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Everything posted by birdhouse

  1. They all have bad days & bad sprees. For a long time I've said that Phenix "passes" as a normal Grey now because they're usually a rather moody lot anyway. People just can't tell his 'tude is coming from a slightly darker place. Something I never saw coming was how, in some ways I actually handle it less well now though. Not badly or anything. But when grumpy was the norm, I was normally prepared to let it roll off my back. Now that it's more of a surprise & disappointment it just stings a little more when I'm ...out of favor. And of course, I just want everything to be sunshine & lollipops all the time anyway. lol
  2. I've had vets tell me they only treat clipped birds for liability reasons. And that while they're charging $15-20 a clip, they're doing everyone a favor by keeping those birds safe. ... or maybe I should say ex-vets. We didn't go back. I've also seen 2 vets who insisted my fids be put back onto a pelleted diet even though both times the birds had been examined w/nothing but positive remarks & results. So I of course asked why I would switch from fresh feeding. One vet gave no more substantial justification than that he'd "feel more comfortable". I don't remember specifically what the other one said. But I do remember that both had a big wall displaying different lines of pet foods for sale by the front desk. The sad truth is there are many bad vets around. There are also too many avian vets who won't embrace "modern" practices. I've been reasonably appalled more than a few times over the years. So now, I question everything on general principle & suggest everyone else does too.
  3. Hi Barry. Welcome to Grey Forums. It doesn't sound like it's you so much as Oscar going thru some emotional issues after being yanked out of his previously happy home. He's starting to realize the whole world as he knew it & everyone he was attached to has just disappeared w/no explanation. The honeymoon period where it was fun is wearing off & he's starting to have some reaction. In short, he's almost exactly like a little boy who misses his Daddy & wants to go home now. You're just some guy he resents for trying to take Dad's place. And you're probably trying too hard which is making things worse for the moment. So I would suggest you give him his space & let him sort things. "Ignore" him. He's very likely to come around more easily if you "do nothing". And by nothing I mean hang out for periods near his cage. But not to near. Bring something quiet to do like read a book or surf the web. (post lot's of pics on GF lol). Always say "Hi" & glance his way when you would normally make casual contact w/any person in the room. But not much more than that. Do you whistle? That's a great way to interact w/o seeming to. If Oscar will start playing the whistling game w/you, then you'll know he's opening up to well opening up to you again. Then a few times a day, maybe come by the cage w/a treat or a little foot toy. Bring Oscar a straw, a popsicle stick, a button or something. But drop it in the dish & keep going "hit & run" style until he's coming toward you, not backing away. Even then, make him "woo" you before you try slowly going back to where you were before he had his trauma. This little glitch in your relationship may also introduce you to what we call "Grey Time". Grey's can be real slow movers about emotional issues. Things take how long they take & parronts need to learn to "wait for it" . So go slow. Be patient & I'll almost guarantee Oscar will settle in happily when he's ready. He's been doing far better than many, many rehomes would from what you've said. Check out "Rescue Bird Haven" for some perspective, here. I think we can look forward to many happy posts about your new life together in the future. ")
  4. birdhouse

    New Cage

    The grate would stay bare metal if it was SS or aluminum.
  5. birdhouse

    New Cage

    I'll leave the whole roll of paper towels on a dowel in their cage occasionally. Lovely mess! But it's cheap & makes them happy. I also use the roll-off to clean up rather than waste it. btw, the industrial rolls last a wicked long time. Hard to tell about the ladder from that angle. But inside the cage you might see if it works connecting side to side or top & side. Or zip tie it to a perch & linked to the bars somewhere. Zip tied between two perches? It looks like it might also work connected from the play top to the top of the cage...? I think zip ties are great in cages. Very handy & sturdy but totally replaceable. Very glad to hear about the grate. I've had 2 trash pickers get really sick. So, it's a thing w/me. IDK if you can get it stainless or aluminum for a reasonable cost. But then it would last "forever". Otherwise, no copper, brass or galvanized/zinc wire. Also needs to be painted w/a specifically bird-safe paint because normally, metal paint has lead & zinc & gives of VOCs sometimes for years. Boy, after all this Nonsense is really going to be stylin' isn't she? ") She already looks pretty happy in the pics!
  6. 5 already? Wow! Happy Belated Hatchday Gracie & many, many more!!
  7. IDK, I wouldn't. Just because I don't know what they're really made out of, inside & out, glue, dye etc. I'd worry whatever it was might make someone sick. I'm a little paranoid like that. But I'm a "better safe than sorry type". That said, I've seen some stuff in Murfchck's pictures that just amaze me. Her huge flock apparently leaves things I'd never dream unscathed. So, I don't really know what to tell you.
  8. Oh so cute!! I want want one just like that!! Unfortunately, if I ever even tried to poke the one I've got like that, I'd be the one making all the noises. Not exactly cute kind, either.
  9. birdhouse

    New Cage

    That was a big, bold move for Nonsense & I'm very happy for all concerned. The lucky few parronts who live w/a fid who just embraces change are blessed indeed. I think most Greys dislike being watched unless they're really, generally the secure type. Even still, not necessarily when it comes to certain new things. Or when they're hormonal. Or after dusk. lol But anyway, now you know for future things like food & toys etc. Walk away like "it's" no big deal & maybe it won't be one. Can't wait to see that cage all "filled up". How about a swing or a boing (spiral perch)? And a bell, or two? I usually try to design some interest all the way down the cage. But w/the open litter pan, I think I'd stop at about 2/3rds the way down. Could that ladder go somewhere else, maybe?
  10. I can't really say I normally get envious of anything except the baby experience. I didn't expect to be anything more to Phenix than his caretaker because multiple vets diagnosed him as "terminally insane". That was a long time ago now. I doubt that's even in the vocabulary any more. But after that, every little bit of progress was a humongous bonus & I'm just very grateful. First for him, that he's made such a better place in the world. Then for me because I got such a gift. Yep, I'm a big, sappy Grey-o-holic & I admit it.
  11. Oh good! I'm not the only one. I've never seen or even heard of either of them before. Thanks for the education Ray!
  12. It's really true you know. Us hoomans are so very slow witted & hard to train that we're luck our all wonderful fids even grace us w/the time it takes to "correct" us. Let alone anything else! lol
  13. I remember the exact picture when she went from being a beautiful baby to being a beautiful parrot. It was really awesome of you to let us watch her grow up the way you did. But we are pretty spoiled now. So where's all the birthday party pictures already!!! ")
  14. I found myself chuckling at your post because nothing can truly prepare anyone for the wrath of a Grey. But, that said, you are possibly more prepared than most. Agree w/the others, read & keep reading. Also, you don't have to be a parront to ask questions. Please ask away....
  15. birdhouse

    New Cage

    "Also, the door looks a little small for you to get in there to clean. Dorians cage door is huge, I can fit my whole body through it. " Spoken like someone (else) w/a bad back! I certainly second that. Small doors make cleaning so0o much more work than being able to actually stand inside. Kind of a deal breaker for me. The wheels are often a place where the manufacturers fail. Either they cheap out or they just don't realize how much a filled cage weighs. But that's not actually a big deal as it turns out. In the states at least, replacement casters & the "connectors" which are square nylon grommets are available from industrial supply stores or sites. And the good news is the replacements are usually an upgrade. Like some come w/brakes, which I like a lot. My only concern about that cage is the lack of a grate to keep Nonsense out of the litter tray. Some birds don't need one. But if they do & they trash pick, they can get very sick from it (been there, done that). This is what I appreciate most about this forum. All the different perspectives. Everyone's got their experiences & reasons for doing things their way. Sharing gives everyone else the benefit of each individual's trial & error so readers can get a big head start. Unless of course, they want to experiment. I only use dome top cages. I've always had space considerations. A dome top often has more living space than a play top w/the same foot print. I also love my landing doors! I like the way they lay out & my fids generally use their cages from the ground up. Which is again, the reason why having a bottom grate is important to me.
  16. " I can see in each pupil a "comma" shape. Her vet said that is a sign of trauma, a head or eye injury. " I wondered about that. So is there any potential for impaired sight? I met a Macaw who had gradually gone blind from head trauma once. But she'd finally come to live in a bird sanctuary. The woman who ran the place was pretty amazing. However she managed it, she eventually figured out the best quality of life for this sad beauty was to hook her up w/a side kick who acted as her seeing eye dog. The sighted Macaw also seemed to translate & filter surrounding activities. There was a huge change in the injured bird after that. It was a pretty awesome end to an extremely %$#X!* story. Have you tried singing, whistling or humming with, to or around Miss G? One of those crazy ideas I get sometimes is that some rescues got used to bad things happening whenever humans a-look directly at them or b-talk to or more likely yell at them. So, I sing-song a lot for a while. I made up a "Good Morning" song for Phenix & Kura so I could do the food & water w/a minimum of drama. Although, it worked much better w/Kura. But then almost everything does. She's my "easy child". lol
  17. Glad to hear it. But gee that's a long wait. Especially when someone's basically incapacitated. Hope your going to see some real improvement now!
  18. Oh, hell no! GreycieMae is not well adjusted. She's just flat out amazing.
  19. Oh Ouch! Sorry to hear that! I take it it's all pretty much good now though...? But I still have to say that there are times when w/full planning & malice of forethought a fid will lure someone in & wham!! One of my cockatiels used to do it to the dogs until he finally settled in. When Charm is in full Quaker-cage-territorial-mode she'll make all sweetness & light then grab onto my wrist like a pit bull. I did slam into Phenix while I was cleaning his cage one time. I lost track of where he was & practically knocked him off the perch. I got nailed right under the eye. And that was my fault! Otherwise, I've never gotten it in the face like that. Probably only a matter of time though, since I'm always looking to get kisses. lol
  20. Okay, okay. You've convinced me. As a horticulturalist, you're just plain scary. All that latent talent must have gotten dumped into the critter-keeping gene, instead. And I think there are more than a few critter who are (&/or will be) grateful for it!!
  21. I have no idea why this is. But Phenix is absolutely sure, positive that he's going to die if he's near anything that's translucent, florescent orange or translucent, florescent yellow. Things get normal reactiona if they're a solid "safety" orange or yellow color. But an-y-thing that's see thru...? Oh boy!!!
  22. Happy belated Hatchday, Inara! I'd say I hope it was a greyt one. But I'm sure it was. ")
  23. That's professional grade shredding right there. Just sayin. Sometimes you have to give the (little) Devil his due. lol
  24. That pic is picture perfect. ") And speaking of nice, I keep forgetting to mention how much I like that avatar. Spoken like someone who hasn't gotten nailed in quite a while. Must be nice.
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