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Everything posted by birdhouse

  1. Phenix claimed the space under the sofa. I call it his man-cave. Never seen him bring food under there. I'll find where he's squirreled away his toys, though. Also, as he became emboldened, he started to use it as what I think of as his base of operations from where he'll launch his sneak attacks on unsuspecting passers by. But I think his fav is if someone sits down w/o knowing he's under there. He likes to go after their shoe laces when they least expect it. Just another way he likes to keep us on our toes!
  2. Welcome to Grey Forums, papi92! Jara is very pretty & I think very loved, just from the sheer number of pics ") She should be be ok in her current cage for a month'ish, if she's given enough time out of it. But she needs to be developing muscles & coordination which she can't do if she's confined like that. The sooner she can get into a big bird cage, the better. The bigger the cage, the better, too. Although I do realize they might be harder to come by & expensive, it's an investment that treated right, should last for 12-15 yrs. So maybe spend this next month really investigating your options & feel free to ask opinions. Cages are something we all have experience with, all have opinions about & all have a different list of features that we feel work best. Meanwhile, that little girl needs her something to do!! lol Playing is exercise. This is also the time she needs to learn how to play & not to be afraid of new toys. Be prepared, it's not uncommon for Greys to be afraid of new things. So it's a good idea to introduce all new things (very) slowly. Greys are also very, very smart & it doesn't do good things for them when they spend all day staring into space. So this is a bunch of everyday things she might like. There are foot toys you could start with. You can make smaller versions of some of the strung up creations to fit your limited cage space. Or instead, you might attach things to the outside of the cage so they're accessible but not taking up valuable living space. parrot enrichment bk 1
  3. Hi, saw your message in live chat & thought you might want to start a thread in the Welcome & Intro forum. People are more apt to respond that way & we all want to meet you ") But yes, in answer to your question, your fids should have their own space even if the cages are side by each & they spend all day out together. At some point, they are likely to bicker & can cause injury to each other if they can't get away from each other. Also, there can sometimes be a dominant in those types of relationships which can lead to bullying & just unpleasant treatment for the more submissive fid.


    Hope that helps & hope to see some posts from you, soon.

  4. Oh my goodness!! No love from the flock here. I suddenly realized while I was at one end of the house laughing, Kura was at the dead other end growling!! She's never done that!! Fortunately, Josh (Groban) settled her right down. Had to whip up my free digital download of "Noel" from the Google Play store, real quick! She's sitting happily back in her favorite roost, uhhmm, singing now. Whew, TUGP!!
  5. I just found these the other day. I've been looking forward to trying them out on the flock. But so far between the holiday things & the out-freakin-standing weather, I haven't had the time to load one up for them, yet. Maybe you can tell me which (if any) Nilah likes best & we'll start there. https://play.google.com/store/search?q=bird%20sounds&c=apps
  6. Plastic, even for humans can contain PBA's & things that are kinda bad for long term health problems. Since even human plastic can have these, the odds that they're in our animal's toys, dishes, etc is pretty high. But, the reality is that plastic is also !everywhere! and removing it would knock the list down by tons. So, my compromise has been to make sure food & water dishes are stainless steel (they clean much better & last forever anyway) & limit much of the plastic homemade type toys to things humans would be expected to put in their mouths. I figure beyond that, all I can do is hope for the best, I guess.
  7. Someone will find you when you're ready. And who knows, it may surprise you & not even be another amazon.
  8. Happy Hatch Day, Dorian!! So now you get bonus day(s) & guilt-gifting, too. What a life, huh!?! ")
  9. I wanted to put this back into view as tis the season & all. First & maybe foremost, with the hope it will make some less-than-informed parrot buyers think twice before they impulsively bring home that cute little Christmas birdie. Maybe it will inspire folks to donate to a rescue that they are already aware of or someplace new like "our own" Marden's Ark for instance http://www.avianrefuge.org /index.php?page=contact And I'm hoping maybe it just might open the soon to be new owner's hearts to the potential joy & rewards of taking in that slightly more experienced fid. A bird doesn't have to be damaged to be in need. And you might turn out to be just what they needed. http://bird.rescueme.org/blog
  10. True. But it does take the fun out of it sometimes, doesn't it? Meanwhile, I thought I should pass these along. Maybe put some of the fun back & just to make sure everyone has something (else) to do w/any excess pumpkin they might have hanging around. . Microwave Chocolate Pumpkin Fudge. Yes, It Turns Out You Need This! Tess Panzer November 17, 2015 The holidays are all about sweet indulgences, and one of our favorites is fudge. We love, love, love a good, creamy, toothsome piece of fudge, and we’ve found a way to make it perfect for the holiday season — pumpkin! Making fudge may seem a bit intimidating, but we assure you it’s really very simple. With no more than five ingredients and a microwave, you’ll be rollin’ in the sweet stuff in no time. Hurray! Materials: 4 cups White Chocolate Chips 1/3 cup Creamy Peanut Butter 2/3 cup Pumpkin Purée, at room temperature 2 teaspoons Pumpkin Pie Spice 2 teaspoons Vanilla Extract Tools: 9 x 9 in. Baking Dish Aluminum Foil Nonstick Cooking Spray Related on Yahoo Makers: Pumpkin Cheesecake — No Baking Required Instructions: 1. Line a 9 x 9 in. baking tin with foil and spray with nonstick cooking spray. 2. Combine white chocolate chips and peanut butter in a microwave-safe bowl and microwave at 50 percent power for 1 minute, then stir. 3. Continue to microwave in 30-second increments at 50 percent power until chocolate is completely melted and the peanut butter is completely incorporated. 4. Add the pumpkin, spice, and vanilla, and stir to completely combine. 5. Quickly pour the mixture into the lined baking dish and refrigerate overnight. 6. Slice the fudge with a sharp knife and enjoy. https://www.yahoo.com/makers/microwave-chocolate-pumpkin-fudge-yes-it-turns-232228409.html?nf=1 ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Pumpkin Cheesecake — No Baking Required! Pop Sugar November 2, 2015 It’s a little tricky to not get burnt out on all the pumpkin spice lattes, pies, and cookies; thankfully we have an easy, no-bake dessert that is a totally different take on our favorite fall flavor. Better yet, these are easy to prepare in advance, so it leaves more time to enjoy yourself at family gatherings or dinner parties. Adapted from Kraft No-Bake Pumpkin Cheesecake Ingredients: For the crumble: 9-10 graham crackers 4 tablespoons butter, melted 2 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons brown sugar For the filling: 8 ounces cream cheese, softened 1 can pumpkin ½ cup sugar 1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice 1 teaspoon nutmeg 1 8-ounce tub cool whip whipped topping, thawed For the garnish: 1 cup whipped topping Pinch nutmeg Directions: Place graham crackers in a food processor and pulse into fine crumbs. Add melted butter, sugar, and brown sugar, and continue pulsing until combined. Divide crumble evenly between 8 cups and set aside. For the filling: In a large mixing bowl, use a hand mixer to beat together cream cheese, pumpkin, sugar, pumpkin pie spice, and nutmeg. Gently fold in 2 ½ cups of whipped topping and place mixture into a piping bag fitted with a star tip. Pipe pumpkin mixture into the cups and refrigerate for at least 3 hours or until the mixture is firm. Garnish with remaining whipped topping and another sprinkle of nutmeg. Yield 6 Servings; Cook Time 3 hours. https://www.yahoo.com/makers/pumpkin-cheesecake-no-baking-required-1289554697928758.html ") or this could be assembled as a single pie.
  11. Store-bought sprays & candles may be one of many concessions whenever we commit to becoming parronts (because they can cause problems for a parrot's delicate respiratory system). But there are still some pretty nice, natural homemade alternatives that are simple enough & truth be told probably better for everyone. Thought some people might enjoy something I found today. . . With DIY Home Scents, Your Home Will Always Smell Amazing Tess Panzer December 3, 2015 Bring the scent of the holidays to your home with this quick recipe. Before you know it, the scent of orange and cinnamon will be wafting through your home, warming the air with spice and cheer. Materials : 2 oranges 3 tangerines 1 cup of cranberries 3 cinnamon sticks 1 tblsp whole cloves 1 tsp vanilla extract 1 pine needle twig 4 cups water Instructions : 1. Slices the oranges and tangerines into thin rounds. 2. Combine all the ingredients in a big pot and bring to a simmer on the stove. https://www.yahoo.com/makers/with-diy-home-scents-your-home-will-always-smell-171512617.html https://t.co/ROjKXDJnqp
  12. Those are excellent pictures, Dee. Even a bit of nostalgia. Thank you Penny & Dee! At least your guys looked like they enjoyed themselves. Sorry & thanks to the rest of you who didn't get to have as much fun. This was apparently not one of my better ideas. But hey, I tried!
  13. birdhouse


    Max points for effort & all! But, sorry to say, Nancy, bacon probably shouldn't even be people food (aren't we glad our forefathers didn't know it? lol). All those tons of salt & that wonderful fat! And it's not really that well cooked, well maybe unless you like it like my sweetie who insists his be totally burnt, ahh, extra, extra crispie. ") Cheese to some degree, too. Also, a little goes a long way for the lactose intolerant parrot digestive system. Hard cheeses being arguably "better" than the soft (American) type. A dollop of all natural, sugar free, probiotic yogurt on top of some egg would be a nice, healthy alternative. And a side of **very**well**cooked** fish or fowl or maybe a very well cooked beef or chicken bone w/marrow beats the socks off bacon any time. There are also many other, better proteins which are not meat or dairy. And onions are on the toxic foods list(s). So that's something to avoid next time as well. But fear not; w/a little homework, I'm sure you'll be able to whip Sophie up a very yummy, healthy breakfast next time.
  14. Don't worry. It's back where everyone can find it now.
  15. ...because Lisa asked & because it just wouldn't be Thanksgiving w/o it. Happy Turkey Day all!!!
  16. Yes, I really do hope you'll ask the vet & maybe let us know what they say. Because I have no idea & have never heard anything much about this fad(?). But the only thing I could think reading that post was about my infra-red broiler oven & that wasn't a very pleasant association at all. lol
  17. Awww, so sweet! But then he always has been such a Momma's boy.
  18. I've seen that exact theme several time this week ... how much work it is to do nothing. I'm getting this almost creepy feeling like the Cosmos is about to do something & I'm being warned not to do anything about. Hhhmmm Well, so anyway, back on topic:o I was wondering what you thought about putting a sleep cage in your room for Gilbert? She could be closer to you for longer periods w/o any effort at all. If it worked, she would spend hours away from her security cage w/o ever feeling it. She would also get to have the best of both worlds w/a roomy day cage & snug little hidey hole for her nighttime roost. And w/in this crazy notion, is the hope that she ultimate develops portable security which would travel down to the sowing room & out to the kitchen, etc w/o setting her to trembling anymore ever again. Okay, maybe that's asking a bit much, but you know what I mean.
  19. I didn't have time to log in then, but when I first read 2nd post back, I was thinking, "Are there rules?" Like, "You must stop at a certain point!" (...remember I've never had a baby large parrot). I was going to ask because I thought I'd seen Dave posts about Greys' weaning sometimes taking forever vs the conventional time table. And I thought according to him letting the fledgling decide was just better for everyone. Also, I know it might be easier on you in the long run, but it didn't really sound like you were ready to give up the more precious aspects of those moments yet, either. Re your misadventures in curiosity; my sincere best wishes! You're so used to fids who are older &/or have become conditioned to some less than super living conditions that Kane may just be a bit of a culture shock. But you guys have accommodated everyone & everything else so far. I'm betting you'll be an old hand at lassoing your latest little challenge by this time next year. It wasn't that long ago when a certain loud Too was the bane of your existence & these days he's hardly even a foot note. Look how far you've come in such a short time!
  20. When I tried to access my profile page 2 days ago, I couldn't. But I didn't have time to log in & follow thru. So now that you guys are saying this I checked again & still can't get it to open for me. No access from the drop down under my name in a post whether or not I'm signed in. No access from either "Welcome birdhouse" or "My Profile". This rest is actually a copy & paste. Even though I tried saving the snip as .jpg .jpeg & .png, it also won't let me upload my desktop shot of the result because it says says, they're "not a valid image file". Anyway, this is what I get whenever I try to go to my profile page. [TABLE] [TR] [TD][/TD] [TD]Database error[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: bodytext, colspan: 2]The Grey Forums database has encountered a problem.[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=colspan: 2] [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: bodytext, colspan: 2] Please try the following: Load the page again by clicking the Refresh button in your web browser. Open the www.greyforums.net home page, then try to open another page. Click the Back button to try another link. [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: bodytext, colspan: 2]The www.greyforums.net forum technical staff have been notified of the error, though you may contact them if the problem persists.[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: bodytext, colspan: 2]We apologise for any inconvenience.[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
  21. No, I don't think so. Nothing is going to be familiar to the infant who's just had it's parental safety net & everything it's ever known stripped away. On Day 1 that travel cage is a natural safe haven in a big, scary new world. On any other day afterwards, it's another change & a new reason to be insecure at a time when it's so vital to establish familiarity, routine, security & trust in the new flock & environment. By incorporating that cage into the daily (nightly) routine, it establishes a roost which is a vital component in any bird's well being. Since this particular roost is portable, that sense of security should in theory be able to travel, giving it a heck of an advantage under the circumstances. Introducing the travel cage later also gives the fid a chance to reject it. What happens if you don't have the Grey Time to coax her around given your accelerated time table? But rather than write another novella, I have come up w/Prop E. Suggest maybe you could PM JeffNOK. I think he & Gracie's experiences might have had some similarities & he might have some helpful & more specific insights.
  22. I have year round allergies & allergy induced asthma. Mold is insidious. It gets high scores on my Richter scale. I have a Germguardian which is a UV light thingy. It does not produce ozone. I use it a few hours a day in my bedroom whenever I'm having a bad spate. Occasionally overnight. It helps me a lot. Otherwise, I tend to wake up sloppier than I went to bed & the cycle goes from bad to worse. Also Cromolyn Sodium Solution (Nasalcrom)is OTC here. I don't know what I'd do w/o good old Vick's VapoRub & Cromolyn Sodium Solution which is a nasal spray that isn't much more than salt water. Something else that might help btw. Maybe you could ask your Doctor if any of this might be helpful for you in the short or long term. I don't know about the PetalCleanse or AirCleanse. Guess I'm something of a purist when it comes to this type of problem. I've seen too many fads & frauds I guess. Pure undiluted aloe juice baths would keep Misty's feathers a little sticky. Serious cleaning w/vinegar & a good steamer should help keep dander, dust mites & mold spores down around the house. It also helps to wear a drugstore mask when cleaning cages or doing some of the things that might trigger an attack. Unless the mold is toxic, or the cause is ongoing, this should pass once your immune system gets a break. But would it hurt to talk w/an expert about the air quality in the house?
  23. When my guys are out on shorter trips, they tend not to eat much. But I'd certainly have munchies for a 4 hr train ride. You wouldn't want to be empty handed if something unforeseen happened & it took who knew how long, either. I would bring nuts & raisins for my guys. They especially love nuts w/no shells. They transport real easily, they're easily fed & are high energy food. If you find a little something you can attach to the side of the carrier go for it. Just make sure it wont be swinging & smacking the fid around while you're in motion. But if not, I think watching the world go by & interacting w/you thru the bars will be mixed w/napping & that will be just find too. I didn't realize the back story whenever I answered you originally. Now that I've read all your posts, uhhmm... As written, think you're getting a baby end of Nov, beginning of Dec. Is that right? That would mean you don't really have m/t a couple of weeks for everything from settling the fid in to getting them ready to travel. And that's assuming (s)he's ready on time, which doesn't always happen. That's a kind of big ask. Members have tried adopting during the holidays & incorporating baby into their travel plans. Depending on the fid's basic personality it can be too much. Prop A - (if the breeder's willing) wait to bring your fid home until after the holidays. From what I've read, the longer a baby is w/it's original flock, the more grounded & secure they often tend to be. Starting life in the fast lane just may not be in your Grey's wheelhouse. And they wouldn't certainly be in the minority. I don't know the real numbers, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was even 50% might have some real problems. Prop B - from the first, baby spends nights in a sleep cage, ie the travel carrier. Many fids have sleep cages because it's just better in their particular circumstances for various reasons. Once the dust settles, you can decide whether to make that permanent. Meanwhile, baby has a little hidey-hole to call their very own & it may actually be a good, mentally stabilizing kind of arrangement. In a perfect world, baby gets breakfast in bed on the day. No rushing & fussing to get them up & stuffed into their box & it's one less hurdle getting out the door. **Or** your fid loathes absolutely everything about this plan pretty much from the get go. In which case you'd need to respect their feelings & change tactics immediately. It could also backfire horribly when the consequence is that your baby wants absolutely no part of their intended travel cage. Prop C - you either find a sitter or find a boarder who you will trust w/your new baby's life. Hopefully your fid will be safe & happy at home even though you're a nervous wreck the whole time at your parents'. You of course don't get to show the new fid off, either & that's gonna sting. But, really, that's not even a warm up. Wait til you see how much torture you're in for in the coming decades ***and*** you're still going to love that little pile of grey feathers beyond belief. Prop D - Call Mom & Dad to wish them a "Very Merry", no - wait you'd say "Happy..." then sit around stringing popcorn & cranberries & tearing paper lace snowflakes. Whatever else, there is no question that roughly 98% of all fids would adapt pretty easily to this one. "Welcome to parronthood!"
  24. Hoping now everything's better & you & your new baby are doing greyt...?
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