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Everything posted by Hannah_Rae

  1. Sounds good to me. It would be durable enough.
  2. Hey everyone Juji and I are bonding so well. She even let me put her upside down and she hung on my hands. Question: If she seems calm, is it okay for me to keep trying new things? Or could challenging her this early be a bad thing? What signs should i look for? I am just excited that she is letting me touch her all over. And she is LOVING the sunflower seeds.
  3. I'm thankful that our local pet supply store doesn't carry animals...haha...except fish And I never step foot in the actual pet store b/c it is HORRIBLE!!! I went in last week to see if they had changed at all and ended up making comments to myself the whole way through. AHHHH!!! Anywho, if today is any indication, Juji will adjust to a harness/flight suit very quickly and we will be out and about in no time. SOOO EXCITED!!!
  4. Sounds like Teluhla is ready to wean. It's a good sign that she is so interested in the food. As fas as play, I was so surprised at how much my new baby wanted to play. They are really a lot more robust then you think. Mine is already letting me hang her upside down on my fingers, and loves tickles. We also have three dogs and three cats and I was nervous, but apparently for no reason. The little dog barked a little, then got over it. She comes close to me, even when the bird is around, and doesn't seem to care one bit. The two big dogs made me the most nervous, but I just made sure Juji was in her cage for the first intro last night. Today, I left the top of her cage open, and she came out on her own, and the dogs looked, but didn't do much. Our Brittany jumped on me while I was holding Juji, and that startled me, but I just told her sit stay, and she calmed down. Then I had the idea of giving them treats while infront of the bird cage for good behavior, and they totally forgot about the bird and focused on the treats. Within the hour the dogs were sleeping on the floor and didn't even respond to Juji's peeps. I wish you the best. Keep asking questions. Hannah
  5. So now that my baby grey is actually home, my post #'s are gonna soar. Juji arrived yesterday, with her breeder Keith, at 3:30. As soon as Keith brought Juji in, he handed her too me, and I was in love. She (I'm saying she b/c it's nicer than "it" and Keith is 90% sure it is a girl) began to cuddle under my chin instantly and wasn't showing any signs of anxiety. After talking with Keith for a while, he headed off for MN and left me with my new precious jewel. I was nervous at first. It's been a long time, but my bird instincts kicked in quickly. I tried to put Juji in her cage, but soon realized that I just wasn't ready to do that yet. So we sat on the couch and cuddled for about an hour before I finally let Juj settle into her new home. Lots of cuddles and sunflower seeds later, it was time to say goodnight. What an amazing day. Today, more cuddles, and lots more chirping from Juj. She was so quiet yesterday. Thanks to all who have been rooting for me. And thanks in advance for putting up with my many posts and questions. Love to all, Hannah ps. Tonight, the hubby meets Juji for the first time. He's never been around a larger bird....
  6. I was probably playing with Juj.
  7. Wow, I am totally experiencing this right now. Juji came home yesterday, and her claws are razor sharp. She has a calcium perch in her cage, and it's her favorite, but until that kicks in are there any lotions or anything I can put on my hands to help heal? I never had this problem when I was around cockatiels all the time, I guess my hands were used to it. OUCH!!!
  8. Finally is right. I thought the day would never come. It's surreal.
  9. Look below...here we go.<br><br>Post edited by: Hannah_Rae, at: 2008/01/26 02:53
  10. Here you go. The long awaited pics of Juji bird. Thanks for all of you who have put up with my anxiousness during this waiting time. Juji is so cuddly, and adjusting amazingly well. Hannah<br><br>Post edited by: Hannah_Rae, at: 2008/01/26 02:52
  11. You were right about the no sleep. Goodness sakes I haven't been this nervous in so long. Juji is sooo wonderful!!! What a sweet baby. Cuddly, talkative. What a joy.
  12. Good question. I was wondering the same thing myself. Countdown: Tomorrow's the big day...YAY!!!
  13. I think I will need more freezer space.
  14. My dogs didn't like that video much...haha...They were so confused as to where the sound was coming from. Hopefully they will be fine when the sounds are actually coming from a bird.
  15. Animals eat their own poo all of the time...I don't think it's a big deal.
  16. Yup, already asked them which ones sprout the best...they are very helpful. It's hard to get a lot of things fresh up here in the winter...but we will do our best.
  17. What are your favorite treats to use when training your grey? I know with dogs, you need to make sure the treat doesn't take too long to eat, otherwise they loose the association. Is the same true with greys? Thanks guys. Countdown: 2 days
  18. So I'm preparing for my new baby to come home Friday...YAY!!! After going to our local pet supply store, I realized how expensive and low quality some parrot "treats" and supplement foods are, so I went to the organic food coop, and they have all of these "bag yourself" foods that just looked wonderful. I ended up getting 1/4 lb of raw (unsalted) trail mix with all kinds of good nuts and some raisins, a dried veggie mix (intended to be a started for veggie soup), and some organic pumpkin seeds. All of that for less than $3...and human grade...YAY!!! I'm so excited I could scream...and have once or twice... Hannah
  19. I played this video for my dogs, and they thought the sounds were interesting, but didn't freak out. That's a good sign right? Countdown: 2 days
  20. Yup, countdown: 2 days. YAY!!!
  21. Hannah_Rae


    Welcome, ak1, I grew up with lots of fun reptiles as well as birds of all kinds. The baby I am getting (in 2 days) is about the same age, and I am told he/she is already saying a few words. Congrats on your baby, and don't be afraid to ask whatever is on your mind in regards to your baby. -Hannah
  22. One of the most interesting things about Rockelle is that she had lived through many hurricanes, including the devastating hurricane Andrew back in the 90's. Every once in a while, when things were quiet, she would sit on her perch and sway back and forth and make wind noises clear as day. Although it was funny, it struck me just how much these birds understand. Within the first two days of bringing her into our home she learned my name and would use it to call me often. My dad was an animal rehabilitator for the humane society at this point, and we were hand feeding 3 baby mocking birds at the time. One afternoon I was feeding the babies when Rockelle wanted my attention. "Hannah!!!" She yelled "What Rockelle?" "Come ere! Come ere!" She called to me "I can't come 'ere. I'm feeding the babies!" "COME HERE NOW!!!" She screamed. So I went over to her perch and she cocked her head and said so sweetly "Hi!" This went on for the whole feeding. Each time with a different response...she eventually requested grapes, and that seemed to keep her content. No wonder I fell in love.
  23. Here's two male Swahili names for you: Rafiki- Friend Zulu - Heaven
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