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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. LOL Lidia and Judy !! What a Topic.... Now, I am going to get a Bullseye Target, place it on the floor near Dayo's Cage and have him hit the Bullseye if he wants a treat :woohoo:
  2. danmcq

    Free Flying

    Hi Ian, Yes, it seems difficult to get them accustomed to a flying harness, but worth the freedom it provides. I was considering free-flying Dayo also, until members here pointed out the dangers of Hawks, Falcons etc. Which unfortunately, where I live here in Central California, at the base of the Sequoia National Park foothills has large populations of. So, I will just try the harness for keeping him on my arm while walking about with him in public. Do you have access to a large facility you could practice free-flying your CAG?
  3. LOL - Ian good one! :laugh: I appreciate your starting this topic. It is good to read "Why" each of us decided to obtain a "Grey". I'm still waiting to hear from a Pirate I want to know if the eye-patch is from the Parrot removing it B)
  4. Thanks for the update Geoff! :-) It's great to hear all is well and Mirek is becoming quite the character. I will try some Raspberries on Dayo tomorrow. :-)
  5. Miltie - Good One!!! Karma + for You :laugh:
  6. LOL - Judy, You ALWAYS make me Laugh :laugh:
  7. Hi Ian, My reason is simple - My interest in all the wonders of Nature. Amongst all the previous animals, fish, birds and reptiles I have had over decades. The Grey is probably the finality and most intriguing of it... Expressing my social or political stance has nothing to do with it. My opinion, is that neither should.... I was never ostracized, spoken Ill of or experienced any other type of prejudice held against me, over having any of them as pets, by any of the very different social , religious, scientific or any other groups I spend time and interact with. Most, over the years, have simply been intrigued by these natural wonders. My only negatively perceived social or political stance by some (which never expressed it). Would have been from, My Drag Racing, Motocross, Boating, Street Bike and Street Rod group of friends I socialize with and enjoy very much. We just do it, because it's FUN............:woohoo: Most Electronic Engineers, are not this wild, but I always have been, yet professional at work... {Characters-0002005D}<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/07/28 04:44
  8. danmcq

    Free Flying

    Ian, Here is a great link to an actual Forum Members website. He dedicated this to his Grey (now expitred) and his free-flying photo's, adventures and articles. http://www.geocities.com/shanlung9/
  9. danmcq

    Treat Question

    Monique and Loviechick - Thanks or the feedback on the Nutriberries :-)
  10. Welcome Tatifish! Your new TAG sounds like a real charmer and character :-). I'm looking forward to seeing the Photo, we love them here !
  11. Welcome Julieinva! What a commendable thing to do for that TAG. I am sure you and He will get along great and come to enjoy one another immensely
  12. Mandiskem - That Video and "Sound Effects" were hilarious!! Thanks for doing this! :laugh:
  13. Snow - Quote:"Maybe man did not discover fire after all... perhaps it was an AG" Your right, they were trying to cook the Man!! :woohoo:
  14. Hi Drew, I purchased the Video about a year ago when I first got my Conure hoping it would help me tame him...NOT Regarding training for tricks, it basically shows you 3 tricks they teach a Macaw and a Cockatoo..not real exciting stuff. Also, they will automatically start sending you THEIR recommended pelletized food, which you never asked for, but they send it and will continue @$30 a bag once a month unless you email them and advise you don't want it. My advise is to just save your money and use it on a good book :-)
  15. Yep, thats 3 of us, DNA.....:woohoo:
  16. Hi Geoff!! No update on Mirek lately, are you two having so much fun you don't have time for a little update? :ohmy: You got us hooked and then took away the feed.:laugh: Hope all is well...
  17. I agree with Ceasar and Talon. I will socialize Dayo with all, which there are many different guests we have in our home. I hope Dayo will come to recognize that socializing is fun and interesting. Hopefully, change will be something Dayo will experience everyday and welcome it. I will "Train" and "Coach" anyone desiring to approach or perhaps try a step-up with Dayo BEFORE they ever get that close so the experience will be a mutually good one for both. That's "Dan's" theory and I'm sticking to it :-)
  18. Hi Christina, One thing to consider also, is that at 10 weeks old, he is very, very young and all in his sight is new, scary and unfamiliar. Dayo was reserved and cautious as you describe at 10 weeks. Week 11 he was more exploratory and Week 12 he's come to realize if something is put in front of him by the breeder or us, it must be something that is safe. :-) Now we have to watch him every minute to ensure he's safe. Much like a human baby that starts exploring everything :woohoo: Thanks for updating his progress!
  19. danmcq

    Treat Question

    Do any of you give Nutriberries, Yogurt Dip Parrot Mango Etc. If so, do you think they are "Good" for them while at the same time making their snacking more lively and fun?
  20. Beccy - Clicker training won't work on us Guy's .....We like the sound B) It just encourages us more
  21. Hey Kim - That's not funny !! Don't go gettng any BAD ideas from Judy! :huh:
  22. Ice, Roxy Rocks :-) You are word relationship method you are using is very wise of you. Isn't amazing how they are such intelligent creatures? Keep us posted of Roxy's speech progress. It is very interesting to be able to watch this happen from such an early age. :laugh:
  23. Your fiance did a great job on surpizing you with this! I echo Judy - Let's see some Photo's :woohoo:
  24. Texasgirl is banned from this forum.....
  25. FairY - What an appropriate Link :laugh: Frankie - It's great the hear your Family took such good care of your Grey and just gave him space to be himself. Post photo's when you get a chance :laugh:
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