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Everything posted by siobha9

  1. Hi Debbie, Welcome to the forum. Can't wait to hear lots more about Greyson (cool name;) ) and I'd love to see some pictures of Myah too when you get the site figured out Siobhan
  2. Hi Keito Welcome to the forum. There is lots of information here to help you with your new grey, particularly in The Nursery Room. Here is a thread about a grey with a similar problem to yours which may answer some of your questions. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/african-grey/88966-help-screeching-new-cag.html Why don't you introduce yourself and your grey in the welcome room? Siobhan
  3. He is so cute. And he doesnt seem to mind being a supermodel at allB) Of course you need Wednesday off, you need to play with him
  4. Are you volunteering to be the speaker Dan:laugh: ?? Of course I would offer to do it, but no one would be able to understand my accent;) :whistle: :laugh:
  5. Thank you for the kind offer. This is probably a question for the admins rather than the moderators though;) Siobhan
  6. Here are my babies again. They are now between 5 and 6 weeks old. They are much more active and it was very hard to get a picture that wasnt all fuzzy. This was the best of a bad lot:P
  7. siobha9


    Hi yaya and welcome to the forum. If you have no experience in hand feeding as M2MM says you definitely need to get one who has been weaned. I am sorry I can't help you in finding a breeder though as I dont live in America. Please keep us updated on your search:P Siobhan
  8. Laurie wrote: Liath has gone through 4 of these. She breaks the green rubber bit, so I rethread it on a new part of the ball until there is literally nothing left to hang it by, then she is given a new one and it begins again. She LOVES that toy. Its nearly time for a new one again:unsure: Oisins favourite toy is teeny ball inside a clear acrylic ring, given to him by a very dear friend of mine. Poor Oisin will chase that little ball round and round the ring for ever. Maybe one day he will catch it:lol:
  9. Wash them and give them whole and raw;) . They eat them like sugar snap peas and just munch on them. Or you can chop them into a mixed veggie bowl.
  10. They are some lovely pictures of Pogo Its great that he is eating fresh raw vegetables. My 2 love peppers as well. Don't worry about the lack of noise, it wont be long before you are yelling at him to be quiet:P
  11. Hi ccgreen Welcome to the grey forum. Congratulations on your new grey. An older grey will take time to learn to trust you, sometimes a lot of time. Do you know anything about its previous home (s)? It is possible that he may have had a bad experience with a man at sometime in the past. Either ways 2 weeks is very soon in a 10 year olds life, one thing you will learn with a grey is patience and lots of it. You are doing great by sitting by his cage and talking to him;) . If there is a treat that he prefers ensure you are the only one to give him that treat. We look forward to hearing more about him, his name etc and we would love to see some pictures:) Siobhan
  12. She really knows who rules the roost doesnt she! Liath does that. My dogs ave given up long ago. If Liath lands within 10 feet of them, they get up and move:)
  13. That was a pretty awful nights by the sounds of things:ohmy: Thankfully everything worked out ok for you, and it certainly does make you think about what you would do if it happened to you.
  14. I like this idea too! I have used grapes floating in water and Liath just ends up screaming at them because she can't catch them:blink:
  15. The other men on the forum are a bit afraid of us I suppose! Its ok lads we don't bite...... :evil:
  16. :blush: Sorry!!! Typo! I was thinking one thing and my fingers typed another
  17. We have 2 greys, 1 caique, 4 budgies and 2 cockatiels in outdoor aviaries, 4 baby cockatiels who will be sold, 2 dogs, 3 kids and my husband!
  18. Hello and welcome to the forum. First of all I would like to congratulate you on taking in an older grey. If he has never had any socialisation with humans he is understandably nervous. As Dan said it may take months or years for him to learn to trust you and to be relaxed around you. Given time, I am sure you will have wonderful pet Siobhan
  19. Definitely grapes. For both of them!
  20. Hello Nith, Welcome to the forum. I look forward to hearing lots about you and your grey;) Siobhan
  21. :sick: The last one was a bit gross:P But Dan will definitely relate to the first one!:lol:
  22. Yes, she has explained the problem. It isnt anything to do with the forum or the members here;)
  23. Happy Hatchday to you, Happy Hatchday to you, Happy Hatchday dear Lyric, Happy Hatchday to you! And so begins the terrible 2's:woohoo:
  24. If he can make the sounds to form the word Hello, it is very likely that he will say it on its own at some stage. But there is no guarantee that he will talk at all, or if he does that he will ever say what you want him to say;) Liath says everything imaginable but she still doesnt say Good morning properly But I forgive her, because she is just so much fun regardless!
  25. S/he is beautiful isnt she! How many more days, hours and minutes before you can bring Loki home?
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