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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Such sad news and very bad experience just having gotten your first grey. I know it is so difficult in your country to find a good breeder ot pet store and even more so a very experienced Avian Veterinarian. I have no doubt you will be very conscious of this going forward to ensure you first to start off with a healthy grey and have that avian vet already in your book for any check-ups or emergencies. I know of one poor fellow that used to be on this forum that actually had to travel out of country on an emergency for his grey, which ultimately ended up dieing because even with that colossal effort, too much time had already elapsed. I wish you well and look forward to hearing from you again as you search for your next grey.
  2. danmcq

    Orange Juice?

    Just an observation here and how Dayo interacts and always has. Treats never really worked as enticements for him either and many times I would end up with a bloody finger rather than him taking the treat. Then one day I noticed how he just glowed when I praised him with my biggest smiley face on, excited voice and thanked him for turning the water off and told him he was so smart. From then on I used praise with enthusiasm and he will do just about anything to get it. It has turned out to be fun for both of us. Sometimes he will turn the kitchen water on just so I will ask him to turn it off and praise him when he does so. He such a stinker, just like a little child. They want nothing bu your undivided attention and praise.
  3. Welcome! Piper is too cute. Just love those adorable baby photos.
  4. danmcq

    Orange Juice?

    Like Judy said, it's ok in moderation. Dayo tried orange juice once, shook his head and made (if they could) a funny face like an infant tasting something for the first time. Never touched another orange or orange juice again.
  5. It's wonderful that he is back home now. Sometimes in a panic, the obvious is overlooked at first.
  6. LOL, well it's better than a screeching chalkboard sound.
  7. Poor guy. I hope this next vet finds the underlying cause, which sounds like his ear.
  8. The others have all posted great information. The biggest health issues seen in Greys due to diet are: 1) Vitamin D3 deficiency which is produced by the bird either having indoor avian lighting, taken outside in their cage or on a harness for a few hours 3 or more days a week or pellets 2) Vitamin A deficiency, carrots, sweet potato, yams and red palm oil are high sources of this vitamin. 3) Calcium deficiency, this can be obtained in chicken leg bones, ground up egg shells mixed in with something he will eat like scrambled eggs, hot oatmeal etc. The key for absorption though, is they must have vitamin D3 in their system or no Calcium is absorbed. Experiment with various foods, raw, cooked, mashed up etc. One day they will eat one type and the next not touch it. Just keep offering various foods. The key here is supply a bounty of choices each day of various types of foods. A good seed mix with some nuts is fine to keep in his cage 24/7.
  9. Wow, GreYt introduction!!! Welcome Katrina and Alfie. It is so good to hear you thought about the re-homing of Alfi for quite a while and came to the wonderful dicision that you could not go on without that wonderful and intelligent Grey that you love so much and he in return. I look forward to hearing all that you have to share also in your 9 years of life with Alfie.
  10. Just let it dry naturally with no rinsing needed.
  11. The new cage is too much of a shock for her. Please place her back in her original cage if possible and let her get used to seeing this new one and exploring over to it in her own timing. She just lost her sanctuary of safety and does not know she should be excited about a new sanctuary.
  12. These are stills from the Adam Sandler movie Jack and Jill, it is movie magic and not real, the bird was not truly in the fountain. Still, there is probably some moron parrot owner out there would perhaps try this....... A video clip from the movie of this:
  13. It was partly pink when he was young, now it is solid black. This is common with young/baby greys.
  14. Because a grey that prefers a flock rather than humans is a perfect breeder most the time. The personality trait does not necessarily carry over to clutches that grey and it's mate produce.
  15. Oh Jesus Dave, that's my childhood as well. I wish all children could experience them, but they are too busy playing videos games, texting .... Thanks for sharing this!
  16. Awww, Rosie is starting to come around and letting you know she is enjoying the interaction.
  17. Just hang in there. I believe it will work out for you.
  18. No one can "Pick" a grey at 5 weeks old. The grey's will pick whom they like over time and visits. At around 10 to 12 weeks old the ones coming to you are the ones you should chose from. I understand this is upsetting for you and completely understand. Hopefully this all works out between you and the breeder and you can chose the one you want that reciprocates in like manner over time. Our breeder wound up with one grey that became very standoffish and actually attacked me and the breeders after he/she was about 10 weeks old. Needless to say that grey wound up being a breeder and was not sold, but kept by the breeders.
  19. danmcq


    Anything that damages, irritates or inflames the feather follicle can interfere with that feather follicles ability to grow a normal feather. If a feather is traumatically pulled from a feather follicle, the feather follicle can be damaged and the replacement feather that grows can be deformed or not grow at all depending on the amount of damage. When a feather is lost, it is replaced immediately in most cases. If you check his primary follicles on each wing and see no portion of a shaft left (You will probably need to towel him) they have been damaged beyond ever growing another feather. Jesus at 30 + years, there i sno doubt he is doing good and is becoming more open to up close and personal interaction, at least with our husband. Thats GreYt!
  20. Too cute! I have no doubt the Aloe spraying is helping that itch from all those pin feathers as well.
  21. Never had Depression, but had anxiety attacks for about 2 years back when I was working 80 hours a week and traveling the world almost non-stop installing, troubleshooting and programming visual and robotic systems. First thing the doctor did (that gave me even more anxiety) was want to do an mri with a tumor being a possibility. Once that was all clear, Xanax and Paxil for 2 years before I no longer needed. The anxiety was almost crippling in the sense I did not want to go to work, but just did it anyway put up with the panic attacks as I drove, flew or was in the office. People probably wondered what was wrong with this figidity guy acting all nervous... So hang in there and just keep on keeping on knowing that one day it will subside.
  22. So sorry to hear this. Just keep searching and calling for him. Look under bushes, plants etc. I don't know how much he could gain, but probably not much from your flight description. IN addition to the good advice Judy gave, post on craigs list http://www.craigslist.org/about/sites and http://www.911parrotalert.com/
  23. Sorry to hear this Jeff. It is always heart wrenching we lose a loving and loyal family member that always gave unconditional love and brought more joy and smiles to our face the we can remember.
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