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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. LOL! Sounds like the making of a good new pirate movie to me Matey! Arrrrrrrrrrrrrr, welcome to the ship!
  2. LOL!!!! Thanks for the morning laugh, I almost spit coffee all over my screen.
  3. For the first outing and changing around the cage layout with perches, it sounds like things went as well as they could considering the newness of our home to him. You did well and there are times a towel or blanket is the only option for both your safety. As time progresses your love, patience and gentle care will melt that fear away and the relationship will grow.
  4. Wow, fun video to watch. Note to self: When letting Crow take bath, wear a rain suit and protect all electronic items!.
  5. Oh Boy.... With a bored grey outdoors (Rare) the chewing is something you cannot really stop it, I don't think. My Grey will chew on the elastic line sometimes and that scares the hell out of me... they can chomp through it very quickly. You may need to purchase stock in the aviator harness company so you can keep several in stock at once and one in your pocket to replace one almost chewed through on a long walk.
  6. I saw that. I only know what works for my parrots and other birds owned over decades, just as you. It seems to be a general thought that the backside of a birds cage be near a wall, not out in the center of a room. Both the cages back side is about 5 inches from the wall. The other sides are all unobstructed views to the room.
  7. Nice photos of Alfie. They do love to play with bottles. But, glass bottles are heavy and could hurt them if they fell over on a hard surface and smashed a toe for example. I sometimes give Dayo a plastic bottle of various size depending on what beverage was just finished out of one. He will beat, chase and fly after it with tons of enthusiasm and excitement. Big Fun!
  8. What an interesting meeting out of cage between the two. Ellie may not realize yet that oscar is blind in one eye. She will learn that eventually. Turning their back to another is normally indicative of just ignoring the other kind of... It takes a bit for a relationship to develop over time.
  9. Could you post some photos of the grey? The lack of claws and feathers? Sounds like it has had one hell of a journey. I believe there are some very heartbroken owners of that grey looking desperately to find it. Post on craigslist, Parrot911 (search it too) http://www.911parrotalert.com/ also read the local classifieds etc. They may have even posted fliers on poles, in vets offices and maybe even in pet stores. I know you seem to really want to keep him, but please exhaust all avenues to find the owners if possible. I nkow you don't know this, but all us Parrot owners love them as our own birthed children. they are amazingly intelligent and live for up to 60 years. There are a ton of things ouneed to learn and know about haing such a tropical parrot in yoru care abot providing them withthe proper living environment, diet, lighting etc. With that said, we will gladly help in answering any questions you have.
  10. I have never noticed this about the nares area. Dayo just puffs up all over when content and happy. The downside is he also puffs up as a warning. Each grey is different in many ways. Only the owners can know and observe their individual greys body language as they scrutinize the most minute indicators in each respective response to something.
  11. EarthChild - How did this go? Greys are notoriously fearful of new toys. You normally do not want to place them in the cage with out first letting them eyeball the new toys from a distance placed a few feet away from the cage. Then hanging them on the outside of the cage once you know they have gotten used to it after a few days, then lastly placing them in the cage.
  12. In my opinion, the video and the climbing pattern is an anxious grey such as when the loved parront leaves the room, has just pulled in the garage, is walking down the hall where the grey cannot see and is saying "Here I come" for example. I know this, because dayo has a dome topped cage and does that when anxious or excited about an eagerly awaited event to happen. As a side note, when our conure jake is excited, he grabs on the side cage bars and flaps like a mad man while squawking loudly like an insane person. Jesus if he ever let go he would hit the other side at a gazillion miles per hour.
  13. Parrot university is the first and only place that has started imping parrots. It is mainly macaws, but they could do a grey. Macaws are more like a puppy dog mentality versus a grey is neurotic and fearful. Give Parrot University a call and speak with them or email them.
  14. Excellent post Dave, as always!! making this a Sticky. Thank you so much.
  15. Lily is a sweetheart. Thanks for sharing these photos.
  16. I look at this as a learning experience for you both. You hit the nail on the head using the word "Trust". It is being built between the both of you, not just a one way street. In a rescue case such as this, I view it more as "Learning" experience for you both through trial and error as you both build this relationship. All relationships ships in life end up at some point in time reaching a level it will level off and remain at forever. It is based upon trust and love in varying degrees until hitting the maximum level of each individuals "Desired" point. Some end up in full and true love, others in a close friendship or a guarded friendship. That level is not fully matured and known sometimes until several months or even years have passed. This of course is dependent upon each individuals commit to the process. I personally do not think this involves teaching or training at all. I is a purely learning experience for both as interacting with each other brings about the likes and dislikes of each others comfort levels and safety zones. Maybe I am way off base here, but thats my thoughts on this particular case of you two coming in to each others lives and the present situation destiny has thrown at you both.
  17. Welcome Court and Lily! It seems destiny had it's course withyou and Lily. I love hearing of such occasions of a life-path altering event that enrich two beautiful souls lives coming together by what seemed like a chance meeting. You can post the photo's in this thread if you wish, since it is your introduction to us. I am looking forward to seeing them and hearing more.
  18. It is interesting you brought this up. Dayo has a climbing Pattern he uses climbing around when anxious over something like us walking out of the room or we tell him we need to go someplace and will be right back or we ask if he wants to go outside etc. He has used this exact pattern for years. It seems this is something they all do it seems. I appreciate your bringing this up and would like to hear from others that have noticed such a "Climbing Pattern". They seem to be a complex pattern and used over and over. Don't know why though. This is actually a new topic never discussed on this forum or anywhere else I have seen or read. So, lets hear it folks. Have you also noticed this?
  19. Jellybean is definitely calibrating and practicing. We spent 5 years in Würzburg Germany when I was in the 69th Air Defense Battalion 1972 to 1977. In fact our youngest son was born there. Anyway, I do remember how much the "ch" sound was very pronounced in many of the words. So it makes sense it is that sound being picked up so readily by Jellybean. He is well on his way to talking! Thanks for this update, I wold love to hear them more often, along with photos and videos of him.
  20. LOL, Alfie is keeping you confused by sending mixed signals. Greys are notorious for doing this and use what I call the "Grey Smoke and Mirrors" technique. It was developed over thousands of years to keep all predators completely dumb founded as to what just happened and why the grey reacted differently than the last time they tried to make a meal of it. Due to their limited physical strength, they use their powerful mental abilities developed to keep all the jungle confused and in awe of them. Elephants are even seen communing and discussing jungle issues with them at the water holes. I am soooo happy for you that Alfie gave you a "carrot" to let you know your doing fine before you lost all hope.
  21. Thanks for sharing this story of Charlies first outing. I enjoyed thee description of the Parrot to Pigeon interaction.
  22. Nice and while reading this, I listened to: Greys are Radical... Don't mess with trying to change them.
  23. Welcome Constantine, it's GreYt having you here. Looking forward to hearing more about this 8 year old rescued grey and how it progresses. Bless you for taking him in.
  24. Welcome! What a beautiful baby and congrats. Thanks for sharing these photos,
  25. GreYt job!!!! One small step for Oscar, a huge leap forward for you!
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