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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. danmcq

    Lola :)

    Nice photos and looking forward to hearing stories of her now.
  2. danmcq


    Awwwww, too cute.
  3. Cute video's, thanks for sharing them.
  4. You may be on to something there Dave. Since Dayo came in to our lives, I keep getting beamed up and then back again and always get these "lapses" afterwards.
  5. It sounds like Gio has really settled in quickly and is quickly accepting his new home and flock. Yes, greys are far superior to humans. Haven't you heard of the UFO's and Small Greys that conduct experiments on humans. They have been trying to figure out for millenniums why our intelligence is so limited.
  6. LOL, well Joey solved that small technicality! Perfect logic on his part.
  7. Brandi is beautiful. Thanks for posting these photos.
  8. It sounds like Isaac is well on his way to learning many useful words and some very funny phrases and sounds. Depending on what type of cleaning/chores we're doing, we may need to cage Dayo as well for our sanity and to get that task done. Thanks for this great update!
  9. LOL! She barking at you to let you know the stay away with the water from now on. Thanks for sharing this.
  10. He has very little flight control with his primaries clipped for graceful landings, turning, hovering etc. Put stickies on your windows so he knows they are there or close your curtains before you let him out. He cannot gain enough speed with his wings clipped to truly hurt huimself seriously. As his primaries miolt out over time he will gain more control and become a very accomplished flight master. He will learn trough trial and error where he can make it to and where he can land. It just takes more practice.
  11. LOL!!! Too funny Dave.
  12. Jimmy, there is a ton more than 200 important pages to read in regards a grey. They are an exotic creature and require special care and understanding of their ways just as any exotic / wild creature does. Thus the reason there are "Certified Avian Vets" and they went to special classes and passed tests so they could gain that certification and we as parrot lovers take our parrots to no one but a "certified avian vet" that knows parrots intricately and how to properly care for and treat them. Too many parrots die very young compared to their 50 to 70 year lifespan due to people not reading and studying all they can about their parrot species they own. Each species has different care and diet requirements. Anything less will greatly shorten their lifespan.
  13. Sounds like you both are having a wonderful time. Thanks for the photo's.
  14. Congrats!!! Thanks for the photo, great looking grey!
  15. You just have to get them used to seeing it pointing at them, it could take months.. It did for dayo, the minute the camera or phone came out, the beak/talking/whistles/sound effects stopped instantly. But after a long time (months) they got to where it was just something we crried around or sat and pointed at them.
  16. Your in..but there is no program, other than just know you have lots of company!
  17. Quinn no doubt knows what you are saying. Very cute story of how he presently responds. Keep up the great work!
  18. That is fine and will sooth your grey.
  19. Ok, most greys do not like taking a bath at all. Regardless of their dislike and running around as you mist/spray them. You really need to use a spray bottle filled with 100 percent Aloe Juice and and drench her as best you can. It is for her good even though she does not like it. When they are that itchy it irritates them and they become rather desperate for relief for those prickly feathers and down feathers. I know it's difficult to do something you see your much loved grey absolutely hates, but you must. My grey Dayo hates it as well, but he gets it 2 ot 3 times a week.
  20. Nice update on Charlie. It sounds like things are going GreYt and he is settling in with the new home and flock nicely. Thanks for the update.
  21. Welcome and bless you for rescuing Jamie. She may already be a talker and is just holding back for now or calibrating as Kave stated. You will know as she settles in more. At 16 years old, they can certainly continue to learn new sounds, whistles and yes words/talking. Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance.
  22. With spring fully here and summer just a few weeks away, those down feathers are flying out on most our parrots. It is normal for this time of year. I have to mist the tray with water before removing to clean so I don't have down feathers scattered through out my house. Also, regular small feathers around the neck, chest etc. are molting out as well. Right now Dayos neck is like scratching a wire brush. Break out the 100 percent Aloe juice and mist your grey thoroughly to keep the skin and feathers supple and less irritating.
  23. Greys for the most part do not wish to go to bed. We need to get a step up and palm the back of our grey's wings so he can not fly while we take him to his cage for bed time.They do need to be placed in their cage for safety of course. Covering is just fine and will help with the 6 am calling for you. There is a lot of information in the the training room on behavior if you check out the stickies at the top. Please never let your grey stay out unsupervised. It is just too dangerous for them. Welcome by the way! Please introduce yourself in the welcome room when you get a chance.
  24. danmcq


    Congrats on Xandir's first flight of many to come!!!
  25. Welcome back! Brandi is beautiful and those photos are just too cute. Thanks for sharing all this and I look forward to hearing and seeing more.
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