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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. My take on this is, I will not stop eating Fruits and Veggies. The Benefit of eating fruit, far out weigh the deficit of trace amounts of residual chemicals mainly contained in the "Skin". I think this does indeed run on the edge of paranoia. But, some people are that picky and if so, good for them :-) One thing you should all know, is that most Fruit for example, are packed in packing houses where the first thing that happens to them is they are dumped in on a conveying line that washes them with trace amounts of Chlorine and other non-toxic chemicals, then spun across rotating brush bed's with water sprayers above them and then rinsed again by water sprayers. Then depending on the type of fruit may go through a dryer and then finally packed. I still wash them at home first, but that's just my paranoia hang-up...dont know who touched them with what ;-) Ok, now you can all blast me :woohoo:
  2. I agree with Beccy..The biggest danger would be a broken Neck and I know it would not fly off if that happened. A minor concussion is a possibility, but you can just watch and enjoy her :-)
  3. LOL CD!!!:woohoo: We do study and have proven Chaos is natural and good too ! Well.....sometimes it's bad too:evil: :side: Fractal Chaos...... <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/07/17 16:32
  4. Thank You Fairy!! Do you have any other Hot Ket Tips that are not obvious?
  5. Hi Judy, I have always known you were Brilliant! :-) Whats strange then, is it is not all my friends, nor is it in the order added etc. You know dis-order drives an engineer crazy!!:side: We will analyze things until we know their atomic composition, weight and how they play with other Atoms :woohoo: I must figure out a pattern or go Bonkers !! {Characters-0002005F}<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/07/17 14:35
  6. LOL Ice ! I guess I will avoid ever giving any garlic too :side:
  7. Ok, every-time I see this, I wonder, what does this mean? "Your friendship path to Ice ( 3 degrees ): danmcq > Tari > Bekkie" It is not self explanatory and it is not for example the "Path" or order friends were added or a complete list of friends I have. Number 5 is Alive, need input :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/07/17 12:30
  8. Lady Gwennivere, Welcome!!! What a great first post and introduction! :-) Great Name you came up with, after all that research and reasoning! You will find very quickly that we are a family here that just loves to hear progress reports, see photos and just chat for the sake of it and enjoying each others conversation. :-) Your co-workers allergy is sad, but it seems destiny had a Grey in the works for you! I'll look forward to hearing of your adventures!
  9. Hi Hawaiisheila, It sounds like your Vet is taking good care of your CAG. Did he say what may be causing this infection such as sterilization of feeding utensils etc.? Others here that raise babies will be able to give you a lot of information on this.
  10. Hi Joe!! It's great to hear from you again and hear more of your adventures with Hemmingway.:laugh: If that doesn't beat all. Now I know why everytime I go the the breeders and play with Dayo and the clutch, I get dumped on almost instantly. They must think I'm the "Potty Stand"!! :blink: I thought they liked me....
  11. Judy and Mandiskem - You both hit the nail on the head! :-) This string sent me on a mission for information on legumes and the like and their affect on the Parrots digestive tract. Foods such as Legumes, Grains and Potatoes are cooked to soften the hardness, neutralize enzymes that inhibit digestion and remove impurities. Un-soaked or non-cooked can enlarge the crop and slow down the entire digestive system, sometimes to a point it becomes fatal. Also something to note is, non-food objects such as plastic toys, synthetic threads, rubber etc. that they love to tear apart can and do become lodged in the digestive tract and are fatal if not detected in time. So here is another reason to not only check the droppings, but also ensure that they have not slowed down or worse, stopped completely.
  12. My Breeder cooks up a pot of several varieties of Beans with veggies of all kinds and feeds it to all her Parrots from Suns to Macaw's.. They love it and are all healthy as horses. I think it's just the Dried that is a problem? But, the question is, why is dry bad?:blink:
  13. danmcq


    Yeah, wait for more replies to get a good general consensus. The safest of course would be the Move to your Mom's :-)
  14. danmcq


    Hi Beccy, Everything I can find on odorless paint say's it's non-toxic and especially good for use around babies, and people who suffer form allergies and breathing problems. It looks like ECO maybe the safest of all from what I can determine. Maybe others here have already used it? It would be wise to move your Grey into the room that is not going to be painted and open the window for fresh air if the temperature is good for that.
  15. Judy - Congrat's on your accomplishments and especially for all the self sacrificing of your time to help all of us on this Forum with your great personality and extreme experience with Greys!! And to All others on this Forum, Thank You!!! {Feel-good-000200BB}
  16. From all the replies, I see only one way, DNA :-) Thats the only 99.99% correct answer. But if you don't really care, use the wives tales ( don't ask me why they're not called men's tales) above and just "Claim It's a ?????" what you want it to be :woohoo:
  17. A word of caution to all - If you are at all fearful of being bitten, when doing the "Fist of Iron", your Grey will know before you ever get your Fist in the Cage and your Grey WILL make you flinch or pull back. If you do either, your Grey wins and your battle will be harder. I do not want to be responsible for anyone getting bit even the slightest, unless they know it is possible for a grey that is bitting with all its might when it strikes, to at least make a dent on tightened backside skin of your your fist, that can and will draw some blood. I can testify to this as it got me good on the second lunge at my fist of iron and have the cuts (small though they are) to prove it along with Melissa :-( But, it is much better than needing stitches from loose skin :-) So, Please be Calm and Careful.....when approaching your Grey in a situation you know they will bite in and be prepared mentally before hand :woohoo:<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/07/16 22:23
  18. CD - That was a great State of the Forum! The first I have ever seen on any forum....your taking this to a higher level. I like it! As for the comments on your accent FERGETTABOUTIT :-) Looking forward to hearing, as Paul Harvey would say "the rest of the Story".....:woohoo: {Feel-good-000200BB}
  19. Hi Geoff - Your description gives a very good mental picture of the bath and the Mothering by your Teil of Mirek .. That's waaaayyy Cool :-)
  20. When does He Bite? When you try to get him to step up? How does he look and sound before the Bite occurs? It sounds like the trust has been lost somehow and now you need to gain it back. Can you think of an incident that occurred that corresponds to when this behaviour started?
  21. Pryde - Getting her to spell her name would be cool and impressive to visitors :-)
  22. HI Tricky, Thanks for the information and description of your Greys issue with you. :-) If you use the "Fist of Iron" , basically make a fist with your thumb inside and then turn your Wrist down so you skin is drawn tightly across the back of your hand and then place it in the Cage and let him strike it. I think you will find that the second strike will be less committed and the third even less so to where he will just realize your not letting him get away with bossing you around :-)
  23. Pryde - Thats is Tooooo Coooool!! :laugh: Great reason for the name and a fantastic explanation!!
  24. It's great to have you finally become visible Pryde! :-) How did you get that unique name? We will definitely be looking for photo's :-)
  25. Hi Monique, It is possible, that he is more intelligent than you give him credit for :-) He may be so brilliant, that he knows he is toast if he goes out that door...he is wise to YOUR game and is not falling for the old - Leave the door open and when they try to get out, shoot them for trying to escape" :-) Who Say's Isaac Newton wasn't affectionate? Why miss out on good lovin
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