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Everything posted by birdhouse

  1. Oh my goodness, Ray! So glad this ended well! How wonderful would it be if they were as quick to do what we'd like as they are to get themselves in trouble? Some times I just can't help thinking silly thing like that. lol
  2. Hi Button! Look forward to hearing about your fids & feel free to post pics &/or vids. Welcome to Grey Forums!
  3. Aaawww! But you can. Bouganvillea & Nasturtium are parrot safe. You can plant them inside the aviary. You could also hang window boxes out of reach of the goats. Are llamas as bad the goats about eating anything w/in reach?
  4. lol Actually, I just suggested tweaking a plan you already had in motion. But it still doesn't change the fact that it's impractical to have an aviary here. So I can be very happy for all of yours & very jealous all at the same time. The thing about corrugated, aside from the carbon footprint, cost, work & permanence, is that it's going to heat up. Leaves are cool shade that give back to the planet & are seasonal. There in the heat & gone in the cooler months. What about shooting Dee (Muse) a PM because this is probably right up her alley. She may have already incorporated some homework like this in their landscape plan. Just a thought. http://www.houzz.com/ideabooks/15416960/list/great-design-plant-sun-loving-bougainvillea-showers-yards-with-color
  5. lol Kura is to balls what Greys are to bells. She sees a cat ball & her eyes flash & pin like she's completely crazed. Its the only time she goes into Tasmanian Devil mode! I'm not exaggerating. For a fid who's usually so sweet, it's a little scary to see the transformation!
  6. See Vikings for example, must use a tanker of blood per episode. But it's mostly slashing & hacking that doesn't get to me the same way. Outlander's violence is very deliberately intimate, twisted, disturbing. It does give it more realism. Too much for me, I'm afraid. I'm afraid there will be another big moment this season & that will be it for me. I'm just a light weight.
  7. Ya, I was getting ready to adjust my dosages when I thought I was the only one. I'm glad Greywings said something. Very cute but potentially... Never say never w/these guys. You might, dare I say, kill 2 birds w/one stone? Start playing the game w/some reusable bags? Like the cheapy kind from Staples could be some good plastic bag replacements.
  8. I think I'm a fan. I'm not sure. I tripped over the TV series w/no prior knowledge of the books. It was a lit-tle bloody. I liked it enough to keep watching & buy the first 2 books though. But before I could read them, Jamie's rape episode aired & it bothered me enough to keep me from watching this season, originally. I don't do certain types of violence at all well. But I did give it another try & so far I'm glad. I do think the story & the acting are good. I thought the last episode was sad but really well done. I did see it coming though. The timing just seemed wrong for her to get back during that pregnancy.
  9. For sure it's the second one!! My fids all have had all the dogs trained in no time. They're called over & some how know to sit by the corner of the cage. Once they've settled, the fid rewards them w/a treat. It's very sweet actually. And if you're going to try to get Smokey to learn not to be a shoulder bird, try holding him on your wrist, more down towards your waist. Don't let him past your elbow. Fair warning; you can do this like a million times in each session. Did I mention that Greys are very stubborn? lol You could also try putting him on your knee or on a stand near you.
  10. :p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:pI'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! Okay, got that out of my system ...for the moment! Now then, how about a cheapo irrigation system? Hoses up the outside w/nozzle attachments. All the plants get watered and you can bath the fiddo's any time you'd like. Also, thought about window boxes for the slanted roof section? The boxes could be on the top of the wall, up high at the corner & outside where the fids can't get in them. Maybe for shade plants like ivy or grape vine to grow up the roof. Throw in some climbing nasturtium & you'll have shade in short order. They have brilliant flowers. And they're also edible. They're also annuals. Makes them good space filler until any other vines got established. http://yougrowgirl.com/california-giants/
  11. Hi Frank. I'll start by quoting our own beloved Dave007 who says sticking you face next to a fid is like sticking your face next to a can opener. So, that's up to you. But if there's bloodshed, it's on you. In more ways than one. lol If you're one of the saner types (I've heard there are some out there) then you can try to get him to learn to cuddle in the crook of your arm, against your body. But it's going to take some effort on your part. Greys are very stubborn. Also, birds pretty much always seek the highest available perch. And it sounds like this guy either likes you, or enjoys the heck out of tormenting you. So good luck w/that!! Look forward to hearing all about it & maybe some more good stuff. Welcome to GF.
  12. That's a tough one. I don't think any breed naturally matches up. Even if the individual dog followed the script, which they don't necessarily. And yes, it's a whole nother thing when those wings start flapping! You've gotten your little dogs to co-exist w/some "help" from the birds no doubt. But you (all) should be able to teach the right big dog, in theory. The only thing I would suggest that is a major advantage, is the dog be soft mouthed so any fid who "accidentally" gets in will be more likely to get out alive. ...she said remembering a wet, bedraggled budgie sitting on her shoulder & scolding one of the dogs together. A minute before he'd been an inch of tail feather hanging out of a guilty face. But in fairness to the oh-so-patient dog, the budgie had been teasing him, doing fly-by's and I didn't realize what was going on quite fast enough. It shouldn't, but it still surprises me how often the fid is actually the culprit in these circumstances. But the poor dog still has to catch hell because it's a zero tolerance thing.
  13. I just realized that posting on GF is kind of like keeping a diary. I was trying to figure out how long since Phenix got his last cage because I'm going to hopefully be selling it soon (I'm looking for a new one). I thought I might have posted something. Which I did, so now that's all set. I tripped over this thread in the process. Revisiting it was so much fun I thought I'd drag it out of the archives for any one else who might enjoy it!
  14. When I say Phenix loathed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! baths!!!!!!, it's a gross understatement. We just don't have a word. But guess what? Eventually he got over it. However, if he wants a cold bath, he'll jump in the water dish right after it's filled (we have well water & it's cold!). Any sprayer on the other hand has to be filled w/tepid water, or else. What can I say? I don't make the rules. Lord knows I tried. But guess what? Eventually I got over it. If you haven't already, you might read the past several threads started by Elvenking. A lot of members have contributed a humongous bunch of info to them. They're a great crash course. Ref: boredom which certainly can be the enemy under any circumstances, let alone - theparrotenrichmentactivitybookversion1-0.pdf theparrotenrichmentactivitybookversion2-0.pdf Then there's food. Yes!! to pretty much everything you're thinking. Lots of varied food, sometimes offered in challenging ways. If you don't believe me, hang a whole ear of corn w/husk & get out of the way. No really. Go run & get dust pan & brush because there will be a glorious mess to clean after!! There's some discusson in the enrichment books about foraging which may help. Also, check the Health Room & Bird Food Forums for suggestions on mash. That ought to keep you busy for a while. Ref: spoons, I love that!! I don't know why I never thought of it. Can't wait to do something for Phenix. The same idea (only different") is the Greyt love of bells & beating the crap out of them. If there's one toy they're all going to go for, that would be it. Only you took it to a different level. Awesome! Ref: mistakes we all make 'em because these are some mighty complicated little bundles of feathers. It's been 26 yrs & Phenix can still surprise me. And not just because I'm not always that bright, either! lol You have barely been on GF & it's very obvious you're madly in love & devoted. You are not only doing everything you can, but it's obviously working ...for now ...subject to change without notice. Sorry, but that's just part of the Greyt adventure.
  15. Conures are most definitely a handful even on their best days. But to be fair, I'd have to say Quakers are right there w/them. Anyway, that's why I'd vote to name that new little beauty Havoc.
  16. sssshhhhhh! Don't jinx it!! lol Glad you're feeling better.
  17. Greys act like they're so bad. But they can be really fragile & vulnerable under all that. And now, you're worried. So you're stressing. So Maalik's feeling that along w/anything else he's nursing from his tough week. It doesn't need to be anything more serious than this "series of unfortunate events" messing w/everyone. You're doing everything you can. So... time & patience ...& ehugs!
  18. Sorry. No. Unacceptable. It's already taken too long. You can't give us a build up like that & expect us to wait like this. You've got to give us something!! lol
  19. Ya, my stomach did a little turn, there. Hate thinking about it, even when it all came right in the end. But it's a rite of passage. They all do "something" scary enough to remember every second forever after. Hopefully, now that Maalik has crossed that off his bucket list, you can move on to whatever fun & excitement comes next!!
  20. I just want to meet a Hawkhead some day (then I'll want to bring one home, of course). But for now, they're on that list of birds I really, really want to see in person. I'm glad you look like you're managing to stay in her good graces. Hope you end up being her favorite ...but don't tell Pat I said so. lol
  21. That is a lot of drama straight out of the egg!! How sad. But wonderful at least for Charlie that he ended up w/you. The first thing we're going to have to teach you is that it is you solemn duty to spoil him rotten & there is no, repeat no such thing as too much. Then maybe you should know that whatever you think you did wrong back when, is the first of decades of trial & error. There's no manual, unfortunately. They don't come out of the box perfect (by anybody's standards but their own. All we humble servants can do is wing it as best we can. Also wonder if Charlie's feather problems aren't at least partially rooted in all that early trauma. Maybe most of the things you've done or tried so far have actually helped him adjust. And maybe you're a much better parront than you give yourself credit for.
  22. I'd be embarrassed to tell you how long I've lived w/my guy. But I couldn't get him to come when called if I tied a bag of fresh roasted peanuts around my neck. So anyone who has that w/their fid gets big points from me (maybe leeetle beet of jealously, too ") ...& his eyes haven't even turned there!! Yep, definitely a keeper, that one!!
  23. This is all we get??? Really. Don't think so!! Also, please don't say the house blew up again. Okay? I realized right after the adrenaline jolt that it was just a figure of speech. But given the tone of the news coming from your neck of the woods recently, I guess I couldn't help thinking the worst for a split second.
  24. Yes, it really does look like you're having some problems. :confused: But this one worked out, anyway. Penny, Talon is the admin. You can PM her to find out if there's an account issue. I used to have problems w/my internet. Actually still do. So if I want to post a long post, I open a Notepad or Word document on my computer, type the whole thing there, then I sign in copy & paste it onto the forum. Very much less frustration since I started doing that!!! Hope any of this helps . Sorry for whatever the issue is. But meanwhile, Welcome to Grey Forums !
  25. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?52133-My-African-Grey-Just-Laid-An-Egg!! Welcome to the club, Thomas. I've had a couple of laying hens. At the moment, it's my eclectus. She's been laying 2 clutches a year for about 5(?) years now. But I can't pretend I've ever gotten comfortable w/it. She has become egg bound. Your girl should lay 1-3 eggs, 2-3 days apart. She should act broodie the night before or on each egg day. Depends on if she's laying them in the morning or later on. She might not want to eat. My ekkie has to be hand fed her favs for 3 days. Sometimes, eggs are malformed or too soft among other reasons & they can't be pushed out. You might actually see a bump. You might not. Then she should be be vet checked right away to make sure the egg didn't rupture inside her. If you call because you even suspect egg binding especially a rupture, your vet should make emergency time for you that day. If not, replace them w/a certified avian vet immediately because this can become quite serious. Meanwhile, the best defense is a good offense. Searching around & asking the forum is good. PM Dave007. He knows a bunch. Read everything you can from knowledgeable sources. Then you should talk to your vet today. They should give you full instructions for care & complications. I'd also advise setting up an egg box, just in case. I use a plastic cat carrier w/warm, slightly damp micofiber towel in the bottom. I put a heating pad underneath the carrier - not under the moist towel. I've used red palm oil on the egg bump w/the best results. Always applied using a cotton ball vs finger to ensure there's not any pressure on the egg or abdomen. Then I wrap 'em up in a big blanket, in a quiet room for a couple of hours. So far, so good! The most important advise - try not to worry. Easier said that done, righ? But we know it worries our fids when we worry. She doesn't need any stress right now. And, the huge percentage of hens lay their eggs with no problems at all. The odds are unquestionably in your favor here.
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