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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. xxbeccyxx wrote: Beccy , You are 100% correct :-) Both ends must be highly professional and very experienced at what they are doing or the transaction should never take place.
  2. My Breeder has 2 hawk headed conure eggs in her incubator that she purchased to start a new breeding line. From what I understand about the Hawk headed Conure story, is that many kill the babies right after they are born..weird, but I guess thats a reason to do this. They have a Macaw pair they hatched themsleves also from purchased eggs
  3. Thats a great naming story Nevjoe! Thanks for sharing it!! :-) How is Hemingway coming a long? I know you must have a ton of stories to tell us since your last post on him :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/07/18 22:10
  4. Yes, you can purchase "Live" eggs. But unless you are setup with a proper incubator w/humidity control and are highly experienced doing it, I would not reccomend trying it at all. Also, you would need to verify as Talon indicated that it is a known, reputable dealer that has great reviews.
  5. danmcq


    Tari - :-( I know, it is a sad ending, but it is still a childhood "Good" memory I will never forget :-) The good news is he lived to an old age and enjoyed many grand children and great grand children....In my mind anyway!!
  6. Beccy - Anyone can be a member!! :-) In fact, maybe you could tell us what you have done so well, that you have (for now) a perfect mannered Grey? Please submit yoru ideas to the T-shirt naming contest :woohoo:
  7. danmcq


    Ok, even though this contest is over. I thought I would post a story here, because I think this thread should stay active. :laugh: I absolutely enjoyed every story and those with pictures were beautiful! Wish Celery would have posted a photo of the Jawbreaker though ;-) My Bird Story - I grew up on a ranch the first 13 years of my life in the San Joaquin valley of California. Which meant my Brother and I were fairly isolated from other kids, except when in school. So, we used our imaginations and just played whatever it was we made up or thought of. We enjoyed exploring distant lands ( the other Land owners areas) and playing in Ponds, creeks etc. Anyone in the "Sticks", I think, has pet's of every nature. We had chickens, rabbits, cows/bulls, horses, horny toads, frogs, crawdads (ouch), dogs, parakeets, goldfish...anything breathing became a pet...if we could catch it :-) So, one day I was walking along and noticed a pure white pigeon sitting on the ground to the left and front of me. As I walked closer, it watched, but didn't really act like it was afraid. Finally as I slowed way down and carefully bent down and slowly reached for him, he let me pick him up!! So, my dad helped me build a cage for him and after a few days, my dad clipped his wings so he wouldn't fly off. I named this Pigeon "Jiffy" and as it turned out, I found she was a girl when she laid an egg :-) So, I handled Jiffy, carried her wherever I went and just played with her. She got to where she would just follow me walking along wherever I went. Finally all her feathers grew back and she became flighted. She would take off and do a few laps around the field and come back to me. One day I took off on my bicycle and I was about 2 city blocks away from the house and Jiffy came flying like a madman and landed on my shoulder as I was riding my bike down the dirt road!! Needless to say, we had many good times over the Months with Jiffy. Then one day, she flew a few laps around the house, took a line and just kept flying off in to the distance. It must have been the "Call" to find a Mate and I never saw Jiffy again.... I sure missed her and still do when I remember her, but I know she was happy and that she brought joy into our lives :-) The beginning...........
  8. LOL Tari! Well, if She is a He, all the Girls in the house will be chasing him!! {Feel-good-0002006E}
  9. Well Geoff, all I can say is you are certainly introducing him to a world of change. That seems like the best thing to do for a Grey. I think being able to bring Dayo home this coming Saturday will be similar in exposing him to a travel cage, riding in the car, a new cage at our home, Dobermans and god knows who or what else may pass through during the 4 hours or so we will have him there :-) Oh, BTW - We just got the DNA back and Dayo is a Boy, so now saying "He" is actually correct :-) I sure appreciate all the information you just keep flowing. It's fantastic! :woohoo:
  10. Man, your all making ME hungry and it's 6 am here :woohoo: Looks like Grey's have a broad range of tastes. Once Dayo comes home, I'll spoil him :laugh: Oh, we got the DNA back yesterday and He is a Boy. It would not have mattered anyway, but at least I can now call him, a him without doubt.
  11. Monique, That's is a great article and just makes sense! Great article for Yard3875! When I get Dayo Home (He's 12 weeks now) I will continue that example. My Breeder must follow this concept. Everytime we go visit the 2 Clutches, 6 babies in all, on Saturday's. There has always been little snack foods on the blanket, toys of different colors, shapes and sizes and of course us "Other" people to interact with.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/07/18 14:32
  12. danmcq


    Hi Tari, Did you rescue this Amazon? Prior to deciding on a Grey, I had been considering rescuing an Amazon. Just due to their sheer high numbers in the rescue here near San Jose, Ca. But, after researching them for a while, I came to realize there were so many there do to personality characteristics that most new owners just could not deal with. It is so sad to see all these guys in a rescue, over and over again as new owners just can't seem to work properly with them and again return the poor guys back to rescues. That was my main reason for not rescuing one. I knew I did not have the skills or knowledge to successfully rehab a 10 - 30 year old Amazon that had been improperly handled all those years. Maybe after a few more years of maintaining my Peach Front Conure and my New baby CAG "Dayo", I'll be able to rescue an Amazon and help him to become a great Parrot that can enjoy life as you have! :-) My Hat is off to You Tari and all others who rescue and love these mistreated and misunderstood beautiful Parrots.!!!
  13. Geoff, That is hilarious :woohoo: That duster was probably the craziest and scariest Bird Mirek had ever seen!:side: I like your idea of placing the object of fear in the cage.....Vacuum cleaner ...hahahahahahahaha You are having too much fun :laugh:
  14. Birdgranna Thats a nice idea! Many of us do not have the image editing skills or tools to do them. This is where Talonsis comes in. If you have an idea, write out the description as you did and TalonSis (I hope) will mock it up so everyone can get a visual of it. Thanks for all the great ideas! Keep them coming!!
  15. Tari - - - Your right, I do not have a level (Flat)Head, thank you very much :-) I am told it is well rounded
  16. Yes, it would cost more. . . I am just trying to be accommodating :laugh: I think with a good group of voters like we have on this forum, the winner will be very appealing to both genders :woohoo: Hopefully, this will be a T-shirt that everyone will want and when all is said and done. It may help in the support of this great Forum that our extended family calls Home :-)
  17. This is a good Link Tari! I believe we have a few, I won't state how many a "Few" are...This will keep the dense puppies busy for hours......:evil:
  18. Geoff - Possessed - LOL! I am really initerested in seeing how the Harness break-in goes. You know I am going to try the same thing as soon as Dayo comes home. So, I am keeping notes :-)
  19. Monique, I like the messages and the play on words. Very interesting! :laugh: :ohmy: :laugh:
  20. I like it, but we may need to make a Male and Female T-Shirt. I'm not wearing this. :woohoo: ... but I think my Wife would like it :-) It is cool!! Who thinks we should have both Gender T-Shirts?<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/08/20 06:36
  21. You guy's are great! I go into a meeting and you just run wirth it!!:woohoo: Chapter 13 was just an example...sorry, guess I had an old Hells Angel Chapter Jacket in mind...:laugh: But, it looks like the example worked ;-)
  22. All, Please submit a Slogan and Image Idea for the Front and Back of Your T-Shirt as a The Parrot "Bite Me" Club Member!! I will pay for the Winners T-Shirt :-) Example: Front "No Fear and No Tear" Image of one pissed off Grey Member "The Parrot "Bite Me Club" Chapter 13 Back We Know how to say NO to Biting Image of one VERY Loving Grey www.GreyForums.net Join The Parrot "Bite Me Club" and Have a non-bite relationship with your Grey You folks get the idea :-)
  23. Thanks Tari! This one had me stumped :-) Now I know when my breeder started feeding Dayo foods along with the feedings.!
  24. Thanks Lidia...I think so :-) But, others with lower standards ;-) might call it paranoia, so I am just giving them their space,....... very SMALL space, as it is :woohoo:
  25. Geoff , It is great to get these updates on Mireks progress, actions (flying!!) , stepping up like the Big Boys and one upping them by getting a harness on. Keep these coming, It's like anticipating the morning news paper arriving!! :laugh: Karma + for you Mister faithful!!! {Feel-good-000200BB}
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