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Everything posted by birdhouse

  1. It's not about needing a workaround. It's about notifying the techies that since I last used it a couple of weeks ago either someone re-wrote the code badly or someone bad re-wrote the code.
  2. ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< The petition is now closed. It makes me very sad to say it only got 73,645 of the targeted 75,000 signatures. Thanks to everyone who stepped up. ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
  3. The video icon doesn't make a direct link to videos (on YouTube at least) anymore. This is how it's coding now & it doesn't work [video]https://youtu.be/sZ-5EOGo3RI[/video] This is what it used to be [video=youtube;sZ-5EOGo3RI]https::p//www.youtube.com/watch?sZ-5EOGo3RI[/video]
  4. Aaaww look how sweet!! Another great find Ray. ") Thanks [video=youtube;sZ-5EOGo3RI]https://www.youtube.com/watch?sZ-5EOGo3RI
  5. What a great idea! One time Kura went to school w/me on a Saturday when I had to do some computer lab work. She was quiet & cozy, mostly covered up in the plastic cat carrier. No one "bothered" me while I was working & I really thought everyone was too busy to even notice. But the room suddenly emptied when I stepped out to take a break. Word spread thru the building about her & we must have had 25 people come & go thru the lounge in about 30 minutes. It was a kind of an eyeopener for me to hear how many had never even been around a budgie, let alone a parrot. Kura couldn't have been a better birdie ambassador. She's a true beauty & she's usually a sweetheart. I was surprised how many people she let hold her. Everyone was instantly & totally smitten like forever! That was just a random few minutes w/some stressed out students. So I really can imagine how a birdie coffee shop could be a hugely successful environment. Good on whoever thunk it up!! Now maybe they should think about franchising because they've apparently got market potential in OH, TX, MA & RI & that's w/o even trying. ")
  6. Awesome guys!! I hope many more members will, too. And please feel free to "pass it along". This seems to be an issue that needs all the help it can get in spite of the fact that it should be a no-brainer.
  7. In the wild babies eat what adults eat, literally. The parents regurgitate food for their young. Short term, read thru the food forum here & read any mash threads. Grind down fine & feed warm but not hot enough to burn the crop, which is very important. Watch baby's weight. You should get in touch w/a vet asap. Especially given where you are, the chances are that's a wild baby. (S)he should be checked by a pro because bird diseases are super hard to diagnose even w/blood panels & know how. If nothing else, if they are actually the breeder the person where you got Baby is totally discredited for releasing an un-weaned chick to you unprepared like this. That increases the risks here & makes it even more important to talk w/a vet or other reputable breeder as soon as you can. This is a list of safe & toxic foods (among other things) that you should know before you get started. Food is way down at the bottom. http://www.parrot-and-conure-world.com/non-toxic-for-birds.html Also, you can PM Dave007 who is a knowledgeable breeder here in the US. Make it **very** clear where you are & why you're looking for his help.
  8. idk that looks like a little desperado to me. Or maybe an Elvis the way he was bebop'n to the music. Hows your wife recovering? Is the conure cure working the next great medical miracle or what?
  9. No. Usually I just use the video icon. But it was not coding correctly for some reason. So I went back to an earlier thread & copied out a working line of code. I do know how to copy & paste. ")
  10. Please know that I've owned a wild caught grey for about 30 yrs. No judging, honest. But the reality is that supporting the wild bird trade really isn't a good thing from so many perspectives. We have had other members from countries that import wild birds. I do realize that breeders can be pretty scarce. But if you look look for a while longer, you might still find one.
  11. I was trying to put a direct video link in my thread for the CITES petition. But for some reason I couldn't. Could I please get a little help from the more tech savvie types in the group? TUVM
  12. https://www.change.org/p/tell-cites-to-end-trade-in-wild-african-grey-parrots'>https://www.change.org/p/tell-cites-to-end-trade-in-wild-african-grey-parrots/u/17858312'>https://www.change.org/p/tell-cites-to-end-trade-in-wild-african-grey-parrots/u/17858312 The CITES Standing Committee (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, also known as the Washington Convention) will be meeting again this year. They need all the motivation & pressure that can possibly be brought from every possible resource to influence this session's vote to stop the wild bird trade. https://www.change.org/p/tell-cites-to-end-trade-in-wild-african-grey-parrots :mad: Every one of you are part of the greatest resource. FIRST please sign the petition to have CITES Standing Committee come to a more intelligent conclusion than they did 4 years ago. "Thumbs down CITES - Epic Fail! The combination of both petitions against wild Grey exports generated over 41,000 signatures in a matter of days. I truly believe this single effort made many hundreds of people aware of the realities of this horrific trade. I can only hope that some of them will go on to help bring it to an end some time in the foreseeable future. But not this time. Instead of stopping the export of wild Greys from the Congo, the CITES Standing Committee actually ruled to establish an export quota for Cameroon once again. How sad is it that the governing bodies on this planet will not see the harm being done before "the last of its kind" is being worshiped in its last possible refuge on the face of the earth? "Standing Committee approves annual export of 3,000 Greys from Cameroon Despite the best efforts of the World Parrot Trust and the over 41,000 signatories who supported the petition against the trade in Grey parrots in Cameroon and Congo, CITES' ruling yesterday ultimately failed to protect the birds from unsustainable trade, ignoring sound science, global public opinion, and the terms of their own Convention. Rather than ruling to protect protect these Globally Threatened Species, they instead chose to reopen trade from Cameroon, allowing 3,000 birds a year to now be legally exported from that country. As a result 6,000 birds will be taken from the wild as roughly 50% of these birds die between trapping and export. CITES also failed to suspend trade from the Democratic Republic of Congo. This is despite Congo's repeatedly exceeding their annual quota of 5,000 bird." http://www.parrots.org/flyfree/cites-results.html" http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?196445-Please-Help/page3 :confused::confused: SECOND, become aware & share! Many people don't even realize that this is still going in on in the world because their own countries have banned the barbaric practice. And many others don't know that they can help stop the wild bird trade by sharing information among other animal & conservation enthusiasts. Even just "normal" people who might care. :cool::cool::cool: THIRD support grass roots organizations who are in a position to make a global impact. Frequent their sites. Like them etc on social media. Donate today's coffee money. More if you're inspired. But today, even if it's just for today, donate 10 minutes to this worthwhile cause. **PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION** https://www.change.org/p/tell-cites-to-end-trade-in-wild-african-grey-parrots/u/17858312 https://www.change.org/p/tell-cites-to-end-trade-in-wild-african-grey-parrots http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-18858872 http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?196437-Petition-Against-Wild-Trade "CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, also known as the Washington Convention) is a multilateral treaty, drafted as a result of a resolution adopted in 1963 at a meeting of members of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). ...Its aim is to ensure that international trade in specimens of wild animals and plants does not threaten the survival of the species in the wild, and it accords varying degrees of protection to more than 33,000 species of animals and plants. In order to ensure that the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was not violated, the Secretariat of GATT was consulted during the drafting process.[2] Only one species protected by CITES, the Spix's Macaw, has become extinct in the wild[3] as a result of trade since the Convention entered into force..." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CITES
  13. And I forgot that I wanted to let you know about the "Parrot Enrichment Activity Book v.1 & v.2" downloads. Both sites are well worth exploring, although Kris Porter is the actual author. Mostly though, I just thought I'd do my bit to help ensure you'll have milk money for your long suffering hubby. Assuming you remember to pick it up, of course. https://www.parrots.org/search/results/270e2abafe3f565f18555f5895d7608f/ http://www.parrotenrichment.com/
  14. I have seen antacids recommended for laying chickens. But I wouldn't consider using supplements for a parrot w/o deficient blood panel levels & a vet's say so. Odds are good that Kya was over preening out of boredom. And he ain't bored anymore is he? And if he starts over preening now, it's very possibly sensory overload. I don't know if you need to do more than sort his diet & keep an eye on him, at this point. Can't hurt to get him out in the sunshine while the weather holds either. Adequate Vitamin D from sunlight or a lamp is also needed to metabolize calcium. Since you think he's conditioned to eat peanuts & cheap seed, he should be cut off now. No more peanuts or sunflower seeds, either. These are a very common addiction for many parrots from 'uninformed' homes. Fids fill up on as many of them as available & have less need or desire for better foods. Most parrots are extremely attracted to any nuts, which are a good source of calcium. Nuts in the shell are good foraging & exercise. If you gave him a bit of a head start by slightly cracking a few walnuts, Kya can have a healthier new addiction pretty quick. From now on peanut butter will be to use Penny's word a good "disguise" for new foods. Think of it as ketchup for a certain type of human palate. lol Peanut butter in warm quinoa? Or on dandelion w/extra cinnamon? In fresh snap peas? With hard boiled egg yolk & apple sauce, maybe? Don't worry if you wouldn't like it. They certainly have different sensibilities. And of course you can start by experimenting w/calcium rich foods like dandelions, oranges, broccoli buds, etc. After a while you could try to transition to Red Palm Oil instead. Palm nuts are a part of a grey's diet in the wild. My flock recommends Nutiva RPO because they apparently think it's quite yummy. I second that because it's reasonably priced, found in my local grocery stores, is organic, Non-GMO, supports Fair Trade, no deforestation or habitat destruction. You might also gain surprising ground if you'll share your food. Greys learn by example (Google ALEX Studies if you haven't already been introduced). You could use your fingers, utensils or better still a cup. Some fids love to drink from a cup! If Kya gets into drinking regular juice from a cup, you'll be able to start concocting some healthy smoothies which would be helpful. btw Simply Limeade gets Phenix' highest recommendation!! From there, hopefully he'd graduate to "nasty" smoothies. Chunky, seriously noxious concoctions that will serve as precursors to mash. Suggest spending a while in the Health Room, reading about mash & chop. Basically what you've been doing on a larger scale. With a little practice you can feed a much more varied & healthy diet for a ton cheaper than pellets. It's also a lot easier than people tend to think, once they get the hang of it.
  15. EEWWW!! You guys are soooo grrosss!!!!! LOL
  16. btw somehow, I managed to forget to mention what a pretty flock!! No disrespect or disinterest intended. Just got sidetracked there for a minute.
  17. lol Okay. But you know the rules, right...? 1 - the more excited you get about the new toy, the more likely it will crash & burn 2 - the greater the thought & effort put into a thing, the greater the potential rejection So maybe just jam as many coffee filters as you can into one, wipe the bottom of the stack w/peanut butter, RPO or coconut oil & don't look at it again until there's a mess on the floor. Then you can start getting fancy! ") We have a few types & sizes, too. Best part is how I can keep them new w/o having to worry about the new thing rejection. But I love my 5" foragers the best. It always reminds me of stuffing Xmas stockings while I'm looking around for new & fun things to put in them.
  18. Hahaha. Yep, something most Greys have in common is how they love their bells. Suggest you do not hang any bell if you are not completely in love w/the sound. I've never been disappointed by pipe bells which also tend to be very durable. Just got these recently & they were pretty nice. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01GPTQWU6/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 While not quite as pleasant sounding, this is very doable & an awesome forager. Very versatile so it never gets old. Also seemingly quite sturdy. You'd never know to look at it that Phenix beats the crap out of his on a regular basis. https://www.amazon.com/Caitec-Foraging-Ball-Chain-Bell/dp/B00EOOQCH8/ref=cm_rdp_product
  19. As it happens, we just had this conversation the other night. So all that was a lot closer to the surface. And I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing, for me, anyway. Knowing that I could & arguably should be replaced w/a better model. Keeps me humble, for starters. ") I also think it's good for me to admit, as this is a teaching forum. I feel like these threads are an opportunity to share what it's really like w/newbies & wannabies & shouldn't be's (especially!). My cautionary tale about how after three decades it could turn out quite well & all. But still only be a qualified success. Maybe after it's all said & done, that's all it's ever going to be. If potential owners can't deal w/that particular reality, they should probably be encouraged to move along now before it's too late. To me, when I commit to a rescue I commit to doing my best to make up for the crappy way they've been treated by so called human beings up to that point. Phenix was very brutally ripped away from his flock & his family. From all the freedom of the rain forest, condemned to life in a cage. No one can possibly make up for even the first humans who came into contact with him. Let alone any of the rest. So my commitment to him is just more daunting & humbling. Perfectly fine household though it may be this is a good place to admit it's a bad trade. Just like the lot of all the "more fortunate" wild caught's. We aren't generally comfortable talking about the wild caught's in so many words. But they're owed the recognition that nothing anyone can do is ever really good enough to make up for what they've been through or what they've lost.
  20. It sounded like he was just ready. And I guess you were as prepared as you could be. Though I'm doubting that made it any easier. I'm so sorry.
  21. I would. I have. But... There isn't much doubt that Phenix would have been put down w/o someone to stand up to the vets. That's hard to do for I'd venture to say most people. I spent over a year at war w/myself because I was afraid he was suffering because I was wrong to defy them. Guess I can't regret that decision. But in some ways, Phenix has been the most work for the least progress, even though he's made tons & tons & tons of progress. But he doesn't like people. In his heart of hearts he will remain a wild bird until the day he dies. Miss G has long since surpassed him socially & I will in this rare case use the "N" word. He will never come close unless someone very special drops out of the sky into his life. That person had better be dropping into my life as well. Because otherwise, I'd feel obligated to let Phenix go have a better life than he has now. Here, though he may be safe & happy & loved, he's an island of his own choosing. I have always wanted him to truly be part of a flock. In the least, part of a pair. And I wonder sometimes, if there could be another chapter for him, like what happened w/Janet's Sully. ... that would hurt ...but at the same it would be wonderful for him. Because that's the thing that I've always wanted most for him & never figured out how to give him. I've always wondered if someone else could. If he really should have come home w/me or I just happened before the right one came along.
  22. Members of this forum may have given you some tools to get you started. But you've built that bridge back into world for Miss G pretty much all on your own. And w/the help of a few others who may have risked death & bodily harm to help w/the hands-on part of her socializing. lol You done good. Now, it's time for your reward.
  23. If it makes you feel any better, mine is the same story only the brake light was going on. Only when I used the brakes, though! I don't really know how long before it stayed on because I wasn't paying enough attention. My bad! Turned out I had 2 broken brake lines & it was peeing fluid every time I hit the pedal. Funny, it's so hard to listen to those bright red car lights. But a fid barely bats an eyelash & we come running? hmmm wonder if that says something
  24. Phenix has his "no fly zone". His cage in in the corner of the room where he gets the illusion of being protected behind the couch. The couch being a DMZ which he'd rather no one crossed (unless they're bearing food"). But he will tolerate it after a fair amount of growling. Almost everybody respects this. But we all know what happens when you tell a fid anything is forbidden. Yea, the rest of the birds just have to start a little dust up every now & then. Just to see if they can be the one to get away with crossing that line. Phenix charges at them like an angry bull & I have to pray that I keep being fast enough & vigilant enough to avoid anything more serious than a little drama. So far so good. But I'm getting older & slower; idk if I can keep this up. I worry that it's just a matter of time before somebody's luck runs out. Cuz Phenix has not mellowed one jot over time & he ain't slowing down even a little bit!
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