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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. LOL Dave! WE have always kissed Dayo on the top of the beak since he was 6 weeks old. But, NO FRENCHING or OPEN LIPS!!!
  2. Welcome to the forum and thanks for posting photos of your re-homed Grey. Looking forward to hearing more from you and hearing what his vocabulary is like. At 10 years old, I have no doubt it is immense.
  3. It's wonderful you were able to take Gilbert in the bathroom and just do some calm exploring together! Those small steps build trust millimeter by millimeter. It sound like once he built up and unleased that anger/fear inside on the toys, you were still approaching during that anger fit. It's wonderful when you approached later and he was so receptive to you. I am so proud of the way you have handled Gilbert and his baggage from day one. Thanks god he landed in your home. He will become all he can be with your patience and love that seems unending.
  4. LOL, too cute! Wait, you are going to confuse HIM. Give the guy a comb at least and some slick back grease to put on his head feathers as any self respecting dude would want while listening to "Born to be Wild". Thanks for sharing this. )
  5. Awww he got a boo - boo. His nostril is fine and swelling is normal after a bashing into a window or sometimes even from a toy. You may wish to place some stickies on that window until he is certain that it exists and will no longer fly into it.
  6. Thanks for the update. It is always good to hear from members on how things are going
  7. Well congrats on a Boy and I like the name!
  8. Jay's right and they do love to chew on them when wet.
  9. The best plan of action is to sit back, pop open a cool brew and enjoy the show. Your baby is coming along nicely and starting to practive the Grey-Foo techniques of battle...enjoy!!!
  10. Nice photo's, they do change so rapidly when babies it is always amazing to watch.
  11. Now, get it setup and her used to seeing it.
  12. GreYt photos and a good looking Grey!! Thanks for sharing this.
  13. Welcome Wendy and Lido! What a cute baby Grey. Thanks for the introduction and photo. Looking forward to hearing more.
  14. Beautiful photos! A harness should always be used when outside with your parrot, whether they are clipped or not. A good gust of wind or something startling them can send them flying away with all that adrenalin pumping through their body. Believe me, you do not want to experience that.
  15. Those are perfect examples of the intelligence of greys! A conditioned response would only be associated with an action each time you do it. Gracie is using those words and sounds dynamically in real-time making requests for a step up when she wishes you to come and take her etc. That displays reasoning and then use of a word, phrase or sound/whistle intelligently. Thanks for the update! We always love hearing about everyone's greys.
  16. LOL, Joe is persistent in his requests! Just like a child. Whats interesting is the manipulation he tried with high fives all around by saying everyone of importance is "Good", he loves you and then then clincher "Want good nut". In other words since we're all "Good" lets celebrate, lets have a good nut. Perfect reasoning! He also shows a clear understanding of correct usage of pronouns which is a complicated language process to arrive at with his use of "I' and "I'll". I'll bet anything, since he obviously knows what "Wait" means. It will not be long before he starts telling others to "Wait" as they squawk. whistle or whatever verbal means they use to state their want for a meal being cooked.
  17. danmcq


    GreYT to hear that last injection worked wonders. It will be interesting to hear what the vet thought it was.
  18. Thought I would share. Will you take me home with you? I can't promise I'll be good. No one taught me how to act, Or behave as a parrot "should". My first owner didn't treat me right He said I was "bad". He never forgave me for that first bite After that, he was always mad. He shoved me back into my cage, And I started to scream. Then he hit me in rage And my life became a bad dream. So, now I scream and yes, I bite. I'm angry and misunderstood. But, please take me home with you, Love me and I'll be good. Please let me come home with you And spend some time with me. I can be sweet again, I know. Take me home, and you'll see. My next owner swore at me, I learned to say things back. So now my words are crude and rude, Please cut me some slack. If you let me come home with you I'll learn some nicer speech. If you are kind and give me the time I'll change my vulgar screech. I'm really just a baby, And so misunderstood. Please let me come home with you, I can learn to be good. My next owner just HAD to have me. She thought I was "way too cool". But now she doesn't have the time for me. She's busy with boys in school. That's why I began to pluck, I'm not pretty any more. I won't be much of an ornament, If that's what you're looking for. I may never grow new feathers, My chest may always be bare. But my soul, I know, could heal itself If I only had someone who cares. My last owner died and left me, She said she made plans. But she never followed through on them, And I've fallen into bad hands. Please take me home and treat me right. And let our friendship grow. Please let me come home with you, This time it will work, I know. Please overlook my failings, Please end this pain and strife. Please, please take me home with you, And I'll be your friend for life. - Author Unkown
  19. LOL, obviously thats what they have said when he poops, hilarious!
  20. How cute! Kallie is letting you know she would like one "On the Rocks" as well.
  21. Maybe you are seeing the real Lucy now that the honeymoon is over? Grabbing your arm and tensing up does not necessarily mean she is afraid. It could just be that she does not want to go back to her cage at bedtime. Many Greys would stay up all night with or prefer to sleep somewhere other than there cage. Of course we all know the cage is the safest place for them and thus must return there. At bedtime here, we must have our grey step up, then we gently place our hand lightly over his back and wings as we carry him to his cage. His talons are clamping down on the arm tightly and sometimes he tries very hard to twist or turn to free himself to fly away. It has nothing to do with fear, it is all about flat out not wanting to go back to his cage. If Lucy had night terrors, you would hear her suddenly flapping around her cage in the middle of the night. Do you? Also, rather than trying a sleep cage and taking her in your room at night, just place her in her large cage at night an call it good. Then at least she is in a cage you know she is comfortable in and also the same surroundings she see's all day long.
  22. I suspect Gilbert is picking up perhaps Dayo's voice, because he can hear the underlying secret Grey codes for "We are the ruler's, defy the humans!" only audible to the Greys. In all fairness to Dayo though, I must say he has becoming very loving towards me comparative to a few years ago. I really have to upset him or get him over exciting playing to receive one of those bck o the neck pinches. Which is my fault...... but I love it!
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