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Everything posted by birdhouse

  1. There are some things that are too special to be forgotten. Like the truly unique wit & wisdom of the equally unique Dave007. And of course, his huge investment of time & effort towards making Grey Forums greyt. Wishing everyone a very special Thanksgiving & holiday season. But especially to Dave's friends & family ...hope you'll reminisce w/a little charity & a lot of joy.
  2. I too believe we should forgive & forget whenever possible. As long as it doesn't translate into repeating the same mistakes over & over. You may feel Jay & Maggie deserve the opportunity to start w/a clean slate & that's fine. But what do the members who were on the receiving end of *all* their disruption & abuse deserve because letting them walk back in like nothing ever happened is a slap in the face to many good people here. Saying the membership is not owed an apology & at least token assurances of their good intentions going forward doesn't bode well for anything but a repeat of the last time. ************* ************* ************* ************* btw if you haven't had tech working on the site, then maybe someone should check if JayD still has invisibility permissions. That would mean that profile still has elevated privledges ...after everything that happened. ************* ************* ************* *************
  3. On second thought, I may have misspoke. The battle between Black Jack Randall and Jamie was a disappointment for me, too. As much as I respected the way it was done, & I did, don't get me wrong. But I would have liked them to have wallowed just a bit more after everything. Spiteful, I know, but... }:->
  4. As the owner of a wild caught Grey for the past 30 yrs, I've had a lot of opportunity to think about this. I've come to believe there is no good answer. Just bad & worse ones. First of all I think that it may soon be an academic question. Between human "progress" & climate change, many of the habitats that these species came from will cease to be able to support them. Many w/in our lifetime. If it weren't for our selfish fascination w/certain species, they would join the long list of those now extinct. So all the individuals who suffered & died will have at least perpetuated their species, at least for the time being. Those individuals, however, were as near as I can see on the receiving end of a prayer the devil answered. The huge percentage who have suffered & died is pretty serious indication that they don't "enjoy" captivity. That a very few are of just the right combination of adaptability to transition. Luck would likely have played a hand as well. I also know that whether bred or caught very few birds' existence qualifies as any decent quality of life. Most of the world treats them like canaries, sticks them in undersized cages & uses them for display. Those who some think of as lucky may manage to exist in isolation for a decade or more. But many will be gone w/in the same life time as their wild cousins. But they'll never again see another of their kind, let alone find their life's mate. Won't ever soar far above the earth. Will never have the freedom to explore acre after acre, after acre of rain forest for miles on end. Because it was decided that someone wanted to "keep" them, instead. While the Wild Bird Conservation Act of 1992 was coming into effect, some factions were pushing hard to ban the keeping of all caged birds. I read many, many of those articles. I did a lot of soul searching. At the time I believed in my heart of hearts that they were right. Most parrots live cruelly, w/sub standard housing, food & existence ...for double digit years. If it had been put to a vote, I honestly would have been willing to lose out on all the great things my fids bring to my life to save all the decades of suffering for all those millions of birds. But it was never mine to vote on. And now, the world has changed. Now I feel like we're responsible to perpetuate these amazing creatures who will soon likely die out in the wild. ...just in a much, much more informed & conscientious way than we have in the past.
  5. My personal scale for how good a show is, is how fast it goes by. That episode came to an abrupt halt aft about 20 min according to my sensibilities. Fantasy usually requires a certain element of suspended disbelief to work well. Not Outlander. I am always blown away by how intensely real it is. The depth of emotion & dimension to the characters are fascinating to me all by themselves, aside from the actual story. The opening of that episode was to me like the 1700's (?) version of the beginning of Saving Private Ryan & it was all created w/insane cinematography & acting, & w/the minimal possible dialogue compared to the scope of what was going on. Nope, it did not disappoint in any way other than length. jmho The sad thing is because I've like the series so well, I've put off reading the books. Often the original books ruin the screen version for me & I don't want that to happen here. I'm beginning to think they're going to stay tucked away in my Kindle library until the series is over & I'm left pining for more.
  6. Think I think I found the B&G I was worried about at the Delco Center in East Austin (slide #20). I originally saw a few seconds of a man w/a B&G being loaded into a boat. Then a few day later a totally different evacuation piece had a split second of wings spreading, far behind a reporter's head that I just felt like was them. Sounds a little obsessive I guess, but I've been thinking about them ever since. Wish they'd found a more comfortable place to land. But real glad they're apparently safe & sound. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/harvey-wild-animals_us_59a7102ee4b0a8d14572bd50?slideshow=true#gallery/59a7446ae4b010ca289a197a/0
  7. Dozens wait in line at animal shelters to adopt a 'Harvey pet' http://www.wral.com/dozens-wait-in-line-at-animal-shelters-to-adopt-a-harvey-pet-/16924842/ Palm Beach County evacuees fleeing Hurricane Irma left dogs tied up http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/weather/hurricane/fl-pn-lost-animals-20170909-story.html I believe the karma for this, in both directions, is huge. jmho When I get some time, I'd like to compile an extensive "disaster" list for a sticky. Meanwhile, here are some of the organizations referenced in the Florida article. Please consider sending them your admiration & support. Maybe even adopt one or two for the long term. https://bestfriends.org/ http://www.floridadisaster.org/petplan.htm https://www.ready.gov/animals https://www.cdc.gov/features/petsanddisasters/index.html https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/general-pet-care/disaster-preparedness
  8. You may find a dusting of cinnamon will go a long way towards your absolution. No promises, mind. But if your fids are like many of ours, they're cinnamon junkies. That's a Greyt thing know & take advantage of.
  9. So, was it good to be back...? No spoilers, please! I haven't had a chance to watch it yet.
  10. And it's not the only one. I feel so badly for all those poor people but those who will be getting run over twice in a matter of days no less...! This is a nightmare.
  11. How can they turn someone away just because they don't meet carrier reg's? It's easy to think that's pretty heartless. But it's not necessarily & it's something everyone should plan for in advance. Especially those of us w/fids. Pets owners may face rules in public, in transit & in housing that can make travel & especially evacuation displacement a further nightmare. For everyone's sake, a travelling pet should have a secure mobile space even under normal circumstances. That will very often be their carrier. Something that will protect them from the very scary things they may encounter & to protect the humans who may be scared whenever they encounter them. Too easy for things to horribly wrong otherwise. Owners who don't make safe, secure & comfortable containment a priority before they leave home may well end up risking themselves & their babies. http://people.com/pets/hurricane-irma-dog-denied-on-flight/
  12. This is like the nightmare where you're trying to stop someone from being hit by a train but your feet won't move & no sound will come. So far it's been brutal & it's only going to get worse.
  13. Macaw & Cockatoo Rescue of NM Anna 505-994-0505 We live along the south coast of New England. Although they aren't as mean or as frequent as further south, hurricanes are a fact of our lives, too. The last one made landfall 10 miles from here. Meaning we were comparably lucky since we were on the dirty side but close enough to the eye to get the least damaged. So when I say how badly I feel for what this weekend could bring, I mean it. I don't even know how you run away from this monster. But I hope everyone can find a way to stay safe.
  14. Ground Hog Day. -sigh- This AM I can submit posts & edit them. When I try to "go advanced" or "preview" it returns "Page Unavailable".
  15. I know from past experience that many people on this forum don't pay any attention to any room besides the Grey Lounge. I've posted things that have gotten about zero attention in the more appropriate forums & re posted here w/completely different response. So I hope the mods will forgive me for cross posting this message. "It's very realistic to project that by this time next week there could be a swath of destrution from Corpus Christi to Raleigh. With two hurricanes down, two hurricanes on deck & two months of hurricane season more to weather." http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?203263-Hurricane-Harvey-s-critters-amp-people-too&p=324178#post324178 So many million people & animals are going to be affected by this. Not "may be", are going to need all the help that everyone else can give. I hope lots of our members will find a way to help now & hopefully thru the rest of the year or longer. Every little bit makes a huge difference, especially in the long term. Everyone else will have forgotten long, long before these people can ever hope to rebuild their lives. Another part of the painful reality they're up against right now. There is a list of Texas specific relief organizations in that link. But many are national & even international groups there. Especially for the critters. Please feel free to use this thread & that link to share a list of organizations who can be effective in the up coming wake of Harvey, Irma & who ever else Mother Nature intends to rain hell down on the coastal US this hurricane season.
  16. Gallows humor. A time honored tradition for dealing w/the worst of the worst things humans face. I don't think anyone could say you weren't entitled. The entirety of Florida excepting the panhandle is apparently going to take it in the teeth. It's very realistic to project that by this time next week there could be a swath of destruction from Corpus Christi to Raleigh. With two hurricanes down, two hurricanes on deck & two months of hurricane season more to weather. Texas may end up being the "lucky ones" when it's all said & done. How horrifying is that?
  17. Sounds like things are going as well as can be expected. That's so good to hear! Hope everything continues to go as well. I absolutely hate to say this, but as it stands now Harvey may only have been the opening act for this year's hurricane season. It certainly looks as though Irma could be all that Harvey was & then some. That's a lot of people with shattered lives. Good thing we're a lot of people who can help, right? Just added Team Rubicon to the list. I only just heard about them when I signed into my Microsoft acct this am. There was a pop up about Microsoft's contribution to the Hurricane Harvey recovery process which mentions Team Rubicon. They're an NGO nonprofit who utilize military vets & their experience to aid in disaster relief efforts. You can read more in this CNBC piece. https://www.cnbc.com/2017/09/05/team-rubicon-military-vets-raising-millions-to-help-harvey-victims.html
  18. I saw vids of fire ants rafts. Ugh! We had a hornet problem in the aftermath of my first serious hurricane here. These are the types of things you don't see coming & frankly just don't need to add to everything else. I'm so glad your home made it through. But it sounds like the sanctuary has a lot of love helping it recover. How's everything going there & in general? * BTW, anyone who wants to add to the list of relief organizations, please go for it! This area is going to need a ton of support for a long time to come. *
  19. Hahahaha I'd demote your tail in a heartbeat if you kept calling me those kind of names. What happened to Freda? Re: Grey love being the best love... I read where someone said, "You haven't really been loved until you've been loved by a redhead." The author was a man who was shamelessly, head over heels in love w/a female Vosmaeri Eclectus. Bearing in mind that this is a Grey forum & so this is pretty treasonous stuff, I have to say I agree. The day Kura crawled onto my arm, it was magical. Unlike any other bird I've known or even known of. She's incredibly loving & she radiates a kind of joy & trust that is distinctly un-birdlike. As an added bonus, I can even breath her in, unlike the rest of the fids, unfortunately. She smells like honey, too.
  20. See, I think so too. But if one of your household develops life impacting allergic reactions say, who has to move out...? So for that kind of thing only, "almost". Quick aside but along the same lines, I was really very encouraged to see the pets that were rescued in Houston last week. One family actually had a pig, a dog & 4 kids & Mom said the rescuers, HPD I think she said, took it all in stride. The vid was cute. I saw a man w/a B&G on his shoulder somewhere early on. But I've never been able to find it since. Hope they had someone's home to shelter in. I know I wouldn't want to have to take a fid, let alone a big fid, into a public shelter!!
  21. That's really a gift! Kura never does either. But Phenix literally always draws blood. It's just a matter of how much. The other day we all went out on an adventure. Phenix was in rare form & up for anything. He even "stopped me" when I was transferring him to the travel cage. He asked for a snuggle. Quality face time where he rubs his cheek to mine (something he learned from watching Kura). It's pretty rare & I will drop everything, every time. He & I spent at least 5 minutes cuddling. One of those moments for sure. Then we all had a lovely afternoon 'telling each other silly stories' until it cooled off & everyone was ready to come in for supper. Still chattering we all unloaded in our usual order. Phenix last.* He gave me another little kiss on the way in the door & then as I latched it & he reached back around & let me have it before he casually headed of to the food trough. -sigh- * because even a Grey doesn't want to be the first back in the cage.
  22. So, then "all" you need to do is change your approach & get some meds? That's pretty good news, actually.
  23. Hi Linda. Welcome to you & Abbie. Glad you decided to join us. Looking forward to stories & pictures & all. ")
  24. Pets and wildlife navigate Texas flooding http://www.cnn.com/2017/08/31/us/animals-harvey-trnd/index.html
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