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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. danmcq

    Parrot Abuse

    LOL - Now that is a great story Lidia!! God, it sounds like these Grey are just like children!! If it's quite, something is amiss :-)
  2. CD - Thanks for posting the picture :-) It gives me some good ideas on what to go buy next for Dayo! Wish I lived in NY, just to go join the gang at a Parrot Paradise shopping spree....
  3. Ice - You have my condolences. As Talon said, this is a wake up call for those of us that also have smaller Parrots to be VERY careful if we have them both out. This post just changed how I perceived things would go between Dayo when he comes home for good and my Conure Jake.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/07/23 15:20
  4. Sounds like you are really working with him Josh. It seems to be paying off for you in very short order. It is obvious from your comments and the photo that the two of you are already starting to have a good time. It will only get better :-)
  5. Who Me excited and nervous, how could you tell?
  6. Hi Miltie, It's good to hear that it helped at least one person start enjoying this forum by starting to interact with all of us :-) I enjoy your posts and your thoughts! As I am sure everyone else here does also. I know once you bring your Grey home, you will become one of the most active member's :-) I can't wait to here the good news that you have him and then see the updates and photo's !!! :woohoo:
  7. Hi Miltie - It is exciting :-) Yours won't be far behind though!!:woohoo:
  8. Yes, I would like to know if it's common too. Oh yes, rest assured, this will be the first place I will announce it!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :side: :silly: :woohoo:
  9. Jordan is absolutely a cutey Judie. With a Face like that and those big blue eyes. Who could ever think anything different than how you have described her? :-)
  10. danmcq


    Thanks for the update Steve! We can't wait to have her back, as I am certain you are wishing even more so!
  11. Great job on the photo editing on these! Whoever did them. We would need to start a new "The Parrot "Gore Me" Club" :woohoo:
  12. Thanks for all the comments Folks! Talon and Beccy - The Breeder will not let any go until they are fully weaned, maintaining their own weight and of course drinking water. Of course I agree that this is important and I would not want Dayo ever be put at risk. So the estimate is around 2 to 3 more weeks :-( But, at least we have away time visiting privileges :woohoo: Is this common for a Breeder to do if you live in the same town? Talon - Thanks for being anxious for me. I sure have plenty of that to spread around :woohoo:
  13. Lidia -I am embarrassed....Call Me late to the Party :blush: They could not have chosen a better moderator!! Congratulations Lidia!!!! I guess this shows how often I visit this Room :laugh: Congrats again!!! <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/07/22 21:40
  14. We went for our weekly visit at the Breeders to see Dayo. He was right at the front of the cage waiting in expectation as soon as we walked in :woohoo: They let us bring him home to start getting used to a travel cage, car ride , his new home, surroundings and Cage :-) We and He enjoyed this time immensely. I was shocked at how well he took this major change in venue and was just happy to explore everything wholeheartedly! He is fledging and once when I walked from our Family room into the Kitchen (Straight shot for a flying path) I heard a mad beating of wings just in time to see Dayo come to a fairly good landing at my feet :-). He explored his cage, with no apparent concern for the toys and other fixtures I had already placed in it. He Climbed around, rang a few bells and sat in a stainless cup after giving it a good shaking test for stability. Once he got bored, he tried to fly out from the back of the cage through the front door, which isn't quite wide enough for his wings, so he tried to land on the door ledge, missed a little, but saved himself by a good, one point Beak landing :-) WE had all kinds of good food for him to sample and I must say the grapes were his passion, then some apple, then carrot, didn't touch the Broccoli and ate quite a bit of the 7 bean and vegetable cooked mixed with some seeds mixed in afterwards. So, it was hard to take him home ;-( but we knew we had to. He did not drink any water at all and of course it seemed he was eating large volumes of food to us, but the Breeder checked his crop (Now we know where and how to do this) and said it was barely containing any food. So it was an exciting and fun filled afternoon with Dayo that we and He enjoyed immensely with him falling a sleep on the floor and blanket between my wife and I :-) we knew it was time to take him home when he woke up after a cat nap. Here's one Photo of him and I have placed a couple of other links to photobucket if you are interesting in seeing more of week 12. http://s184.photobucket.com/albums/x289/danmcq/?action=view&current=Reduced_DayoEats_2007_0721African_C.jpg http://s184.photobucket.com/albums/x289/danmcq/?action=view&current=Reduced_Dayo_CheckingthingsOUt2007_.jpg http://s184.photobucket.com/albums/x289/danmcq/?action=view&current=Dayo_Looking_Around_2007_0721Africa.jpg
  15. Hi TaraRose and Welocme. Such a tragic and sad account of Tequila :-( On your thoughts of adopting Merlin. It sounds like you are doing your homework, visiting him and and seeing if he picks YOU as his new and loving companion. :-) You are doing such a great work and display of compassion in seeking to Adopt, rather than buy a new Baby!! There are never any promises on how they may behave after the Honeymoon is over. I would think that the way he is already showing interest in you is a very good sign of how things would only get better as he goes from "Evaluating" you to wanting to be with you as his new life long companion and family member :-) There are others here with many years of experience that will chime in with there expert advise! Again, welcome to this Forum!!
  16. Excellent Photo's Splint! They are a joy to see :-)
  17. Dinkanber, I like the term "Relationship" and it's connotations. So, boiling this down to one thought could be expressed as "Any healthy relationship gives respect and allows space for each others independence, thoughts, space and growth". If I am understanding your thread properly and I agree with your comments on this :-) It is just starting to make sense! Thank you for sharing your insight on these things. Karma + for you :laugh:
  18. This is great information on making fun foods that are Healthy! :-) Thanks for Posting this. My Fridge is going to contain more Health Food than it ever has.....
  19. Lidia, Thanks for the great post explaining the different reasons and types of Bites. It was well put together and very explanatory of each type. All Others - Your input is great too and I have tried to assemble what's been reported here so far into a coherent form with meaning. So lets start a Bite Guide List. Bite severity levels: 1 - Not hard - tiny nibble and tongue test for texture 2 - Small pinch - You feel a little pain 3 - Medium pinch - Starting to hurt, don't flinch 4 - Hard pinch - HURTS - leaves a bruise and probably a skin puncture with bleeding 5 - Bite - No doubt leaves a small cut or hole 6 - Hard bite - Your hurt, probably need stitches or more Reasons for bites and related Bite Level: 1) Exploratory nibble - Level 0 to 1 - Likelihood - always 2) Accidental bite - Probably Level 3 to 4 - Likelihood not often 3) Playful bite - Level 1 to 3 - Likelihood - common 4) Warning bite - Level 4 to 5 - Likelihood - not often 5) Leave me alone bite - Level 3 to 4 - Likelihood - not often 6) Protective Bite - Level 5 to 6 - Likelihood - rare 7) Malicious intentional bad-tempered bite - Level 5 to 6 - Likelihood - Very rare 8) Remove Earrings - Level 5 ;-) For you Talon .... Likeyhood - Got earrings exposed? :-) I know there are more and as we get them, I'll add them as you all write about them. If you think I have the levels off or not enough, let me know!! I will change this list to ensure it is accurate. :laugh: Thanks for all the great posts on this topic so far! Keep them coming!!!:woohoo: Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/07/22 16:54<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/07/22 16:57
  20. Thanks for posting this :-) Yes, it seems they rarely co-operative when video, but over time, he will get used to it. Honestly, I could not see any wrinkles He is a fine looking fellow!!:woohoo:
  21. This is sad, as all have said. I agree with Talon and Monique. They probably bit off more than they could chew with there experience level and perhaps $$ to properly get this beautiful Grey re-feathered. The photo collage seems to show that this Grey is more than happy to have human contact and even some snuggling at times. :-) Personally, I hope this Grey is purchased by a loving family, rather than a rescue that would mean re-homing at least 2x more
  22. Hi Tinamarias, It sounds like the home you have provided and the love, freedom and calm atmosphere you have provided over the last day or so is working just fine at helping Ruby feel welcome. :-) We'll be looking forward to updates on her antic's :woohoo:
  23. I agree with Judy on the Cage. Stainless is basically a last for ever cage, but a good Iron, powder coated cage will last for years and years if you just keep it cleaned. Welcome and keep those questions and curiosity going. Once you find a breeder and perhaps visit, you could post some photo's...We love Photo's :woohoo:
  24. Congratulations! Greencheeks are a blast and fun Parrots, though nippy at times, as others have said. But hey, what's a "Bite" between friends :-)
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