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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. danmcq


    OH NO!! Thats terrible news. Godspeed to her and tell her she is in our Prayers! Thank you for letting us Know Steve!!!
  2. I am not sure, if others already know this, but this months BirdTalk magazine is featuring the Quakers. It is a great read, photo's and really makes one want to go add one of these great and loving Parrots to your family :-)
  3. Spookyhurst, That is an impressive Video. I have watched it several times along with a few others of Alex. The study that Dr. Pepperberg has been conducting for over 19 years with Alex and other Greys is very interesting to follow. If your interested for more information on Alex, you can go to their website: http://www.alexfoundation.org/index2.htm She will be speaking in a city about 45 minutes from us in November. Needless to say, we will be in attendance :-) You can check out the event calendar while your on that site to see if or when she may be close to your area.
  4. I Ditto, what Talon and Judy said.! But, since I'm a Guy, I don't get that mushy :-) ... You know, it's a guy thing I thought the soundtract was also perfectly selected!
  5. Judy, Thanks for that indoor plant list. :-) We have a couple of those listed and I will certainly ensure my Parrots never munch on them. You would think, Parrots, like other wild animals would instinctively know what good and bad. I have read however, that in the wild, Parrots eat clay. It coats their Crops/digestive tract and protects them from the poisons of the tree's and plants, that they ingest as part of their natural feeding process. Obviously, none of us maintain clay for them. At least I've not seen it post about it yet, that anyone does.
  6. Hello FairY, I wasn't certain what you were communicating to me at first, so I had to go learn something new :-) "Mazzeltov - is the only correct way of spelling the originally Jewish word for "luck", or even "godspeed" . I am honored to have your invocation of this towards Me! Thank You :-)<br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/07/24 15:29
  7. CD - What a great tribute to the Forum Family. The time, passion and love you put in to producing this is a great demonstration of just how much you care about the Members of this forum and your appreciation of them. I can not imagine, how much work this took, but I have a good idea. :-) Thank You Bro!!! {Feel-good-000200BB}
  8. Dinkanber, From what I understand, they never cooperative for Video Camera's.. Thanks for being willing to go through this effort, to share video's of your Grey with us!!:laugh:
  9. Jean - LOL - That is just too funny. I love the "MOMMIE....COFFEE PLEASE" your Grey does. :-)
  10. RdnkParamedic21 wrote: Darn, just some Happy Gas was all I was asking for :-) You know, we may need your services over in the Parrot "Bite Me" Club though. I think I will make you the official "Doctor in the House" there.. You never know when a 911 Bite might come in LIVE instead of just a story from the past!! {Feel-bad-00020080}
  11. Thanks Judy, for the inside track. I'll PM you and Talon if I run in to trouble, but don't let CD know ;-)
  12. Thanks for the input Talon! :laugh: JudyGram - I am really anxious to see it myself :woohoo:
  13. LOL JudyGram !! Are you trying to say something ...hmmmm hmmmm As Master Kom Pow would say " Float like a butterfly and sting like a Bee" :laugh: I did move quickly though, and in my own mind, it was an awesome acrobatic move
  14. Thanks for that insight Dinkanber. This action of displaying emotions over what is taking place in the household, in which he feels, he's a member of. Is acting out his emotions just as an older Human child or teenager. This is amazing, that they are that connected mentally in understanding the elevated emotions surrounding them. No wonder Grey owners sometimes have no clue why their Grey is growling and biting all of a sudden. I guess I had better break out the old Psychology books from college and start watching Dr. Phil :woohoo:
  15. Oh, thanks for Clarifying that Birdgranna. I didn't catch the AFTER you clean the first time. Thank You. I am with Tricky, while it's Hot here in California, I roll the Cage outside and Blast Away on the Patio. Then give Jake a misting rain shower from above :-)
  16. Jeaniebean wrote: Good Post JeanieBean! :-) However, I am not certain I want my Grey to fly at super-sonic speeds or flying while intoxicated .....Thanks for the warning!! {Emotions-00020120}
  17. Judygram!!!!Judygram!!!!Judygram!!!! :woohoo: YOU JUST RAISED THE BAR ON ME AGAIN!!! Jeeeezzz, now I know, I will never meet the "Mark" :-( To add, insult to injury, you let me know CD will be watching :ohmy: Your Killing me, I tell Ya, killing Me!!!:side: Does anyone else have MORE GOOD NEWS???? {Emotions-0002011C}
  18. Congratulations Loofa! Please keep us posted on the adventures the two of you enjoy together and also post Photos !! :woohoo: We love Photos!!!
  19. Hi Geoff, Thanks for all that information. I am looking forward to hearing Dayo "Growl" for the first time. :woohoo: The addition of the 2nd Cage sounds like it is going to work out well for keeping Mirek close and in the mix, no matter which Room you go to now. That's great! Again, thanks for these consistent updates. It is very interest to hear the different antics of Mirek that are new each and every day :laugh:
  20. This seems to have drastically slowed down. WE have some great entries already, but it would be nice to hear some more ideas and see mock ups of them before we start voting on a Winner. This contest will end on July 31st, so please get your ideas in if you have some. If this stays dormant for more than 3 days, with out an entry. I think we should stop any further waiting time and start voting on a winner. What say the rest of You? Does this sound fair?
  21. Yes, I agree with Tari and Lidia. I have two Dobermans and they would just stare at "Jake" in the cage when I first brought him home. After a few weeks their interest seemed to wain a little, unless Jake flew in his cage or started rattling a toy. I do take Jake out on to a Playstand now and set him in the living room with me. I must watch my Dobies very carefully. Sometimes they seem like they are his best friend, but a few times when Jake flew, they both stood straight to attention and were ready for some action!! The problem was, You can't tell if they just wanted to watch, play or go grab Him. So, I did my best Bruce Lee flying triple somersault and got to Jake before they did.. :woohoo: Be VERY Cautious, it only takes one Bite and it's over. I normally place my Dobies in a back bedroom when I have Jake sitting with me now.
  22. Thanks for posting that Birdganna!! That sounds like a pretty good product. Has anyone else here used it?
  23. Well, All I can say is one word "Botox" Because I have nothing else I can think of, that might help both Parrot and Human on this Topic. :laugh:
  24. Thank you all for your kind words and compliments. :-) I hope I can live up to everything stated in these posts.... Some of you have set the "Mark" pretty high and I will do my best to reach it! :cheer: Off Topics is a tough one. Just due to never knowing what curve ball some wise guy :ohmy: is going to throw into this Room. Which catches everything not covered in the others. Again All , thanks for the Congrats !! I am honored to have been chosen. {Feel-good-000200A2}
  25. That is definately one wet TAG!! :-) Thanks for posting that Photo of Que.
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