about posting more pictures of Issac's progress in a couple of days. But just I want more happy pictures right now. And I'm going to go out on a limb & say we all might. :rolleyes::cool::rolleyes::cool::rolleyes::cool:
  16. So why would you be waiting to post more pics...? It's not like anyone's going to say "Please stop posting pictures, Steve. We don't like cute, happy Issac pictures. We can only take so many & we've had enough already!" I say make hay while the sun shines, dammit! ")
  17. Seems like there should be a discount acupuncture joke in there somewhere. At least make you smile for a minute. But for some strange reason every image that comes to mind is more scary than funny.
  18. You poor thing!! Absolutely, yell & scream & carry on. I feel your pain too because I have some injury related back problems. Loathe the days when the only thing to do is wrap up in cellophane for some moist heat & try to find any distraction from the pain. I hope it passes real soon! For what it's worth, have you guys looked into acupuncture treatments at all? I know it isn't for everyone. But I had one friend, a barber, who developed sciatica in his shoulder. Really, really bad since his arms were basically raised all day long. Shots did not help him at all. Finally his wife dragged him kicking & screaming to an appointment because he was at the point where he was going to have to retire. He became the world's most unlikely convert after that visit, though. It was kind of amazing. Those acupuncture treatments worked like nothing else had & in surprisingly short order, for him anyway.
  19. ... oh no you didn't!! "Charlie Parker", what a greyt name! You're also the 2nd totally head-over-heels gushing new parront this week. Always awesome to hear...? see...? read! lol Welcome to GF John. I'm thinking everyone's going to want to read more. And we always want to see some pictures cuz we're just that way around here.
  20. Then Grey parronting might not be for you. They're very time intensive birds. They tend to need a great deal of all around effort or they often develop severe physical & emotional issues. Heck, even the Greys from the best homes have problems at times. Look at Steve's (Elvenking's) ongoing struggles w/Issac, for example. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?202542-Someone-Help-With-Isaac Now, before you've sign on to a 50-60 year commitment, might be a good time to rethink which particular species your life style is actually best suited to. Now that you've committed to a smaller 28"x22" cage, you could look at the a small Conure, a Senegal or Quaker parrot. They're usually much more fun w/a bunch less work. And they don't necessarily have such a driven need to be catered to as the Greys. My Quaker is about the happiest, least demanding bird I've ever met. It's very common for her to start laughing for no apparent reason. She talks, clowns around & amuses the ever loving out of herself all day long. Very easy keeper, especially for a parrot.
  21. Aaawww you are so in love & it pours out of that post like a waterfall! So happy for the both of you.
  22. Wow is that going to be awesome whenever Mother Nature finishes messing w/you! lol I have a question. Please be gentle if it's completely stupid & I'm missing the obvious. But aren't the fids all out together in the house? So how come they couldn't just be all together in a ginormous jungle enclosure or two when they're outside?
  23. Don't worry about the pics. If you just do the math, you get to the actual available space. Also, the pictures can be deceptive. Although, so can the measurements the vendors supply. That's just part of the fun of buying a new cage, though. The pic in my post is my ekkie's cage. It is my favorite cage ever. I don't know what brand as I got it on Craig's List. It could be a King's Economy brand. But there are a couple of other brands w/the same exact design. HQ & A&E, maybe? It's 24x36 & maybe 6' tall? I forget. But I can stand in it to clean when I take out the grate & pan which are excellently spaced btw (if they can pick thru their litter they can make themselves sick). It's really nice to clean because of the finish as well as the lay out. Meant to say before, the more space between the bars, the easier to clean. And I use vinegar & steam clean occasionally. Once in a while I'll use Poop Off. Also, it's been my fav to lay out w/toys & perches. Tons of room & placement choices. It helps to be able to design a cage that has interest all the way from ceiling to floor. But it takes room to keep everything from getting pooped on. For you, for now, I'm thinking maybe the Ebay cage, though. Kura's cage probably costs $6-700 new. I got it for $180 very gently used. I got lucky. You certainly could too. But it might take some time. I'd been looking for a while. I also knew what I wanted. You might hate the features I love best in a cage. So it might be good to get a very well priced new cage to go w/your new fid & see how it all shakes out. If you hate it or if you love it but wanted a bigger cage, you can buy Cage #2 at your leisure then sell Cage #1 on Craig's list. Also, your TAG could be like mine & not want a really big cage. Suggest you don't even try to make sense out of that one. It's ...a TAG thing. lol
  24. Sorry I missed that post. The "top" post on my tablet looked like Neow's post. I was like, what's going on? 5/8" bar spacing is a little less comfortable to grip, also lighter weight, as well as less space, of course. So, the appropriate Grey-sized toys & perches, especially if you go w/natural perches, may not fit. Or the bars could get bent more easily w/the heavier stuff because they are usually smaller diameter. The cages we both linked are white. Only the pic on mine is black. I don't understand what you mean by "less cage"? Also "only 4" is actually a lot. If you see a 22x24, a 23x32 & a 24x36 side by each, there's a ton of difference. 22x24x50=26,400 cubic inches total living space. 23x32x46"=33,846 cubic inches of living space. [pretending they're rectangular vs rounded for simplicity] And if by "play top" you meant an open dome top (vs a cage w/a 2nd flat top w/tray & built in perch & they do sell them like that) - yes. I'm a fan, which is why I knew about that particular cage. I'm looking for a new cage for Phenix. But I'm think he's getting a 24"x36" cage w/a little shorter inside height. He isn't really comfy in a humongous cage. But I can't stand looking at him in the 21"x34"x46" anymore. Long story short, it was an experiment.
  25. The original cage being the ebay cage? What happened to the CL cage ( which I still can't see for some reason). 24" x 36" w/3/4" - 1" bars spacing is usually the recommended min for a CAG. But for most TAGs, 23" x 32" is fine, too. This cage is like your original, but $30 gets a beefer cage. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Bird-Cage-Parrot-Macaw-Cockatoo-African-Grey-Q39-3223-White-Vein-/221986825148?hash=item33af7223bc:g:axsAAOSwYIhWjAGD That one also has has a veranda/landing door, which is big points on my personal fav list ")
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