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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. What very sad news. You did all you could and provided a wonderful environment the time she had with you.You have my condolences and prayers.
  2. Wow, what a story and who would have ever thought that bowl would have done the trick. Juyst another thing to add to the list of things to try when this type of issue exists. Thanks for sharing this!
  3. I know you "Wishing" time and getting down to one feed daily was already here. It's been years, but I remember that angst like it was yesterday as we visited Dayo multiple times a week waiting for the day we could bring him home. The breed did allow us to start bring him home at about 12 weeks old for 3 or 4 hour visits until we were able to bring him permanently. Maybe that could be an option for you as well? It is amazing that Zulu is talking already! As Ray said, you may end up trying to figure out soon how to get Zulu to stop asking "Why, Why, Why" like a two year old.
  4. Welcome Gin and Wozzie! How wonderful that you and your husband have had two dreams come true now that you have raised your children and were able to fulfill them. You are doing great work being missionaries and also in rescuing a Grey in need of a loving home. The bitting is something you can owrk on. The thing thing to do is learn Wozzies body language and just know that as you start asking for a step and see pinning eyes, maybe feathers fluffed and head down to just stop and avoid the bite. He/She is probably wondering why with all the body language given you keep coming. You will learn many things through trial and error. It's good to hear you are finding the information on the forum helpful. Of course with all the great members we have here an answer to you questions is just a new post away. I look forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance.
  5. Congrats on arranging the deposit. If you are able to go and visit, then let one of the two greys remaining pick you if possible, regardless of sex. Not a lot of difference between a male or female grey other than the laying of eggs possibility.
  6. Alfie is awesome and you have done a GreYT job in helping him master "Wash"! He is so smart and no doubt keeps you in awe all the time. Thanks for sharing this. I love hearing of stories like this showing how in tune they are with us and the activities that go on.
  7. It sounds like you have done a GreYt job of "Winging it" without the help of the breeder. Bravo, my hat is off to you. I look forward to hearing a lot more, seeing photos and videos.
  8. LOL and Dayo is the Drama King. But, they must get wet regardless of all the drama, so go for it Nancy!
  9. FYI - I am not saying they may not become a pair. Just that there is no guarantee. A tamed grey does not normally make for a good breeding pair that will successfully provide fertilized eggs.
  10. That's wonderful, I am looking forward to many updates on this.
  11. That's wonderful and your a good parront by providing a bounty of different tastes and textures for her to explore.
  12. I am sorry but you were given false information.
  13. Integrating them will basically be on their terms. Charlie is protective of what he perceives as his mate and this will continue unless at some point he just gives knowing this is how things are going to be in your home. Amanda is obviously smitten with you and that just pisses Charlie off. You are right in stating that your wife is second banana and will always treat your wife like that to one degree or another. It could improve, but you will always be the favored. Only time and patience with everyone accepting their respective roles in the flock dynamics will eventually get to where it will always remain.
  14. Judy is spot on. A tame Grey will not usually become a good breeder. Also, just putting a male and female grey together never means they will become a breeding pair. My best suggestion to you if you really wish to start breeding greys, is to purchase a guaranteed breeding pair. I wish you good luck with this endeavor.
  15. My grey hates any type of misting, showering etc. unless it is on his terms which is any water bowl big enough for him to get in and bath himself when he wishes. Large pie pans, large dog water bowls. Sometimes he will fly over to their water bowls and jump in, which we must stop immediately so we can thoroughly wash it first to cleanse of all the nasty dog slobber in it. I must mist him in his cage to keep him confined or in the warm/hot months we roll the cages outside and mist them with a nozzle attached to a water hose until the are drenched. Then a nice sun drenching and preening for a few hours and their good to go.
  16. Vasa's are rare and hard to find in many areas. We had a member a few years ago that obtained one and shared many stories, photos and videos of it. They are certain unique in physical attributes if you will in regards their external sex organ.
  17. This sounds like normal behavior to me. Charlie is jealous and wants t be first in the line for attention and lets you and Amanda know it by his nips and body language. Our grey will chase our conure away and has even bitten him a few times when he wanted my wife's attention first, then sometimes bites my wife for paying attention to Jake as well. Then wants some scratches afterwards.
  18. Daves spot on as always. A little rest after an incident like that is normal.
  19. LOL, GreYt video. Dayo likes to play rough as well. I cannot begin to count the bruises, small cuts and tails feathers lost due to the gusto he puts in to beating the hell out of his toys.
  20. They are all beautiful. Thanks for sharing these!
  21. I hope all is ok, since we have not heard back at all on this.
  22. danmcq

    Sweet babies !!!

    Very cute photos!
  23. danmcq

    Some Babies...

    Love these photos! Yes, been there during B&G and Green Wing fledging time at my breeders, what a hoot!!!!
  24. African Greys in the wild eat corn/maize along with other items in their diet. Corn is a source of carbohydrates which you burn a ton of flapping those wings... Dayo gets a small corn on the cob about once a month and absolutley loves it> Corn nutrition: 1 6 1/2" ear (or 1/2 cup) has approximately: 75 calories 15 grams carbohydrate 2 grams protein 1 grams fat 2 grams fiber Corn calories are a good source of dietary fiber, vitamin C, folate, phosphorus, manganese, vitamin B1, and vitamin B5. In other words...the nutritional value of corn is worthy of considering! It's NOT a source of "empty" calories like so many other "starchy" foods (pretzels, white bread, white pasta, cookies, muffins, cakes, etc.). The nutritional value of corn goes beyond vitamins and minerals. Corn is packed with health-protective substances called beta-cryptoxanthin and lutein. These are the carotenoids (plant chemicals) that give corn it's yellow color and they have disease protecting effects against lung cancer and macular degeneration. One note, no vegetables I provide are ever from a can. They are always purchased fresh or frozen and prepared by myself or wife to ensure we know that there is zero salt for example. They like veggies raw and cooked. Some days they prefer one or the other. I also provide frozen veggie mixes that I microwave to either a thawed or cooked state.
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