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Everything posted by Tycos_mom

  1. It was so cute last night when I came home from work. Tyco climbed down the side of her cage all puffed up mad as could be I went over to her and said whats with you she went back up to the top of her cage and turned her back to me like I do to her when she's done something wrong. I said to her aww did you miss mom was I gone to long and she looked at me for a second with a look that could kill. So I start telling her that I would spend all day at home tomorrow not to worry and she turned around at let me give her a little head scritch. and then all was well again I can't beleive how mad she was I thought it was funny. I've had to be away allot lately and she not used to it so I guess that was her way of letting me know that she wanted me to stay home more.
  2. Thank you M2MM you never know where they may end up when they are fully flighted like George is By the looks of his picture he is very large framed and very handsome fully feathered. The owners are very upset about losing they're beloved pet. I hope they get him back. To lose your best friend would be the most devastating thing I could think of happening I would be a total basket case if I lost any of my birds.
  3. Greys are messy no doubt about it but they aren't usually very noisy. I think once your Grey learns to talk more than mimic it will be a lot less Irritating. Tyco is 5 yrs old now and has a huge vocabulary she very seldom mimics anymore she would rather talk and boy can she talk and talk. I remember when I first got her all she knew how to do was mimic noises like the sound of a truck baking up you know that awful beep beep over and over and the smoke alarm I thought I thought I would go crazy with the noise. Its not nearly as bad now that she talks. I also have an Amazon now shes annoying she starts Screaming only in the morning usually but when she does the three dogs start howling and pretty soon my house sounds like where in some wild animal movie and you can't even hear your self think, that an awful noise sometimes I think she does it because she gets such a reaction from the dogs. she only does it when they are all in the same room with her.
  4. Why don't you try getting a suckion cup perch and put it near the top of the shower then let him stand there instead of on top of the door then every night move it down a 1/2 inch or so until he's actually taking a shower with you he might except it better that way I know I had big problems with Tyco also until I found a way that was comfortable for her. I didn't bath her for about 2 weeks because I was so afraid of losing her trust for ever she aready had no trust in humans to endorse that even more was something I wasn't ready or willing to do she need to see patients, love, and understanding not more abuse. She now baths three times a week and doesn't mind a bit. She actually likes it now I think it makes her feel really good after it all done.
  5. I feel so sad for you I can only inagine how awful it must be to lose a baby thats been in your care. I know your doing everything you can do for those little guys. I pray that its not that awful virus and that all the other babys thrive and live long healthy lives.
  6. I really want to get an adventre pack for my birds. Just so I can take them out to the park or where ever. I don't want to clip there wings and I know there is no way on earth that Tyco would let me put a harrness on her she rarely lets me give her a scritch never mind anything else.
  7. My birds don't like going to the vet either but is like taking a bath it has to be done so you do regardless of wheather they like it or not. I have a wonderful Vet that is very good with my birds and me for that matter. She makes it as least stressfull as she possibly can. I have to have a woman vet because Fergie hates men with a passion she would never allow a man to come near her in any way. I guess something happened with her previous owner to cause this but No man will ever be able to touch that bird without getting a lot of stiches.
  8. I just looked over at Tyco and her ear feathers seem darker also but like M2MM said it could be a trick of the light. I'm about ten feet away from her so who knows.
  9. I think they all do that you can try ansering back with somthing like a short whistle he might just be trying to find out if your still around. I know Tyco talks her head off when I leave the room. I have my birds in my room because thats where I am most of the time as I have to keep my legs elevated allot of the time due so I don't have problems with them. I leave them on there playstand if I want to nap. I'm a very light sleeper so if they are geting into something Or I hear wings flapping I'm awake and looking to see whats going on. they are usually pretty good. I try to nap when they nap that way its pretty quiet they always have a nap in the afternoon for an hour or so check to see when your bird naps and work your nap around his.
  10. you guys are to much what a silly thread this is speaking of African Greys doing and saying silly thing. Tyco had me laughing so hard yesterday my Daughter came in just to be a bug as usual and Tyco said out of bloe go to H E double hockey sticks just like that I have no Idea where she learned it from but I laugh so hard there were tears rolling down my face My daughter didn't think it was funny at all as it was addressed to her.:laugh: :evil:
  11. Iwas just up at the store near my house and there is a poster on ther bill board someone in the area lost their CAG on Saturday His name is Goerge and his favorite thing to say is hi Joe if any body has found or heres about This parrot in Fraser valley area of British Columbia could you please let me know I took down the owners phone number they are just so upset about this
  12. Tyco's very good at asking for what she wants she's lerned a new one that she uses on the dogs alot she says go away LOL or Gloria (my Shith-zu's name) go away I laugh they just come out with thins that you don't expect some times. The other day she told my Daughter to go to H E double hockey sticks I laughed so hard I had tears rolling down my face my daughter didn't think it was very funny though. {Feel-good-0002006E} <br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/06/30 22:16
  13. Isn't that strange when Ifirst got Tyco she had barbered every single Flight feather primary's and secondary's but only on her left side she never touched her right side at all and apparently she had done this for years because the people I got her from told my that she had always been like that and they thought it was a birth defect. she was so off balance and would fall constantly poor thing anyway I took she to the vet and they evened her flights out so they where the same on both sides and now she doesn't barber anymore. I wish I had a solution for you I can only imagine how heart breaking it is to watch your sweet baby destroy his beautiful feathers. I trully feel for you I hope thing get better soon and you can put all this behind you.
  14. Yeah I will next time I give her a bath I gave her one yesterday so tomorrow she will have another one. I give her a bath three times a week. I figure since she gets really wet right to the skin that proubuly enough I don't want to dry out her skin from to many baths. she doesn't get any aloe vera gel when I bath her this way to help moisterize her skin.
  15. By looking at them I would say that they are both males do either of them have lots of stripes all the way down there tails. if not then they are males the females usually have barred tails and the males don't. If you put them in the same room with yor Grey they mat learn to Talk my little guy talks all the time
  16. My 8 month old Cockateil talks his head off. I swear that bird thinks he's a African Grey. Every morning it goes through its little vocabulary its so cute and so clear he says prettybird how are you laugh cough cough laugh whatch a doing and then pretty bird pretty bird over and over. I think he is learning from Fergie my Amazon more than Tyco because Fergies the one that says those things all the time not Tyco. its so cute comming from a little bird I hope he learns to say more things as he gets older.
  17. The test results from the vet said he was healthy his calcium levels where a little low and few other things that proper nutrition will correct but no major illnesses good news. Hes back up to his normal weight. and I noticed when he first came home he had a bald spot on his back betwwen his wings and also on the top of his legs. But Ivé been bathing him daily and just before his bath this morning I checked to see if the bald spot was still there and its not its all filled in you couldn't see it if you wher just looking at him you had to lift the upper feather and look under them but no sign of any more plucking since he's been home even hislegs are filled in. Boy it sure makes a difference when there happy and looked after properly. I was quite upset about the bald spot because he's never been a plucker according to his previos owners son. So to see him come back with a bald spot really upset me. he's over 20 years old and never plucked thats great for a Cockatoo So all is well good news all around.
  18. Ever since I started putting Tyco in the bathtub to bath her instead of spraying her she seems to love it I ask her if she wants to have a bath and she raises her foot so she can step up and then reaches in for a kiss. its so cute then Off to the bathroom I put the plug in and let the bathtub fill a bit then turn on the hand held shower she loves it she opens her wings so she can get herself wet in the tub water and I spray her back and the top of her head she really enjoys her bath that way she use to hate taking a bath with the spray bottle and cower in the corner of her cage and be so scared. I'm so glad I foudd a way that she likes. I was so afraid of loseing her trust forever the other way now its so easy. I bath all my birds like that now Mr. Magoo actually runs back and forth under the running tap its so cute.
  19. I agree if your husband can't be bothered most of the time anyway ask him no to pay any attention to your bird that way your bird will pnly have you to turn to for attention and thats what you want. I know the same thing was happening with my 20 year old daughter and my bird. then when she finally moved out me and Tyco have gotten much closer. But when she come home for a visit that bird gets so excited she bobs her head and wants to play. The thing that bothered me about her likeing my daughter so much is she was the first one to say get rid of that bird its mean when Tyco bit my little Green cheeked conures beak off. My daughter hated Tyco and thought she was the most horrible bird in the world I don't now why they always go for the person that like them the least Tyco knows now that shes not going to be there for her and has really started to be a good bird with me she finally lets me give her scritches and she loves to play games. she is such a sweety don't worry your bird will come around in time it just might take some time and patients with you alone
  20. Tyco does that she must fall off her play top at least once a day. She isn't big on hanging toy's but foot toys on her play top wow she attacks those big time all puffed up weaving back and forth and then look out that toys gonna die.:woohoo: I love to watch her play they really are alot of fun. I think Greys are the only birds that play like that my other birds play with there toy but they don't get mad and kill them.
  21. Great picture of you and your bird.
  22. I'm waiting for the gps microchip to come out its not out but it should be soon. Mind you I live in Canada so it may be out in the States now. My vet said probubly 6 month to a year. I'm not getting my birds done until it comes out. What good is a micro chip without it. If someone finds your lost bird African Grey do you really think they are going to take it to the vet to find out who the owner is. I doubt it so If I were you I woud wait until the Gps comes out that way at least you can track your bird if it ever should get lost heaven forbid.
  23. I love that cage I'm going to have to see if I can find one of those it would be perfect for my Conures
  24. You need to find a certified avian vet there has to be one some where around. I have to travel to another town to go to my vet its only about an hour drive but she's great and I like her alot. Ive even had her call me just to see how one of my birds was doing after a vist. thats almost unheard of. And she also would never make me hold my own bird if I felt uncomfortable with it thats what assistance are for. I like to be the rescuer not the one the bird blames for being uncomfortable Idon't ever hold my own bird at the vet even if she offers to towel her first I won't what if that towel slips and she see me. Blood feathers I pull them myself on my smaller birds so I do know how I've never had a broken blood feather on my big birds so I don't know what I would do in that situation I thnk it would depend on how badly it was bleeding if it wasn't bleeding to badly I'd probubly take her to the vet but if it was pouring blood I would pull it my self and deal with the trust issues later. I feel so bad for you and your bird. do you put the aloe in her water sprayer and dilute it if so I can't see how that would irritate the skin. that will help sooth it this vet does not know anything about birds thats quite obvious to me. Find someone else to go too.
  25. He so sweet Ilove those baby dark eyes nice picture it should be in a frame and on the mantle with the rest of your family photos very nice
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